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4. Recommendations

  1. The oyster farm project at Cox's Bazar and Teknaf should be continued. Regular inspection of the farm should be undertaken in order to planned out the maintenance activities. Observation should be done on oyster growth, spat attachment, pests and predators, precence of oyster larvae
  2. Processing of oysters for its export potential should be look into. Oyster sauce and smoked oysters are examples of products that have a big demand in foreign countries.
  3. The market in Dhaka for oysters and clams should be explored. There exist a limited market for such items in Dhaka which will be about enough for the present resources from the wild in Cox's Bazar and Teknaf areas.
  4. The counterparts trained on oyster culture should be sent on study/observation tours to foreign countries with developed oyster industry. This could be in Japan, Thailand Philippines, Malaysia or Singapore. Such will broaden their knowledge of management and other activities in oyster farming.
  5. Operation of mussels to produce pearl should be continued. Trainees should operate more in order to master the technique, thereby minimizing the mortality and expulsion of nucleus inserted.
  6. The trainees on pearl culture should likewise be sent on study/observation tours to countries with developed pearl culture industry. Gaining knowledge through this programme, the trainees will have a better understanding and improving their activities of pearl culture.

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