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The nucleus of the future distribution system has been established with the foundation of the above-mentioned centres. The system could easily be enlarged.

Research should be undertaken jointly with the Food Research Section in Kathmandu into the possibility of improving the methods of smoking and drying fish in the main producing regions as the existing methods as practised in the villages are rather primitive.

Programme should be started for production of fish that will make possible a continuous supply to the market, which is of especial attraction for the tourist trade.

Table 1


1.Cool Rooms 2.6 × 2.2 m (smaller) 2 pieces          (in cm)
Floor:2 piecesat 120 × 200(black)× 2 =  4 pieces 120 × 200
Roof:a)2 piecesat   80 × 200× 2 =  4 pieces   80 × 200
b)1 pieceat   80 × 200with refr. unit × 2 =  2 pieces W 114 refr. unit
Walls:4 piecesat 120 × 200× 2 =  8 pieces 120 × 200
Front:a)1 pieceat   80 × 200× 2 =  2 pieces   80 × 200
b)1 pieceat 120 × 200with door × 2 =  2 pieces with door
Back:a)1 pieceat 120 × 200× 2 =  2 pieces 120 × 200
b)1 pieceat   80 × 200× 2 =  2 pieces   80 × 200
2.Cool Rooms 5.4 × 2.2 m (larger) 2 pieces
Floor:a)3 piecesat 120 × 200(black)× 2 =  6 pieces 120 × 200
b)2 piecesat   80 × 200(black)× 2 =  4 pieces   80 × 200
Roof:a)3 piecesat 120 × 200× 2 =  6 pieces 120 × 200
b)1 pieceat   80 × 200× 2 =  2 pieces   80 × 200
c)1 pieceat   80 × 200with refr. unit × 2 =  2 pieces with refr. unit
Walls:a)6 piecesat 120 × 200× 2 =12 pieces 120 × 200
b)4 piecesat   80 × 200× 2 =  8 pieces   80 × 200
Front:a)1 pieceat   80 × 200× 2 =  2 pieces   80 × 200
b)1 pieceat 120 × 200with door × 2 =  2 pieces with door
Back:a)1 pieceat 120 × 200× 2 =  2 pieces 120 × 200
 b)1 pieceat   80 × 200 × 2 =  2 pieces   80 × 200
TOTAL:Floor (black panels!)= 120 × 200 = 10 pieces
       80 × 200 =  4 pieces
 Walls + Roofs= 120 × 200 = 30 pieces + 4 pieces with door
       80 × 200 = 22 pieces + 4 pieces with refr. unit
  TOTAL:        = 66 pieces
1.Cool Rooms 2.6 × 2.2 m (smaller) 2 pieces
Floor:a) Front/back2 pieces at 2.21 m × 2 =4 pieces 2.21 m
b) Side4 pieces at 1.2   m × 2 =8 pieces 1.2   m
Plumb:4 pieces at 2.0   m × 2 =8 pieces 2.0   m
Roof:a)Front/back2 pieces at 2.21 m × 2 =4 pieces 2.2   m
b)Side4 pieces at 1.2   m × 2 =8 pieces 1.2   m
2.Cool Rooms 5.4 × 2.2 (larger) 2 pieces
Floor:a) Front/behind2 pieces at 2.21 m × 2 =4 pieces 2.21 m
b) Side: a)2 pieces at 2.0   m × 2 =4 pieces 2.0   m
            b)4 pieces at 1.2   m × 2 =8 pieces 1.2   m
            c)2 pieces at 0.8   m × 2 =4 pieces 0.8   m
Plumb:4 pieces at 2.0   m × 2 =8 pieces 2.0   m
Roof:a)Front/behind2 pieces at 2.21 m × 2 =4 pieces 2.21 m
b)Side: a)2 pieces at 2.0   m × 2 =4 pieces 2.0   m
            b)4 pieces at 1.2   m × 2 =8 pieces 1.2   m
            c)2 pieces at 0.8   m × 2 =4 pieces 0.8   m
 at 2.0   m=  24 pieces
 at 1.2   m=  32 pieces
 at 0.8   m   =    8 pieces
 TOTAL:      =  80 pieces
Fig. 1

Fig. 1 - Fish Receiving/Distribution Centre Pokhara

Fig. 2

Fig. 2 - Plan for the installation of the shelter at Receiving/Distribution Centre Pokhara

Fig. 3

Fig. 3 - Plan for the table installation for cleaning and washing fish in Receiving/Distribution Centre Pokhara

Fig. 4

Fig. 4 - Fish Receiving/Distribution Centre Balaju, in Kathmandu, before reconstruction

Fig. 5

Fig. 5 - Plan for installation of the cool room, ice machine, deep freezer in Receiving/Distribution Centre Balaju, Kathmandu

Fig. 6

Fig. 6 - Plan for floor siphon installation in Receiving/Distribution Centre Balaju, Kathmandu

1 box = 7 cases at 25–30 kg fish
7 × 30 = 210 kg fish
Total capacity of the boxes =
210 × 9 = 1980 kg fish
Fig. 7
Storage capacity outside boxes =
18 cases at 30 kg fish = 540 kg fish
Total capacity of the store =
1890 + 540 = 2430 kg iced fish in cases
Fig. 7

Fig. 7 - Plan for boxes installation in the cool room (renting for private fishermen)

Fig. 8

Fig. 8 - Fish Receiving/Distribution Centre Hetauda - plan for installation of the cool room, ice making machine, etc.

Fig. 9

Fig. 9 - Cooling rate of store chamber, Balaju, Kathmandu (External temperature + 30°C)

Fig. 10

Fig. 10 - Flow chart fresh fish processing and distribution

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