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Coche, A.G., 1979 A review of cage fish culture and its application in Africa. In Advances in Aquaculture, edited by T.V.R. Pillay and W.A. Dill. Farnham, Surrey, Fishing News Books, Ltd., for FAO, pp. 428–41

Collin, C.M., 1972 Cage culture of channel catfish II. Farm Pond Harvest 6 (3): 7.11

FAO, 1977 Cage culture in heated effluents, FAO Aquaculture Bull., Rome. 8 (3–4): 15

Ferro, W., 1979a Data on the fishery in Pokhara Valley (Nepal) and their implications for the fishery management. Journal of the Institute of Science. Tribhuwan University, Kathmandu, Nepal

Ferro, W., 1979b Limnology of the Pokhara Valley lakes (Himalayan region, Nepal) and its implications for the fishery and fish culture - Journal of the Nepal Research Centre, Kathmandu. (In Press).

Ferro, W. and D.B. Swar, 1979 Bathymetric maps of the lakes in Pokhara Valley, Nepal. Journal of the Institute of Science, Tribhuwan University, Kathmandu, Nepal. Vol I (In Press).

Kuronuma, K., 1968 New system and new fishes for culture in the Far East. Proc.World Symp.on Warm Water Pond Fish Culture. FAO Rep. 44-Vol.5:123–142

Ling, S.W., 1973 A review of the status and problems of coastal aquaculture in the Indo-Pacific Region. In Coastal Aquaculture of the Indo-Pacific Region, T.V.R. Pillay, ed. Farnham.Surrey.Fishing News Books, Ltd., pp. 2–25

Pantulu, V.R., 1979 Floating cage culture of fish in the lower Mekong Basin. In Advances in Aquaculture, edited by T.V.R. Pillay and W.A. Dill. Farnham, Surrey, Fishing News Books, Ltd., for FAO

Suzuki, R., 1979 The culture of common carp in Japan. In Advances in Aquaculture, edited by T.V.R. Pillay and W.A. Dill. Farnham, Surrey, Fishing News Books, Ltd., for FAO.

Photo 1

Photo 1: Cage with bamboo frame and galvanized iron wire mesh

Photo 2

Photo 2: Cages made of sal wood frames and “Netlon” mesh. Also shown is an extension class for fishermen in progress and Norwegian floating cage in right background

Photo 3

Photo 3: Welded angle iron frame for cage with “Netlon” mesh

Photo 4

Photo 4: Angle iron frame with “Netlon” mesh and empty oil drums fitted as floats

Photo 5

Photo 5: Brackets for empty oil drums are pictured. The brackets hold the drums in a position that permits 50 cm of the cage to be above the water surface

Photo 6

Photo 6: A training programme for fishermen in the making of fish culture cages

Photo 7

Photo 7: Wooden walkways joining several cages together

Photo 8

Photo 8: Fishermen's village in Phewa Lake showing cages privately owned by them

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