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1. Introduction

This report covers the result of technical assistance extended to the Government of Bangladesh on the management of a pilot oyster culture farm at Cox Bazar and the establishment of a pearl culture project at Mymensingh. The programme was part of the activities of UNDP/FAO Fishery Advisory services Project (BGD 81/034 and FAO/TCP Pearl Culture Project (BGD/TCP 2308. The services of Mr. R. Pagcatipunan, FAO Edible Oyster and Pearl Culture Expert, was provided for the period from November 5, 1983 to October 4,1984. The Directorate of Fisheries of the Ministry of Fisheries and Livestock as the National Agency provided for the counterparts namely:

  1. For Oyster Culture : Messrs. Ali Azam Khan, Sr. Scientific Officer, Manmatha Nath Sarker and Fukhrul Alam, both Scientific Officers, all assigned Marine Fisheries Research Station at Cox Bazar
  2. For Pearl Culture : Messrs. Masud Ahmed, Sr. Scientific Officer and Momtaz R. Begum, Mohamed Isamel and Momtaz P. Begum, all Scientific Officers of the Aquaculture Experimental Station in Mymensingh.

The Terms of Reference are as follows:

Under the overall guidance and coordination of the Project Manager, the expert will :

  1. Try out various option and recommend the most effective and practical methods of oyster culture applicable to conditions in Bangladesh
  2. Supervise operation and maintenance of the oyster farms and spat collection centers
  3. Carry out biological studies to obtain relevant information on growth, maturity, reproduction and predation control of commercially exploitable oyster and other mollusca of commercial importance, and
  4. To train counterparts in the field and in laboratory on the appropriate technology for culture of edible oyster and pearl oysters in Bangladesh

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