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Catch statistics of S. pilchardus for CECAF Divisions 34.1.1, 34.1.2, 34.1.3 and 34.3.1 together, and by divisions (except Division 34.3.1 for which only a catch of 565 t by Norway in 1974 was reported), are presented in Tables 6-10. The tables, as compared to those in the report of the first session, include revised data on sardine catches provided by USSR, and updated information on the fisheries of the other countries. In the absence of precise data for some fleets and years, best estimates were made based on the available information, as indicated in the tables.

In the CECAF Division 34.1.1 the catches have fluctuated since 1965 between 190 000 and 410 000 t. The main countries fishing in the area are Morocco and Spain. The highest catch made by the Moroccan fleet was about 330 000 t in 1973. Since 1973, the catches by this fleet have been very substantially below that figure, and they were at the particularly low level of below 100 000 t in 1977 and 1978.

The catches made by the Spanish fleet fishing in area B have been steadily increasing until about 135 000 t in 1978.

In CECAF Division 34.1.2 only small catches have been taken, mainly by Spanish vessels based in the Canary Islands. Larger catches are reported by USSR for 1977 only.

In CECAF Division 34.1.3 (the Sahara coastal division) fishing started in 1969. The catches, mainly by USSR and Poland, increased until 490 000 t in 1976 and probably dropped considerably in 1978 with the departure of the Polish fleet.

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