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Based on the foregoing results and observations, the following recommendations are submitted. It is believed that implementation of these recommendations would ensure improvement in the functioning of the Bhairawa Fishery Development Centre and assist in meeting the objectives of the Centre.

  1. Water supply to the Centre should be improved so that sufficient numbers of fingerlings could be raised for distribution to the fish farmers interested in integrated fish-cum-duck and fish-cum-pig culture.

  2. The fry should be nursed for 15–20 days in hapas in cement tanks before they are transferred to earthen ponds. This would ensure higher survival of fry and greater production of fingerlings.

  3. To meet the demand for common carp fry, efforts should be made to breed this species year-round.

  4. To increase fry/fingerlings survival, predatory fish, such as snake-head Notopterus, etc., should be completely eradicated from the ponds in the centre.

  5. Fish-cum-duck and fish-cum-pig farming experiment/demonstration should be continued with a view to improving the system.

  6. In-service training of fish farmers should be continued and expanded.

  7. Extension activities should be accelerated with a view to bringing more village ponds under integrated fish-cum-livestock culture. Technical and financial assistance should be provided, whenever possible.

  8. Duck-and pig-rearing facilities should be upgraded to ensure adequate supply of piglets and ducklings for integrated fish-cum-duck and fish-cum-pig culture.

  9. The ponds in this Centre should not be used for producing fish for sale. They should be used only for experiments/demonstrations and fingerling production.

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