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1. Unpublished Investigations

A. Gracilaria

Bories, A., M. Carreño y C. Báez, 1965 Prospección de algas agarofitas (Gracilaria) en la costa chilena. Publ.Inst.Fom.Pesq., Chile, (11):17 p.

Canessa Sastelletto, S. y G. Casanova Pinochet, 1980 Evaluación de praderas de algas Gracilaria entre Pelluco y Bahía Lenca. (SE. Puerto Montt, for Algas Marinas. Includes primary data on samples from unidentifiable localities)

Ferreira Osses, L., 1980 Evaluación de praderas de algas Gracilaria verrucosa en la desembocadura del estuario del Rio Maullín (Primary data from 20 transects)

Fonck, E. y B. Santelices, 1980 Talos subterráneos de Gracilaria, su importancia en prácticas de plantación y poda controlada, 21 p.

González, L.E.M., 1967 Cuarto pre-informe sobre prospección de algas agarofitas. IFOP (15):5 p. + maps of Rio Pudeto, Golfo Quetalmahue, Estero del Digue, Bahía Coquimbo, Rio Quenir, Rio Maullín, Isla Santa María, Bahía Dichato, Bahía San Vincente, Rios Raquí y Tubul

Hollenbeck III, L.F., 1979 Report to Unión Nacional de Cooperativas Explotadoras de Algas regarding its involvement in the Chilean seaweed industry (with Recommendations)

Kim, D.H., W. Wilkomirsky, L. Overdick, H. Mendoza, U. Ohme y R. Espinoza, 1969 Resultados preliminares sobre crecimiento de Gracilaria lemanaeformis y contribución a la industrialización de esta alga y otras agarofitas. Las algas marinas industrializables del litoral Chileno (3) Univ. de Concepción, 41 p.

Idem., 1969 Trasplante semi-industrial de algas del genero Gracilaria sp. a la zona norte. Concepción, (4):8 p. (Bahía Inglesa)

Macchiavello, A.J.E., 1981 Variaciones estacionales de rendimiento y calidad de agar-agar de Gracilaria lemanaeformis. Coquimbo, Universidad del Norte, 40 p.

Miguel Hernández, J., 1977 Evaluación de praderas de algas agarofitas (Gracilaria sp.) en Rio Pudeto, y Golfo de Quetalmahue, efectuada para Algas Marinas Ltda, 4 p.

Ohme, U. y R. Becerra, 1980 Estudio de la pradera de algas del género Gracilaria, en Isla Santa María (Golfo de Arauco) (SERPLAC VIII):105 p.

Riutort, Q.A. y C. Inostroza, 1976 Evaluación de praderas de algas agarofitas (Gracilaria sp.) existente en Rio Pudeto y Golfo de Quetalmahue, en la Xa Region 4 p.

Santa Cruz, S., 1978 Evalución de la pradera de alga agarofita (Gracilaria sp.) existente en Bahía San Vicente, Caleta Lenga, VIII Region efectuada para Chile Exportaciones, Ltda, 4 p.

Santa Cruz, S., 1978 Evaluación de la pradera de alga agarofita (Gracilaria sp.) existente en la Isla Santa María VIII Región efectuada para Chile Exportaciones Ltda, 5 p.

Santa Cruz, S. y G.A. Montero, 1979 Evaluación de la pradera de alga agarofita (Gracilaria sp.) en la Isla Santa María VIII Región, efectuada para Algas Marinas Ltda y Empresa Pesquera Peñuelas Ltda, 5 p.

Santa Cruz, G.,S., G.A. Montero U., y C. Caceres, R., 1979 Prospección de pradera de algas agarofitas en Rios Maullín, Quenir, y San Pedro Nolasco (X Región) efectuada para “Algas Marinas S.A.”, 17 p.

Wilkomirsky, F.W., 1980 Unidad demonstrativa de cultivo de especies algológicas. Informe Final, SERPLAC III Región, Univ. de Concepción

B. Other Genera

Dobarrinde, F.R., O.E. Aranda y A. Riutert Q., 1975 Prospección preliminar de algas pardas (Macrocystis pyrifera) en la zona de Navarino, 30 p.

Eberhard, B.P., 1977 Prospección y evaluación de algas de importancia comercial en la VI Región. 13 p. (Lessonia laminarioides, Gelidium lingulatum y Durvillea antarctica)

Especialistas pesqueros Ltda, 1981 Prospección de algas Provincia de Arauco VIII Región, 67 p. (Lessonia, Durvillea, Macrocystis, Iridaea laminarioides, I. ciliata, Gracilaria)

Gonzales Miranda, L. y C.D. Bobioni, 1977 Evaluación de recurso, algas pardas en la I Región. Convenio IFOP - SERPLAC: 53 p. (Lessonia and Macrocystis)

Santelices, B., 1980 Estudio de manejo de praderas de Lessonia nigrescens en Chile central. Primer Informe de avance: 78 p. Segundo informe de avance: 109 p.

Santelices, B., 1981 Informe final Biología y factubilidad de utilización de praderas de Macrocystis pyrifera en Puerto Toro Isla Navarino Chile (ca 600 p)

Romo Donoso, H., Estudio de algas marinas aprovechables de la región de Valparaiso (Los Vilos - San Antonio) 22 p.

2. A Preliminary Bibliography

A. Gracilaria

Bird, N., 1977 Studies on Gracilaria. Ecology of an attached population of Gracilaria sp. at Barrachois Harbour, Colchester County, Nova Scotia. Proc.N.S.Inst.Sci., 27:144-58

Black, H.J. and E. Fonck O'B., 1981 On the vegetation dynamics of Gracilaria sp. in Playa Changa, Coquimbo, Chile. Proc.Int.Seaweed Symp., 10:223-8

Bruni, G., L. Coassini-Lokar and T. Audoli-Tamburini, 1970 L'agar della Gracilaria confervoides. Nota 2. Roma, CNR Programma di richerche sulle risorse marine e del fondo marino (B 49):1–15

Bruni, G. et al., Richerche sulle possibilità de sfruttamento economico delle alghe dell'Alto Adriatico. 2. L'agar della Gracilaria confervoides. Tec.Ital., 33(12):1–6

Bodard, M., 1967 Sur le développement des cystocarpes des Gracilaria et Gracilariopsis au Sénégal. Bull.Inst.Fondam.Afr.Noire (A Sci.Nat.), 29:869-97

Cabioch, J., 1972 A new case of anomaly in the cycle of Gigartinales (Algae Floridae). Gracilaria verrucosa. C.R.Hebd.Séances Acad.Sci. Paris, 275(18):1979–81

Cable, W.D., 1974 A description of the activities of the Maullín (Chile) Fishing Cooperative in the extraction of the marine alga Gracilaria sp. January-March 1967. Bot.Mar., 17:60-2

Causey, N.B. 1946 et al., Influence of environmental factors upon the growth of Gracilaria confervoides. Bull.Duke Univ.Mar.St., 3:19–241

Chapman, A.R.O., T. Edelstein and P.J. Power, 1977 Studies on Gracilaria. 1. Morphological and anatomical variation in samples from the lower Gulf of St. Lawrence and New England. Bot.Mar., 20:149-53

Chen, P.T., 1976 Aquaculture practices in Taiwan. Farnham, Surrey, Fishing New Books Ltd., 161 p.

Coassini-Lokar, L., 1970 Richerche sulla possibilità de sfruttamento economico delle alghe dell'Alto Adriatico. 7. L'agar della Gracilaria confervoides: determinazione delle condizioni ottimali d'estrazione, della qualità e della composizione chimica. Quad.Merceol., 9:1–18

Coassini-Lokar, L. and G. Bruni, 1970 Sfruttamento delle Gracilarie dell'alto Adriatico quali fonti di agar. In Dagli incontri tecnici. Falconara Marittima, C.N.R. Laboratorio di Tecnologia della Pesca, vol. 5

Chiang, Y.-M., 1981 Cultivation of Gracilaria (Rhodophyta, Gigartinales) in Taiwan. Proc.Int. Seaweed Symp., 10:569-80

Cubillos Moya, R., 1951 El agar-agar chileno. Rev.Biol.Mar., Valparaiso, 3:70–88

Dawson, E.Y., 1949 Studies of Northeast Pacific Gracilariaceae. Publ.Allan Hancock Found., (7):1–105

Deboer, J.A., 1979 Effects of nitrogen enrichment on growth rate and phycocolloid content in Gracilaria foliifera and Neoagardhiella bailey. Proc.Int.Seaweed Symp., 9:263-71

Ducksworth, M., K.C. Hong and W. Yaphe, 1971 The agar polysaccharides of Gracilaria sp. Carbohyd.Res., 18:1–9

Durairatnam, M. and N. de Queiroz Santos, 1981 Agar from Gracilaria verrucosa (Hudson) Papenfuss and Gracilaria sjoestedtii Kylin from northeast Brazil. Proc.Int.Seaweed Symp., 10:669-74

Edelstein, T., C. Bird and J. McLachlan, Studies on Gracilaria 2. 1976 Growth under greenhouse conditions. Can.J.Bot., 54:2275-90

Edelstein, T., C. Bird and J. McLachlan, 1981 Preliminary field studies on Gracilaria sp. from the lower Gulf of St. Lawrence, Canada. Proc.Int.Seaweed Symp., 8:320-2

Fonck, E. and B. Santelices, 1978 Importancia biológia y aplicada del sistema de talos subterráneos en praderas de Gracilaria lemanaeformis. In Libro de Resúmenes. Primer Symposium Nacional de Algas Marinas. Universidad Católica de Chile. November, 1978, 22 p.

Friedlander, M., Y. Lipkin and W. Yaphe, 1981 Composition of agars from Gracilaria cf. verrucosa and Pterocladia capillacea. Bot.Mar., 24:595-8

Goldstein, M.E., 1973 Regeneration and vegetative propagation of the agarophyte Gracilaria debilis (Forsskål) Börgesen (Rhodophyceae). Bot.Mar., 16:226-8

Goldstein, M.E. 1981 Field and laboratory studies on Gracilaria from Prince Edward Island, Canada. Proc.Int.Seaweed Symp., 8:331-5

Hanisak, M.D., 1981 Methane production from the red seaweed Gracilaria tikvahiae. Proc.Int. Seaweed Symp., 10:681-6

Harlin, M., M. and G.B. Thursby, 1979 Ammonium uptake by Gracilaria sp. (Florideophyceae) and Ulva lactuca (Chlorophyceae) in closed system fish culture. Proc.Int. Seaweed Symp., 9:285-92

Hong, K.C., M.E. Goldstein and W. Yaphe, 1969 A chemical and enzymic analysis of the polysaccharides from Gracilaria. Proc.Int.Seaweed Symp., 6:473-82

Hoyle, M.D., 1978 Agar studies in two Gracilaria species (G. bursapastoria) (Gmelin) Silva and G. coronopifolia J. Ag. from Hawaii. 1. Yield and gel strength in the gametophyte and tetrasporophyte generation. 2. Seasonal aspects. Bot.Mar., 21:343-52

Isaac, W.E., 1956 The ecology of Gracilaria confervoides (L.) Grev. in South Africa with special reference to its ecology in the Soldanha-Langebaan lagoon. Proc.Int.Seaweed Symp., 2:173-85

Izumi, K., 1972 Chemical heterogenity of the agar from Gracilaria verrucosa. J. Biochem.Tokyo, 72:135-40

Jones, W.E., 1959a Experiments on some effects of certain environmental factors on Gracilaria verrucosa (Hudson) Papenfuss. J.Mar.Biol.Assoc.U.K., 38:153-67

Jones, W.E., 1959b The growth and fruiting of Gracilaria verrucosa (Hudson) Papenfuss. J.Mar. Biol.Assoc.U.K., 38:47–56

Kim, D.H., 1970 Economically important seaweeds in Chile. 1. Gracilaria. Bot.Mar., 13:140-62

Kim, D.H. and N.P. Henríquez, 1979 Yields and gel strength of agar from cystocarpic and tetrasporic plants of Gracilaria verrucosa (Floridiophyceae). Proc.Int.Seaweed Symp., 9:257-62

Kim, S.C. and H.J. Humm, 1965 The red alga Gracilaria foliifera with special reference to the cell wall polysaccharides. Bull.Mar.Sci., 15(4): 1036-50

Kojima, Y. and K. Funaki, 1951 Studies on the preparation of agar-agar from Gracilaria confervoides. Parts 1–4. Bull.Jap.Soc.Sci.Fish., 16:401-22

Kojima, Y. and K. Funaki, 1952 Studies on the preparation of agar-agar from Gracilaria confervoides. Part 5. Bull.Jap.Soc.Sci.Fish., 17:345-8

Kojima, Y. and K. Funaki, 1952 Studies on the preparation of agar-agar from Gracilaria confervoides. Part 6. Bull.Jap.Soc.Sci.Fish., 18:245-8

Lapointe, B.E., 1981 The effects of light and nitrogen on growth, pigment content, and biochemical composition of Gracilaria foliifera v. augustissima (Gigartinales, Rhodophyta). J.Phycol., 17:90-5

Lapointe, B.E. and J.H. Ryther, 1978 Some aspects of the growth and yield of Gracilaria tikvahiae in culture. Aquaculture, 15:185-93

Lapointe, B.E. and J.H. Ryther, 1979 The effects of nitrogen and seawater flow rate on the growth and biochemical composition of Gracilaria foliifera var. angustissima in mass outdoor cultures. Bot.Mar., 22:529-37

Liu, C.-Y., C.-Y Wang and S.-S. Yang, 1981 Seasonal variation of the chlorophyll contents of Gracilaria cultivated in Taiwan. Proc.Int.Seaweed Symp., 10:455-60

Luxton, D.M., 1981 Experimental harvesting of Gracilaria in New Zealand. Proc. Int. Seaweed Symp., 10:693-8

Matsuhashi, T. and K. Hayashi, 1972 Rheological behavior of agar gel processed from Gracilaria foliifera of Florida. Proc.Int.Seaweed Symp., 7:464-8 Issued also as Agric. Biol. Chem., 36:1543-52 (1972)

Mayer, A.M.S., 1981 Studies on Gracilaria sp. in Bahia Arredondo, Chubut Province, Argentina. Proc.Int.Seaweed Symp., 10:705-10

Meer, J.P. van der, Genetics of Gracilaria sp. (Rhodophyceae, Gigartinales) 3. Non-Mendelian gene transmission. Phycologia, 17:314-8

Nicotri, M.E., 1977 The impact of crustacean herbivores on cultured seaweed populations. Aquaculture, 12:127-36

Nilson, H.W. and M. Bender, 1950 Feeding studies with the gum of Gracilaria confervoides and carboxy-methylcellulose. Commer.Fish.Rev., 12 suppl.:15-7

Ohmi, H., 1958 The species of Gracilaria and Gracilariopsis from Japan and adjacent waters. Mem.Fac.Fish.Hokkaido Univ., 6:1–66

Ogata, E., T. Matsui and H. Nakamura, 1972 The life cycle of Gracilaria verrucosa (Rhodophyceae, Gigartinales) in vitro. Phycologia, 11:75–85

Oza, R.M., 1976 Studies on Indian Gracilaria. 2. The development of reproductive structures of Gracilaria corticata. Bot. Mar., 19:107-14

Oza, R.M., 1978 Studies on Indian Gracilaria. 4. Seasonal variation in agar and gel strength of Gracilaria corticata, J. Ag. occurring on the coast of Veraval. Bot.Mar., 21:165-7

Penniman, C.A., 1977 Seasonal, chemical and reproductive changes in Gracilaria foliifera (Forssk.) Børg. from Great Bay, New Hampshire, USA. J. Phycol., 13 (Suppl.) 53 (Abstr.)

Phillips, R.W., 1925 On the origin of the cystocarp in the genus Gracilaria. Ann.Bot. Fenn.(N.S.) 39:787–803

Pillsbury, R.W., 1950 Natural anchoring of the red alga Gracilaria confervoides (L.) Grev. on unstable bottom by association with annelid worm. Can.J.Res.(C), 28:471-6

Pinheiro, F.C. and A.B. Joly, 1966 The sexual male plants of Gracilaria cearensis Joly et Pinheiro. Arq.Estac.Biol.Mar.Univ.Fed.Ceará, Fortaleza, 6:131-4

Rama Rao, K., 1977 Species of Gracilaria and Hypnea as potential sources of agar. Seaweed Res. Util., 2:95–102

Rosenberg, G. and J. Ramus, 1981 Ecological growth strategies in the seaweeds Gracilaria foliifera (Rhodophyceae) and Ulva sp. (Chlorophyceae): The rate of timing of growth. Bot.Mar., 24:583-9

Santelices, B. y E. Fonck, 1978 Autoecología de Gracilaria lemanaeformis. In 5as Jornadas Científicas del Area Biológica. Santiago de Chile, Universidad Católica de Chile, September, 1978, p. 86 (Abstr.)

Santelices, B. y E. Fonck, 1979 Ecología y cultiva de Gracilaria lemanaeformis en Chile Central. In Libro de Resúmenes, Primer Symposium Nacional de Algas Marinas, Santiago de Chile, Universidad Católica de Chile, p. 47 (Abstr.)

Santelices, B. y E. Fonck, 1966 On agarose and agaropectina in agar from Gracilaria harvested in different places. J.Shimonoseki Coll.Fish., 15:11-6 (see also 1961 11:71-8)

Stokke, K., 1956 The resistance of Gracilaria confervoides to hydrogen sulphide. Proc. Int. Seaweed Symp., 2:210-4

Thomas, P.C., 1977 Seasonal variation in the yield and physical properties of agar-agar from Gracilaria verrucosa. Seaweed Res.Util., 2(2):78–81

Thomas, P.C., and V. Krishnamurthy, 1976 Agar from cultured Gracilaria edulis (Gmel) Silva. Bot.Mar., 19:115-7

Trono, G.C. Jr. and R. Azanza-Corrales, 1981 The seasonal variation in the biomass and reproductive states of Gracilaria in Manila Bay. Proc.Int.Seaweed Symp., 10:743-8

Umamaheswara Rao, M., 1974 On the cultivation of Gracilaria edulis in the near shore areas around Mandapam. Curr.Sci., 43:660-1

Whyte, J.N.C. and J.R. Englar, 1978 Chemical composition of natural and cultured Gracilaria sp. (Florideophyceae). Proc.Int.Seaweed Symp., 9:437-43

Whyte, J.N.C. and J.R. Englar, 1980 Chemical composition and quality of agars in the morphotypes of Gracilaria from British Columbia. Bot.Mar., 23:277-83

Whyte, J.N.C. and J.R. Englar, 1981 Agar from an intertidal population of Gracilaria sp. Proc.Int.Seaweed Symp., 10:537-42

Wood, E.J.F., 1941 The harvesting of Gracilaria confervoides for agar-agar. J.Coun.Sci.Ind.Res. Aust., 15:295-9

Yamamoto, H., 1975 The relationship between Gracilariopsis and Gracilaria from Japan. Bull.Fac. Fish. Hokkaido Univ., 26:217-22

Yoneshigue-Braga, Y. and M.H.C. Baeta Neves, Preliminary studies on mass culture of Gracilaria sp. using different nutrient media. Proc.Int.Seaweed Symp., 10:643-8

Young, K.S., 1974 An investigation of Agar from Gracilaria sp. Tech.Rep.Fish.Res.Board Can., (454)

B. Gigartina and Iridaea

Abbot, I.A., 1971 On the species of Iridaea (Rhodophyta) from the Pacific coast of North America. Syesis, 4:51–72

Adams, R.W. and A. Austin, 1979 Potential yields of Iridaea cordata (Florideophyceae) in natural and artificial populations in the northeast Pacific. Proc.Int.Seaweed Symp., 9:499–507

Baeza, P. and B. Matsuhiro, 1977 Polysaccharides from chilean seaweeds 6. Bot.Mar., 20:355-7

Baron, M., 1957 Estudio de la constitución del ficocoloide de la Iridaea cordata. Contr.div.–45

Cerezo, A.S., 1973 Carrageenans of Gigartina skottsbergii 3. Methylation analysis of the fraction precipitated with 0.3–0.4 M potassium chloride. Carbohyd. Res., 26:335-40

Chen, L.C.-M., T. Edelstein and J. McLachlan, 1974 The life history of Gigartina stellata (Stackh.) Batt. (Rhodophyceae, Gigartinales) in culture. Phycologia, 13:287-94

Cubillos, M., R. 1951 El agar-agar chileno. Rev. Biol.Mar., Valparaiso, 3:70–88

Edelstein, T., L. C.-M. Chen and J. McLachlan, 1974 The reproductive structures of Gigartina stellata (Stackh.) Batt. (Gigartinales, Rhodophyceae) in nature and in culture. Phycologia, 13:99–107

Etcheverry, H., G. Collantes and V. Ríos, 1981 Taxonomic and biological studies on species of Iridaea Bory in central Chile. Proc.Int.Seaweed Symp., 10:163-73

Fralick, J.E. and K. Cole, 1973 Cytological observations on two species of Iridaea (Rhodophyceae, Gigartinales). Syesis, 6:271-2

Hansen, J.E., 1981 Studies on the population dynamics of Iridaea cordata (Gigartinaceae, Rhodophyta). Proc.Int.Seaweed Symp., 8:336-41

Hansen, J.E. and W.T. Doyle, 1976 Ecology and natural history of Iridaea cordata (Rhodophyta, Gigartinaceae): population structure. J. Phycol., 12:273-8

Hassid, W.Z., 1936 Carbohydrates in Iridaea laminarioides. Plant.Physiol., 11:461-3

Henríquez, P., R. Trucco and M. Silva, 1972 Chemical examination of Chilean marine algae. 2. Bot.Mar., 15:117-8

Henríquez, P. et al., cholesterol in Iridaea laminarioides and Gracilaria verrucosa. Phytochemistry, 11:1171

Hruby, T., 1975 Seasonal changes in two algal populations from the coastal waters of Washington State. J.Ecol., 63:881-90

Hunter and Nyegaard, 1974 Seaweed farming in Puget Sound. Wash.State Univ.Pullman Coop.Est. Serv.Ext.Bull., (654):1–10

Katada, M., 1963 Propagation of Gracilaria verrucosa (Huds.) Papenfuss by spores. 1. Suisan Zoshoku, 11:105-12

Kim. D.H. and R.E. Norris, 1981 Possible pathways in world distribution of the Gigartinaceae. Proc.Int.Seaweed Symp., 8:377-82

Kim, D.H. et al., 1969 Resultados preliminares sobre crecimiento de Gracilaria lemanaeformis y contribución a la industrialización de esta alga y otras agarofitas. Rep.Res. Contract between Univ. Concepción and Inst.Fom.Pesq.Com., (3):1–28

Luzzati, M., 1957 Extracción del ficocoloide de la Iridaea cordata. com.ind.B.Aires: 5–28

Mathieson, A.C. and R.L. Burns, 1971 Ecological studies in economic red algae. 1. Phytosynthesis and respiration of Chondrus crispus and Gigartina stellata. J.Exp.Mar.Biol.Ecol., 7:195–204

Mathieson, A.C. and R.L. Burns, 1972 Ecological studies in economic red algae. 2. Culture studies of Chondrus crispus and Gigartina stellata. J.Exp.Mar.Biol.Ecol., 8:1–6

Mathieson, A.C. and R.L. Burns, 1972 Ecological studies in economic red algae. 3. Growth and reproduction of natural and harvested populations of Gigartina stellata in New Hampshire. J.Exp.Mar.Biol.Ecol., 9:77–95

Mathieson, A.C. and E. Tveter, 1976 Carrageenan ecology of Gigartina stellata (Stackhouse) Batters. Aquat.Bot., 2:353-61

Matsuhiro, B. and A.B. Zanlugo, 1976 Polysaccharides from Chilean seaweeds. 2. Studies on Iridaea laminarioides. Bot.Mar., 19:317-21

Matulewicz, M.C. and A.S. Cerezo, 1979 Solvolytic desulphation of the carrageenan from Iridaea undulosa B. An.Asoc.Quím.Argent., 67:225-7

Matulewicz, M.C. and A.S. Cerezo, 1980 The Carrageenans from Iridaea undolosa B.; analysis, fractionation and alcaline treatment. J.Sci.Food Agric., 31:203-13

Matulewicz, M.C. and A.S. Cerezo, 1980 Methylation analysis of carrageenans from the seaweed Iridaea undolosa. Phytochemistry, 19:2639-41

McCandless, E.L., J.S. Craigie, and J.E. Hansen, 1975 Carrageenans of gametangial and tetra-sporangial stages of Iridaea cordata (Gigartinaceae). Can.J.Bot., 53:2315-8

Merrill, J.E. and J.R. Waaland, 1979 Photosynthesis and respiration in a fast-growing strain of Gigartina exasperata (Harvey and Bailey). J.Exp.Mar.Biol.Ecol., 39:281-90

Mitrakos, K., 1965 Zum Wachstum von RarposporenKeimlingen der Rotalge Gracilaria confervoides (L.) Grev. Bot.Mar., 7:64–75

Mumford, T.F., Jr. 1977 Some biological, legal, social and economic aspects of the culture of the red alga Iridaea cordata on nets in Puget Sound. In The use, study and and management of Puget Sound. Proceedings of a Conference. Seattle, University of Washington, Sea Grant Program

Mumford, T.F., Jr. 1979 Field and laboratory experiments with Iridaea cordata (Florideophyceae) grown on nylon netting. I. Seeding techniques, growth rates, yields and harvesting strategies. Proc.Int.Seaweed Symp., 9:515-23

Parson, M.J., S.E. Pickmere and R.W. Bailey, 1977 Carrageenan composition in New Zealand species of Gigartina: Geographic variation and interspecific differences. N.Z.J.Bot., 15:589-95

Pickmere, S.E., M.J. Parson and R.W. Bailey, 1973 Composition of Gigartina carrageenan in relation to sporophyte and gametophyte stages of the life cycle. Phytochemistry, 12:2441-4

Pickmere S.E., M.J. Parson and R.W. Bailey, 1975 Variations in carrageenan levels and composition in the New Zealand species of Gigartina. N.Z.J.Sci., 18:585-90

Putman, E.W. and W.Z. Hassid, 1955 Structures of galactosyl-glycerol from Iridaea laminarioides. J.Am.Chem.Soc., 16:2221-3

Stanley, N.F., 1973 Carrageenans. Part 8. Repeating structure of galactan sulphates from Furcellaria fastigiata, Gigartina canaliculata, Gigartina chissoi, Gigartina atropurpurea, etc. J.Chem.Soc.Lond.Perkins Trans.1, 1973: 2177-82

Waaland, J.R., 1973 Experimental studies on propagation of Iridaea and Gigartina. J.Phycol., 9 (Suppl 12)

Waaland, J.R., 1973 Experimental studies on the marine algae Iridaea and Gigartina. J.Exp.Mar. Biol.Ecol., 11:71–80

Waaland, J.R., 1974 Differences in cell wall polymers between gametophytes and tetrasporophytes of Iridaea and Gigartina. J.Phycol., 10 (Suppl 7)

Waaland, J.R., 1974 Aquaculture potential of Iridaea and Gigartina in Pacific northwest waters. In Seaweed farming in Puget Sound. Proceedings of a Seminar, Poulsbo, Washington. Pullman Washington State University, pp. 1–17

Waaland, J.R., 1975 Differences in carrageenan in gametophytes and tetrasporophytes of red algae. Phytochemistry, 14:1359-62

Waaland, J.R., 1976 Growth of the red algae Iridaea cordata (Turner) Bory in semi-closed culture. J.Exp.Mar.Biol.Ecol., 23:45–53

Waaland, J.R., 1979 Growth and strain selection in Gigartina exasperata (Florideophyceae) Proc.Int.Seaweed symp., 9:241-7

Waaland, J.R., 1981 Colonization and growth of population of Iridaea and Gigartina on artificial substrates. Proc.Int.Seaweed Symp., 8:507-12

West, J.A., A.R. Polanshek and D.E. Shevlin, 1978 Field and culture studies on Gigartina agardhii (Rhodophyta). J.Phycol., 14:416-26

C. Lessonia

For information on Lessonia see Santelices 1980. Estudio de manejo de praderas de Lessonia nigrescens en Chile central, Unprinted 78 p + 109 p. A few more papers, easily available, are indicated here.

Asensi, A.O., 1973 El ciclo de vida del alga marina Lessonia fuscescens Bory (Phaeophyta, Laminariales). Darwiniana, 18:162-72

Duville, C.A. and J.L. Duville, 1974 La composición química de Lessonia fuscescens, Contrib. Téc.Cent.Invest.Biol.Mar., B.Aires, (15):7 p.

Duville, C.A. et al., 1974 Estudios básicos sobre ácido algínico de algas pardas del litoral patagónico. 1. Pretratamiento ácido su influencia y aplicación. Contrib.Téc. Cent.Invest.Biol.Mar., B. Aires, (16):13 p.

Duville, C.A. et al., 1974 Estudios básicos sobre ácido algínico de algas pardas del litoral patagónico. 2. Solubilización, decoloración y precipitación ácida. Contrib. Téc.Cent.Invest.Biol.Mar., B. Aires, (17):8 p.

Duville, C.A. et al., 1975 Estudios básicos sobre ácido algínico de algas pardas del litoral patagónico. 3. Pruebas finales de extracción de ácido algínico en el laboratorio y recuperación de sub-productos. Contrib.Téc.Cent.Invest.Biol.Mar., B. Aires, (18):22 p.

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D. Durvillea

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Duville, C.A., J.L. Duville y A.O. Nadin, 1976 Estudio del ácido algínico del alga parda Durvillea antarctica. Contrib.Téc.Cent.Invest.Biol.Mar., B. Aires, (22):1–5

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Madgwick, J.C. and B.J. Ralph, 1969 Chemical constituents of Australian bull kelp Durvillea potatorum. Proc.Int.Seaweed Symp., 6:539-44. Issued also in Aust.J.Mar. Freshwat.Res., 23:11-6 (1972)

Naylor, M., 1949 Observations on the anatomy of Durvillea antarctica (Chamisso) Hariot. New Phytol., 13:285–308

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Reyes Contreras, L., 1933 Análisis y valor alimentico de las algas chilenas (cochaynyos y luche) Santiago de Chile, Escuela de Química y Farmacia, 29 p.

South, G.R. and C.H. Hay, 1981 Variation in morphology and standing crop in New Zealand Durvillea antarctica (Chamisso) Hariot in relation to exposure and latitude. Proc.Int. Seaweed Symp., 8:489-98

Valladares, J. and T. Yares, 1974 Química de la conservación a la forma de enlatado de la Durvillea antarctica (Chamisso-Hariot) y de la Ulva lactuca L. Rev.Agroquim. Tecnol.Aliment., 14:127-35

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