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1. Introduction

The FAO/NORAD Round Table Discussion on Aid for Aquaculture Development in the Third World was held in Svanøy, Norway under the auspices of the Svanøy Foundation. The objectives of the Round Table were to:

(a) review the policies, strategies and potentials in relation to aquaculture development in Third World countries;

(b) identify nature and magnitude of aid needed by them;

(c) review experience in aid utilization and

(d) formulate the elements of a recommended policy for the provision of appropriate aid for aquaculture development, including ways and means of effective implementation of investment and technical assistance projects.

The list of participants and the agenda of the meeting are given in Annexures I and II respectively. Mr. Nils Vogt, Assistant Director-General of NORAD, welcomed the participants and commended the initiative taken by the Svanøy Foundation to organize the Round Table and expressed the hope that the discussions will lead to concrete actions for the benefit of developing countries.

Dr. T.V.R. Pillay, FAO, reminded the meeting that the first Round Table organized by the Foundation was on Planning of Aquaculture Development and that the Introductory Guide to Aquaculture Planning prepared on the basis of discussions at the meeting has been widely used as the basic document for a series of Planning Workshops in Asia, Africa and Latin America and recently as a text book on the subject for instruction in aquaculture planning in training institutions. He expressed the hope that the discussions in the present Round Table will make similar significant contributions to aquaculture in Third World countries.

A summary of the discussions, conclusions and recommendations of the Round Table are given in the following sections.

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