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Caverivère, A., 1982 Les espéces démersales du plateau continental ivoirien : biologie et exploitation. Thèse présentée à l'Université d' Aix-Marseille II pour le titre de Docteur d' Etat-Sciences, 415 p.

Caverivière, 1980 A. et C. Champagnat, Compagne CHALCI 80.01 (20 August-10 September 1980). Résultats de chalutages. Arch.Sci.Cent.Rech.Océanogr.Abidjan, 6(3): 198 p.

Crosnier, A., 1964 Fonds de pêche le long des côtes de la République Fédérale du Cameroun. Cah.ORSTOM (Sér.Oceéanogr.) No. Spéc. 132 p.

Crosnier, A. 1966 et G.R. Berrit, Fonds de pêche le long des côtes des Républiques du Dahomey et du Togo. Cah.ORSTOM (Sér.Océanogr.), 4(1): Suppl.144 p.

Dixon, T.P., 1981 S.M.Overko and P.A.Bukatin, preliminary report of the first Liberian-Soviet fisheries research expedition (15 January-4 February 1981), Monrovia. MS pag.var.

Domain, F., 1980 Contribution à la connaissance de l'ecologie des poissons démersaux du plateau continental sénégalo-mauritanien. Les ressources démersal dans le contexte général du golfe de Guinée. Thèse de Doctorat d'état-es-science naturelles, 2 vols.

Fager, E.W.and A.R.Longhurst, 1968 Recurrent group analysis of species assemblages of demersal fish in the Gulf of Guinea. J.Fish.Res.Board Can., 25(7): 1405–21

Koranteng, K.A., 1981 Report on a trawling survey of demersal fish stocks in Ghanaian waters, 1979–80. Fisheries Department Research and Utilization Branch, Tema. MS pag. var.

Larkin, P.A., 1977 An epitaph for the concept of maximum sustained yield. Trans.Am.Fish.Soc., 106: 1–11

Larkin, P.A., 1982 Direction for future research in tropical multispecies fisheries. In Theory and management of tropical fisheries, edited by D.Pauly and C.I. Murphy. ICLARM Conf.Proc., (9): 360 p.

Longhurst, A.R., 1965 A survey of the fish resources of the eastern Gulf of Guinea. J.Cons. CIEM., 29 (3): 303–34

Longhurst, A.R., 1969 Species assemblages in tropical demersal fisheries. In Proceedings of the Symposium on the oceanography and fisheries resources of the tropical Atlantic. Results of the ICITA and GTS. Organized through the joint efforts of Unesco, FAO and OAU. Review papers and contributions. Paris, Unesco, pp. 147–68

Martin, L., 1973 Carte sédimentologique du plateau continental de Côte d'Ivoire. Notice Explic.ORSTOM, (48) :19 p.

Postel, E., 1968 Hydrologie et biogégraphie marines dans l'ouest africain. In West African International Atlas (first instalment) OUQ/IFAN: 13–17

Ralston, S. and J.J.Polovina, 1982 A multispecies analysis of the commercial deep sea hand-line fishery in Hawaii. Fish.Bull., 80(3)

Rancurel, P., 1968 Topographie générale du plateau continental de la Côte d'Ivoire et de Libérie. Notice Explic.ORSTOM, 7 cartes

Rijavec, L.,1980 A survey of the demersal fish resources of Ghana. Dakar, Senegal, Interregional Fisheries Development and Management Programme, CECAF/TECH/80/25:28 p.

Robertson, I.J.B., 1977 Summary report: FIOLENT 1976 Eastern Central Atlantic coastal fishery resource survey, southern sector. Dakar, Senegal, FAO/UNOP Project for the Development of Fisheries in the Eastern Central Atlantic, CECAF/TECH.REP. (77/2): 115 p. Issued also in French

Tyler, al., 1982 Adaptive management based on structure of fish assemblages of northern continental shelves. Can.Spec.Publ.Fish.Aquat.Sci., (59):169 p.

Williams, F. (ed.), 1968 Report on the Guinean trawling survey. Vol.1 General report. Publ. Organ.Afr.Unity Sci.Tech.Res.Comm., (99): Vol.1:828 p.

Williams, F. (ed.), 1968a Report on the Guinean trawling survey. Vol.2. Environmental Charts. Publ.Organ.Afr.Unity Sci.Tech.Res.Comm., (99): Vol.2: 529 p.

Zupanovic, S., 1976 Contribution á l'etude des resources halieutiques et leur prospection dans l'Atlantique centre-est. Dakar, FAO/UNDP Project for Development of Fisheries in the Eastern Central Atlantic, internal report, 2 vols.

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