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The Government of Nepal, assisted by the United Nations Development Programme and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, have been engaged in the Integrated Fishery and Fish Culture Development Project (NEP/73/025), whose main purpose is to exploit the potential for fish production in the agricultural development regions through fish culture in ponds, cages, paddy fields; fish culture integrated with livestock rearing, and stocking natural lakes.

As part of the project operation, FAO assigned Prasit Aguru, fish culturist, from 4 May 1979 to 30 June 1980 with the following terms of reference:


Nepal is a land-locked country. Natural waters consist of more than 600 000 ha of rivers and 5 000 ha of lakes. A large quantity of wild fish is caught in rivers, lakes, irrigation canals, paddy fields, etc., where the fishing techniques are simple. The supply of fish is insufficient to meet demands.

In order to increase the supply of fish, the Government of Nepal commenced fish culture activities by establishing a number of Fishery Development Centres in the different parts of the country. Fish seed produced from these centres have been distributed to the farmers for fish culture. The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations and the United Nations Development Programme under the Integrated Fishery and Fish Culture Development Project (NEP/73/025), has provided technical assistance for this development.

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