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Appendix 10

Item100 ducklings started per lot
  Full feedingPartial feeding
 Ducklings 400.00400.00 
 Feed 1 2 665.00487.50 
 Miscellaneous 2 -443.75 
 Depreciation 3 126.65168.86 
 Interest 4 153.95141.69 
 Repayment for loan 5 153.2576.92 
      Total3 498.851 712.21 
 Meat-duck sales 6    Total3 498.851 712.21 
 Value of duck per kg liveweight 14.739.05 

1 Full feeding: 30 days starter mash, 195 kg at the rate of Rs. 2.50/kg
45 days grower mash, 788 kg at the rate of Rs. 2.00/kg
15 days finisher mash, 300 kg at the rate of Rs. 2.00/kg

Partial feeding: 30 days starter mash, 195 kg at the rate of Rs. 2.50/kg

2 Partial feeding: 50% of cost of ducklings and feed, allowance for cost of feed after one month period

3 Total cost of duck house and equipment is Rs. 2 533.00 and expected lifetime is five years
Full feeding: 4 lots per year
Partial feeding: 3 lots per year

4 11% interest on capital investment
Full feeding: Capital investment Rs. 5 598.00
Partial feeding: Capital investment Rs. 3 864.25

5 Five years to repay loan
Full feeding: on ducklings and feed
Partial feeding: on ducklings, feed and miscellaneous

6 Full feeding: 5% mortality and average bird liveweight is 2.5 kg
Partial feeding: 5% mortality and average bird liveweight is 2.0 kg

(Value of manure is not included).


Fig.1 - Duck layer or grower house (one compartment)

Fig. 2

Fig. 2 - Feed trough and water trough

Fig. 3

Fig. 3 - Brooder house

Fig. 4

Fig. 4 - Brooding cage (100–150 ducklings)

Fig. 5

Fig.5 - Incubator house

Fig. 6

Fig.6 - Duck finisher house to accommodate 100 birds

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