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acuminatetapering gradually or abruptly to a narrow tip, with sides inwardly curved or concave.
acutesharply pointed.
antherthat part of stamen containing pollen.
appressed(of hair), lying close to surface and thus flattened.
areolea space on a surface marked out by lines, cracks or ridges.
axillaryarising from upper angle between a stem and a leaf or similar organ arising from the stem.
bipinnatewhen the pinnae of a compound pinnate leaf are again pinnate, the leaf thus being twice pinnate.
bolethe lower usually undivided part of a tree trunk.
branchleta small, ultimate division of a branch.
calyxthe outer envelope of the flower composed of sepals.
ciliolatewith a fringe of very small hairs along edge.
compressed(of pods), flattened lengthwise.
connate(of stamen-filaments), united among themselves into a tube, wholly or partially.
corollathe inner envelope of the flower, composed of petals.
crenatenotched on margin with shallow, blunt or rounded teeth.
dehiscent(of pods), opening when ripe spontaneously along margins; hence, to dehisce.
eglandularwithout glands.
falcatecurved like a scythe or sickle.
filamentthe stalk of a stamen supporting the anther.
glabrouswithout hairs.
glabrescentbecoming glabrous, or nearly so.
glandvarious sorts of gland occur in Acacia; those mentioned in this report are either on the leaf-axes (petiole or rhachis) where they appear like small round disc-cups or warts on the surface (they are secretory when very young); or on the pods where they are small often coloured secretory organs borne on hairs mixed with other eglandular hairs.
glandularpossessing glands.
indehiscentnot opening spontaneously when ripe.
inflorescencethe arrangement of flowers on a plant, in Acacia either a round head or a spike.
inflorescence-axishere used for the stalk along which the flowers in the spike are arranged.
leafletthe leafy divisions of a compound leaf.
morphologicalrelated to the appearance of external form and features.
obtuseblunt or rounded at end.
pedunclehere used for the stalk bearing the head or spike of flowers.
petiolethe stalk of a leaf, here the stalk below the lowest pair of pinnae.
pinna(plural pinnae), the primary division of a compound leaf, here an axis bearing leaflets.
pricklehere used for the short sharp outgrowths from the branchlets or twigs of certain acacias, in the species dealt with here always in groups of three or (occasionally) solitary (see spine).
polyadwhere served individual pollen grains remain (and are dispersed) fused into a compound structure or polyad.
puberulousshortly and minutely pubescent.
pubescentdowny with short, soft hairs.
rhachis(plural rhachides), here used for the axis of the compound leaves along which the pinnae or leaflets are arranged.
spicatearranged in a spike.
spikean elongate inflorescence with the flowers borne directly on the axis of the inflorescence.
spinehere used for the sharp-pointed, rigid, often elongate structures borne in pairs along the branchlets and twigs; in Acacia these spines are derived from modified stipules.
stamenone of the male organs of the flowers, consisting of a filament and anther; in Acacia there are numerous stamens in each flower.
stipularstipule-like, or originating as a stipule.
stipuleleaf-like or scale-like appendages of the leaf, usually one on either side of the base of the petiole, in Acacia often becoming spinous.
subglabrousnearly glabrous.
subspeciesthe major taxonomic division of a species, above variety.
taxonomynatural, orderly classification.
tectuman external layer of the wall of the pollen-grain.
tomentellousshortly tomentose.
tomentosedensely clothed with short soft, curved curled or matted hairs, denser than pubescent (q.v.).
varietya lesser taxonomic division of a species, below subspecies.

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