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List of References Consulted by the Mission

Arunga, J.O., 1981a Lake Victoria statistics. Annual report. Ministry of Tourism and Wildlife, 21 p. (mimeo)

Arunga, J.O., 1981b A case study of the Lake Victoria Nile perch, Lates niloticus (Mbuta) fishery. Paper presented at the K.M.F.R.I. Symposium on aquatic resources in Kenya: a need for research. Mombasa, July 1981, 25 p. (mimeo)

Awino, A.O., 1981 Restocking of Lake Victoria and other Inland Waters of Kenya. Paper presented at the K.M.F.R.I. Symposium on aquatic resources in Kenya: a need for research. Mombasa, July 1981, 6 p. (mimeo)

Balarin, J.D. and R.D. Haller, 1981 Intensive Tilapia culture: a scope for the future. Paper presented at the K.M.F.R.I. Symposium on aquatic resources in Kenya: a need for research. Mombasa, July 1981, 35 p.

Balarin, J.D. and J.P. Hutton, 1979 Tilapia - a guide to their biology and culture in Africa. Stirling, Scotland, University of Stirling, Unit of Aquatic Pathobiology, 174 p.

Butcher, D.A.P. and J.C.G. Colaris, 1975 Kenya. Tanzania. Uganda. A sociological survey of the fishermen population around Lake Victoria. A report prepared for the Lake Victoria Regional Fisheries Research Project. Rome, FAO, FI:DP RAF/71/242/4:38 p.

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Christensen, M.S., 1981b A note on the breeding and growth rates of the catfish Clarias mossambious in Kenya. Aquaculture, 25:285-8

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Copley, H., 1958 Common freshwater fishes of East Africa. London, H.F. and G. Witherby Ltd., 172 p.

Coûteaux, B., 1981 Fish pond rehabilitation in the Victoria Lake Basin. Kenya Lake Basin Development Authority. Paris, Coopération et Aménagement/France Aquaculture, 62 p.

De Souza, T.F., 1981 A review of research on the demersal fish resource of East Africa. Paper presented at the K.M.F.R.I. Symposium on aquatic resources in Kenya: a need for research. Mombasa, July 1981, 41 p. (mimeo)

East African Meteorological Department, 1970 Temperature data for stations in East Africa. Part 1: Kenya. Nairobi, East African Community/East African Meteorological Department, 20 p.

East African Meteorological Department, 1975 Climatological statistics for East Africa. Part 1: Kenya. Nairobi, East African Community/East African Meteorological Department, 92 p.

Enderlein, O., 1974 Fisheries biology studies in Nyanza Gulf, Kenya. A report prepared for the Lake Victoria Fisheries Research Project. Rome, FAO, FI:DP RAF/71/242/3: 17 p.

FAO/UNDP, 1966 Report to the Government of Kenya on fisheries development possibilities. Based on the work of D.H. Rhodes. Rep. FAO/UNDP (TA), (2144):77 p.

Fryer, G. and T.D. Iles, 1972 The Cichlid fishes of the Great Lakes of Africa: their biology and evolution. Edinburgh, Oliver and Boyd, 641 p.

Greenwood, P.H., 1958 The fishes of Uganda. Kampala, Uganda Society, 124 p.

Hansen, B., 1981 Appraisal of the feasibility of the proposed Nordic support to the fisheries cooperative activities in the Lake Victoria region. Nairobi, Kenyan/Nordic Cooperative Development Programme, 95 p.

Hussein, S., 1981 Quality control with reference to the nutritive value of fish proteins. Paper presented at the K.M.F.R.I. Symposium on aquatic resources in Kenya: a need for research. Mombasa, July 1981, 5 p.

Kazungu, J.M., 1981 An investigation into the physico-chemical environmental conditions around the Mombasa creeks in relation to the prawns population difference. Paper presented at the K.M.F.R.I. Symposium on aquatic resources in Kenya: a need for research. Mombasa, July 1981, 7 p. (mimeo)

Kenmuir, D.H.S., 1982 Fish production prospects in Zimbabwe. Zimbabwe Agric.J., 79(1):11-7

Kenya, Government of, 1969 Population census. 4. Analytical report. Nairobi, Central Bureau of Statistics, Ministry of Finance and Planning, 89 p.

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Kenya, Government of, 1979b Fisheries Department statistical bulletin, 1979. Nairobi, Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources, 24 p. (mimeo)

Kenya, Government of, 1979c Development Plan 1978–83. Part 1: Nairobi, Government Printer, 523 p.

Kenya, Government of, 1980a Turkana District development plan 1979–83. Nairobi, Ministry of Economic Planning and Development, 138 p.

Kenya, Government of, 1980b Fisheries Department statistical bulletin, 1980. Nairobi, Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources, 23 p. (mimeo)

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Kenya, Government of, 1981b National food policy. Sessional paper, 4:52 p. Nairobi, Government Printer.

Kibaora, D., 1981 Endangered species of Kenya's inland waters with emphasis on Labeo spp. Paper presented at the K.M.F.R.I. Symposium on aquatic resources in Kenya: a need for research. Mombasa, July 1981, 12 p. (mimeo)

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Litterick, M., 1981 River basin management and development in Kenya. CIFA Tech.Pap., (8):25–33

Lowe-McConnell, R.H., 1975 Fish communities in tropical fresh waters: their distribution, ecology and evolution. London, Longmans Group Ltd., 337 p.

Mainga, O.M., 1981 Preliminary results from catch assessment surveys of Lakes Victoria, Naivasha and Baringo. In K.M.F.R.I. Annual Report, 1981, 5 p. (mimeo)

Maritim, E.K., 1981 Development of Tana and Athi Basins and environmental impact on basins ecosystems. Paper presented at the K.M.F.R.I. Symposium on aquatic resources in Kenya: a need for research. Mombasa, July 1981, 72 p. (mimeo)

Meadows, B.S. and J. Nyaga, 1981 An assessment of the potential of fish production in Kenya using algae stabilization ponds treating municipal sewage. Paper presented at the K.M.F.R.I. Symposium on aquatic resources in Kenya: a need for research. Mombasa, July 1981 (mimeo)

Munga, D., 1981 Some observation on petroleum pollution along the Kenya coast. Paper presented at the K.M.F.R.I. Symposium on aquatic resources in Kenya: a need for research. Mombasa, July 1981, 13 p. (mimeo)

Mutagyera, W.B., 1981 A brief review of past research on the edible crustaceans of the East African coast. Paper presented at the K.M.F.R.I. Symposium on aquatic resources in Kenya: a need for research. Mombasa, July 1981, 41 p. (mimeo)

Muthiga, N.A., 1981 Edible crabs of Kenya. Paper presented at the K.M.F.R.I. Symposium on aquatic resources in Kenya: a need for research. Mombasa, July 1981, 9 p. (mimeo)

Mutua, M., 1981 The relevancy of physical oceanography to fishery investigation in Kenya coast. Paper presented at the K.M.F.R.I. Symposium on aquatic resources in Kenya: a need for research. Mombasa, July 1981, 10 p. (mimeo)

Mwenesi, R.I., 1981 Anadromous fishes of Lake Victoria (Kenya) with special reference to Alestes and Schilbe species. Paper presented at the K.M.F.R.I. Symposium on aquatic resources in Kenya: a need for research. Mombasa, July 1981, 8 p. (mimeo)

Ngugi, C.C., 1976 Procedures in estimating fish production from Lake Victoria (Kenya waters). Kisumu, Fisheries Department, 3 p. (mimeo)

NORAD Advisory Group, 1980 Aid to the fisheries at Lake Turkana - evaluation and recommendations. Report by an Advisory Group appointed by NORAD in September 1980, 90 p.

Nzioka, R.M., 1981 A review of the past work done on pelagic resources of East Africa coastal waters. Paper presented at the K.M.F.R.I. Symposium on aquatic resources of Kenya: a need for research. Mombasa, July 1981, 27 p. (mimeo)

Ochieng, J.I., 1981 Aquaculture - a target priority area and the role of K.M.F.R.I. in the development of fish production in Kenya. Paper presented at the K.M.F.R.I. Symposium on aquatic resources in Kenya: a need for research. Mombasa, July 1981, 14 p. (mimeo)

Ochieng, O.J., 1982 Biological means of increasing fish production in ponds, dams and other smaller manageable lakes in Kenya. Stockholm, Project Document, International Foundation for Science, 9 p. (mimeo)

Odero, N., 1979 Fish species, distribution and abundance. In Natural resources and the development of Lake Victoria Basin of Kenya, edited by C.O. Okedi. Occas.Pap. Inst.Dev.Stud.Univ.Nairobi, (34):390–406

Oduor, B.W., 1981 Observations on the possible use of organic fertilizers for rural fish ponds in Kenya. Paper presented at the K.M.F.R.I. Symposium on aquatic resources in Kenya: a need for research. Mombasa, July 1981, 7 p. (mimeo)

Okemwa, E., 1981 A preliminary survey of the fisheries and limnology of Lake Kanyaboli and Lake Sare in western Kenya. Paper presented at the K.M.F.R.I. Symposium on aquatic resources in Kenya: a need for research. Mombasa, July 1981, 24 p. (mimeo)

Ongoma, A.O., 1981 The incidence of parasites in freshwater fish. Paper presented at the K.M.F.R.I. Symposium on aquatic resources in Kenya: a need for research. Mombasa, July 1981, 15 p. (mimeo)

Ongwenyi, G.S., 1979 Water resources of Lake Victoria drainage basin in Kenya. In Natural resources and the development of Lake Victoria Basin of Kenya, edited by C.O. Okedi. Occas.Pap.Inst.Dev.Stud.Univ.Nairobi, (34)

Onyari, J.M., 1981 A need for aquatic pollution studies in Kenyan inland waters. Paper presented at the K.M.F.R.I. Symposium on aquatic resources in Kenya: a need for research. Mombasa, July 1981, 24 p. (mimeo)

Poulter, R.G., 1982 Improvement in fish utilization and prevention of losses in small-scale fisheries in Kenya. Rome, FAO, TCP/KEN/0106 (Mi):52 p. (mimeo)

Ritchie, J.A.S., 1978 Manual on child development and family life nutrition. Addis Ababa, FAO, Joint ECA/FAO Agriculture Division, 214 p.

Ruwa, R.K., 1981 Marine botanical resources of Kenya coast. Paper presented at the K.M.F.R.I. Symposium on aquatic resources in Kenya: a need for research. Mombasa, July 1981, 11 p. (mimeo)

Senga, W.M., R. Farugee and B.A. Ateng, 1981 Population growth and agricultural development in Kenya. Occas.Pap.Inst.Dev.Stud.Univ.Nairobi, (40):58 p.

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Wakwabi, E.O., 1981 Sardine fishery (Kenya). Paper presented at the K.M.F.R.I. Symposium on aquatic resources in Kenya: a need for research. Mombasa, July 1981, 11 p. (mimeo)

Wambayi, F., 1981 Tilapia fishery of Lake Victoria. Paper presented at the K.M.F.R.I. Symposium on aquatic resources in Kenya: a need for research. Mombasa, July 1981, 11 p. (mimeo)

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