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  1. Flight schedules from/to Lichinga/Maputo should be obtained: load capacity and regularity of flights should be ascertained.

  2. Organization of the export company should be examined: how it will function and be managed. Export control laws should be reviewed.

  3. An evaluation of the natural fish stocks should be made: best collecting methods, organization of the collecting teams, equipment and facilities needed on the lakeside should be determined.

  4. An estimation should be made of the equipment needed for the transit station in Maputo.

  5. An evaluation should be made of the staff required to run the Lake Nyasa/Maputo stations.

  6. A list of equipment needed in the two stations should be compiled:

    e.g., Boats
    Diving cylinders
    Air compressors for same
    Small diving equipment
    Nets, handnets
    Storage vats
    Aeration equipment (lines, valves, etc.)
    Air pumps
    Building, fish compound, office
    Air compressor/generator
    Building spares, packing storerooms

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