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In accordance with the recommendation of the Seventh Session of the Fisheries Committee for the Eastern Central Atlantic (CECAF) an ad hoc Working Group met under the sponsorship of the Inter-regional Fisheries Development and Management Programme INT/79/019 CE1 to examine the state of cephalopod stocks of the Northern Region of CECAF.

The meeting was held from 27 to 30 January 1982 at Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain, at the oceanography laboratory of the Spanish Oceanography Institute. The Working Group consisted of researchers from Spain, Morocco, Senegal, the Inter-regional Fisheries Development and Management Programme (INT/79/019 CE), FAO Headquarters in Rome, and one observer from Guinea (see Appendix 1). Mr Pereiro welcomed the participants and was then appointed Chairman of the Working Group. The Provisional Agenda was completed and adopted (Appendix 2). Messrs Fonteneau, Roest and Garcia were appointed as Rapporteurs.

1Since 1 January 1982 the title of this programme has been revised to “Programme for Fisheries Development in the Eastern Central Atlantic” with the new identification INT/81/104

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