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Appendix 4

ItemInfertile eggs
Fertile eggs
 Ducklings(a) 100 females     400.00 
  (b) 100 females and 20 males      480.00
 Feed 1(a) 100 females 17 527.50 
  (b) 100 females and 20 males  21 033.00
 Labour      540.00    648.00
 Electricity       72.00      86.40
 Medecine 2     338.55     444.95
 Miscellaneous 3     896.38  1 112.37
   Total:19 794.4323 804.72
 Meat-duck sales 4 2 250.002 700.00
 Value of eggs 5 17 544.4321 104.72
   Total:19 794.4323 804.72
 Value of egg per piece         1.62        1.95

1 Feed consumption per duck:
1 month starter mash, 1.95 kg at the rate of Rs. 2.50/kg
5 months grower mash, 28.50 kg at the rate of Rs. 2.00/kg
9 months layer mash, 54.00 kg at the rate of Rs. 2.10/kg

2 2% of costs of ducklings and feed

3 5% of costs of ducklings and feed

4 Mortality: 10% of total number of ducks, average liveweight of duck is 2.5 kg and selling price Rs. 10/kg

5 Average egg production per layer is 120

(Interest on capital investment, depreciation and sale of manure are excluded).

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