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Shelf Demersal Species Assemblages in the Gulf of Guinea (modified from Fager and Longhurst, 1968)

Bottom type (depth range)Water characteristics1 Main speciesAssemblage
Soft bottoms (15–50 m)low salinity - high temperature - suprathermoclinalPseudotolithus typus Dasyatis - Arius - Pteroscion - Pentanemus - Cynoglossus browniA - SCIAENID (estuarine component)
 mixed layer (“Liberian waters”)Pseudotolithus senegalensis Galeoides - Brachydeuterus Ilisha - Pomadasys jubelini - Drepane - VomerB= SCIAENID (offshore component)
Rocks/reefs (15–40 m) Lutjanus agannes - Lethrinus Balistes forcipatus - Acanthurus - ChaetodonC = LUTJANID
Hard sand and broken corally deposits (15–70 m)(Subsuperficial dis- continuity layer) bottom of the thermo- cline with some extension in the mixed layerSparus caerulostictus - Pagellus
Priacanthus - Dactylopterus
Epinephelus - Pseudopenaeus
Raja miraletus - Balistes carolinensis
D1= “eurythermal” eurybathic element of the sparid group
Soft deposits (40–200 m)Below thermocline (subtropical water)Dentex - Lepidotrigla Paracubiceps - Uranoscopus - PentheroscionD = SPARID GROUP typical sparid group
Soft deposits (15–100 m)From suprathermoclinal to infrathermoclinal with preference for intermediate levels (discontinuity layer)Cynoglossus canariensis - Penaeus duorarum - Paragaleus - Scolidon - TrichiurusA-D eurythermal eurybathic Not assigned to a group

1 The nomenclature of water masses refers to Berrit (1973) Recherches hydroclimatiques dans les régions côtières de l'Atlantique tropical oriental: Etat des connaissances et perspectives. Bull.Mus.Hist.Nat. 3e série, 148 Ecologie génétale, 85–99

Equivalence of Terms Used in the Bottom Chart for Cameroon

Coastal hard depositsFonds à gorgones
 Fonds à maërl
CoalFonds à corail
Muddy sandSable vaseuse
Sandy mudVase sableuse


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