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(i) Livres et manuels

Groulez, J. et Wood, P.J. 1984 Terminalia superba: monographie. CTFT Nogent-sur-Marne/ CFI, Oxford. (Centre Technique Forestier Tropical, 45bis Avenue de la Belle Gabrielle, F-94130 Nogent-sur-Marne, France) (85 pp.).

Hartmann, H.T. and Kester, D.E. 1983 Plant Propagation: principles and practices. 4th Edition. Prentice Hall Inc, New Jersey (USA). (727 pp.).

Hedrick, P.W. 1983 Genetics of Populations. Boston, Science Books International. New York, Van Nostrand Reinhold Co. (xvi - 629 pp).

Holden, J.H.W. and Williams, J.T. (Eds.) 1984 Crop Genetic Resources: conservation and evaluation. London, George Allen and Unwin (IBPGR Secretariat, FAO, Rome) (296 pp.)

Matheson, A.C. and Brown, A.G. 1983 Radiata Pine Breeding Manual. Division of Forest Research, CSIRO (P.O. Box 4008, Queen Victoria Terrace, Canberra ACT 2600, Australia) ($A 16).

Ng, F.S.P. 1983 Ecological Principles of Tropical Lowland Rain Forest Conservation. In: Sutton, S.L., Whitmore, T.C. and Chadwick, A.C. (Eds.) Tropical Rain Forest: Ecology and Management. Special Publication No. 2 of the British Ecological Society. Blackwell Scientific Publications, Oxford (UK), (pp. 359–375).

Robbins, A.M.J. 1985 A versatile, low cost drying kiln for opening pine cones. C.F.I. Occasional Papers No. 26 (Commonwealth Forestry Institute, South Parks Road, OX1 3RB Oxford, UK) (54 pp.).

Schonewald-Cox, C.M., Chambers, S.M., MacBryde, B. and Thomas, L. (Eds.) 1983 Genetics and conservation. A reference for managing wild animal and plant populations. Benjamin/Cummings Publishing Co. Inc. (Advanced Book Program, Menlo Park, California USA) (722 pp.).

Zobel, B. and Talbert, J. 1984 Applied Forest Tree Improvement. John Wiley & Sons Inc. New York (505 pp.).

1 Dans toute cette liste, les adresses des éditeurs ou auteurs sont données chaque fois que possible entre parenthèses. Si vous désirez un exemplaire de la publication ou de l'article en question, veuillez écrire directement à cette adresse.

(ii) Comptes rendus de conférences, rapports de réunions et séminaires

Anon. 1983 Forum Genetik - Wald - Forstwirtschaft. Bericht über die 2. Arbeitstagung vom 29.9 bis 1.10.1982 am Institut für Forstgenetik und Forstpfanzenzüchtung. Forstliche Biometrie und Informatik der Universität Göttingen (Rép. Féd. d'Allemagne).

Barnes, R.D. and Gibson, G.L. 1984 Provenance and genetic improvement strategies in tropical forest trees. Proc. Joint Workshop IUFRO Working Parties S2.02–08, S2.03-01, S2.03–13, Mutare, Zimbabwe 9–14 April 1984. (Commonwealth Forestry Institute, South Parks Road, OX1 3RB Oxford, UK). (663 pp.) (£UK 15)

FAO 1984a Rapport de la Cinquième session du Groupe FAO d'experts des ressources génétiques forestières, avec des listes de ressources génétiques prioritaires. FO:FGR/5/Rep., FAO, Rome (101 pp.).

INIF 1983 Reunión sobre problemas en Semillas Forestales Tropicales, San Felipe, Bacalar, Quintana Roo, México (Oct. 1980). Tomo II. Publicación Especial No. 40 (INIF, Avenida Progreso No. 5, Coyoacán 04110 México D.F., México).

Khosla, P.K. (Ed.) 1982 Improvement of Forest Biomass. Proc. of the National Symposium on “Improvement of Forest Biomass”, Nov. 20–21 1980, Solan, India. (Dept. Forestry, H.P. Agricultural University, S.N.S. Nager, 173230 Solan, India). (472 pp.).

McNeely, J.A. and Miller, K.R. 1984 National Parks, Conservation and Development. The Role of Protected Areas in Sustaining Development. Proc. World Congress on National Parks, Bali, Indonesia 11–22 October 1982. (Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington D.C. USA).

Maury-Lechon, G., Hadley, M. and Younés, T. 1984 The significance of species diversity in tropical forest ecosystems. Report of Meeting of the IUBS Working Group on Species Diversity/Decade of the Tropics Programme, cosponsored by the Unesco Man and Biosphere Programme. Biology International, Special Issue (6/1984). (IUBS, 51 Boulevard de Mont-Morency, F-75016 Paris, France).

Nomkoong, G. 1984 Strategies for Gene Conservation in Forest Tree Breeding. In: C.W. Yeatman, D. Kafton and G. Wilkes (Eds): Plant Genetic Resources, a conservation Imperative. AAAS Selected Symposium 87. (pp. 78–89).

Yates, H.O. (Ed.) 1984 Proc. of the cone and seed insects IUFRO Working Party Conference (S2.07-01). (Forestry Sciences Laboratory, Carlton Street, Athens, Georgia 30602, USA). (214 pp.).

Yeatman, C.W., Kafton, D. and Wilkes, G. (Eds.) 1984 Plant Genetic Resources, a Conservation Imperative. AAAS Selected Symposium 87. (Westview Press, Boulder, Colorado, USA). (164 pp.).

(iii) Informations et rapports d'instituts, associations, etc.

Anon. 1983 Quantification of orchard seed production efficiences and absolute seed losses from the time of flowering through to seed germination. Progress Report for 1982, Seed Orchard Management Study SX 82609 - Q (Ministry of Forests, Province of British Columbia, Canada).

Anon. 1984 Especies forestales nativas en los Andes Ecuatorianos: resultados preliminares de algunas experiencias. Programa de Forestación (Central Ecuatoriana de Servicios Agricolas, Quito, Ecuador). (50 pp., $1 per species).

Anon. 1984 Research in Natural Areas: Baseline Monitoring and Management. Proc. Symp. in Missoula, Montana, 21 March 1984. USDA, Forest Service. General Technical Report INT-173 (Intermountain Forest and Range Expt. Station, Ogden UT 84401, USA).

Anon. 1984 Qualité, production et utilisation de la graine améliorée de pin maritime. AFOCEL/ARMEF, Informations - Forêt No. 4 (Fascicule 258). 7 pp. (AFOCEL, Domaine de l'Etançon, F-77370 Nangis, France).

Bonner, F.T. 1984 Glossary of seed germination terms for tree seed workers. USDA/ Forest Service, Southern Forest Experiment Station. Gen.Tec.Rep. SO-49 (Forestry Sciences Laboratory, USDA Forest Service, Box 906, Starkville, Mississippi, 39759, USA) (Spanish version in preparation).

Chin, H.F. 1983 Preliminary report on IBPGR project 1982–83: Identification of Recalcitrant Seeds Species. AGPG:IBPGR/83/117 (Ronéoté). FAO, Rome.

Cossalter, C. 1983 Travaux du CTFT dans le domaine de la propagation en masse des arbres forestiers par voie végétative. Note non publiée. Centre Technique Forestier Tropical, Mai 1983. (45bis, Avenue de la Belle Gabrielle, F-94130 Nogent-sur-Marne, France). (5 pp.).

FAO 1984 Conservation in situ des ressources phytogénétiques: les bases scientifiques et techniques. D'après une étude soumise par G.B. Ingram. FORGEN/MISC/84/1, FAO, Rome. (58 pp.).

FAO 1984 Guide pour la conservation in situ des ressources génétiques d'essences forestières tropicales, par L. Roche et M.J. Dourojeanni. FORGEN/ MISC/84/2, FAO, Rome. (196 pp.).

FAO 1984 Conservation in situ des ressources génétiques de plantes sauvages: analyse de la situation actuelle et plan d'action. D'après une étude soumise à la FAO par l'Union internationale pour la conservation de la nature et de ses ressources. FORGEN/MISC/84/3, FAO, Rome. (83 pp.).

FAO 1984 Micropropagation of selected rootcrops, palms, citrus and ornamental species. Plant Production and Protection Paper No. 59. FAO Rome.

Gulick, P. and van Sloten, D.H. 1984 Directory of Germplasm Collections: Tropical Fruits. International Board for Plant Genetic Resources, AGPG: IBPGR/ 84/85. FAO, Rome. (191 pp.).

Hu, Shih-Chang, Lilieholm, R.J. and Burns, P. 1983 Loblolly pine (P. taeda). A Bibliography 1959–1982. Research Report No. 2. School of Forestry and Wildlife Management, Louisiana Agr. Expt. Station, Louisiana State University (USA).

Huxley, P.A. 1983 Systematic designs for field experimentation with multipurpose trees. ICRAF Working Paper No. 12 (P.O. Box 30677, Nairobi, Kenya).

IBPGR 1983 Practical constraints affecting the collection and exchange of wild species and primitive cultivars. Report on Secretariat Consultation 14–15 March 1983. AGPG: IBPGR/83/49, FAO, Rome.

Johnston, R.D. & Bary, G.A.V. 1981 Notes to assist in the use of a card key for identification of eucalyptus, CSIRO Division of Forest Research (P.O. Box 4008, Canberra A.C.T. 2600, Australia).

Kosasih, A.S., Leppe, D. and Mas'ud, A.F. 1984 The flowering and fruiting of three Shorea species during six years in Wanariset forest at Samboja, East Kalimantan. Forest Department Report No. 449 (Departemen Kehutanan, Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hutan, Bogor, Indonesia). (Summary in English).

Maréchel, A. 1984 Testing of treated seed samples: apparatus or equipment used in the Seed Testing Station at La Minière (France). ISTA News Bulletin No. 78. (ISTA Secretariat, Reckenholz, P.O. Box 412, CH 8046 Zürich, Switzerland).

Montague, P. 1984 Faidherbia albida: un arbre, un projet. Ass. Bois de Feu: Informations No.9: 15–16 (Avril-Mai-Juin) (28, Bd. de la République, F-13100 Aix-en-Provence, France).

Nepveu, G. & Velling, P. 1983 Rauduskoivun puuaineen laadun geneettinen vaihtelu. Abstract: Individual genetic variability of wood quality in Betula pendula. Folia For. 575:1–21. (Adresses des auteurs: Nepveu: I.N.R.A., Station de Recherches sur la Qualité des Bois, Centre de Recherches Forestières de Nancy, Champenoux, F-54280 SEICHAMPS. Velling: The Finnish Forest Research Institute, Unioninkatu 40 A, SF-00170 Helsinki 17).

Overhulser, D.L. & Sandquist. R.E. 1985 Protecting Douglas Fir Seed orchard crops from insect damage. Tree Improvement News No. 47: 1–7 (Industrial Forestry Association, 135 Nisqually Cut-off Road, S.E. 1 Olympia Wash. 98503, USA).

Pardos, J.A. 1984 Un programa de mejoramiento genetico in Prosopis tamarugo y Prosopis chilensis. Documento de trabajo No. 1, Proyecto CONAF/PNUD/FAO-CHI/83/017, Investigación y Desarrollo de Areas Silvestres en Zonas Aridas y Semiáridas (Corporación Nacional Forestal, Avenida Bulnes 285, Santiago Chile) (28 pp.).

Patiño, V.F., Garza, P. de la, Villagómez, A.Y., Palavera, A.Y. & Camacho, M.F. 1983 Guía para la recolección y manejo de semillas de especies forestales. Boletín Divulgativo No.63 (Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Forestales, Avenida Progreso No.5, Coyoacán 04110, Mexico D.F.)

Richardson, B.A., 1984 McDonough, W.T. and Farmer, E.E. Vibility of seed produced on highly sodic coalmine spoils. USDA, Forest Service. Research Note INT-347 (Inter-mountain Forest and Range Expt. Station, Ogdan UT 84401, USA).

Salazar, R. 1984 Potencial del mejoramiento genético en especies para leña. CATIE (Turrialba, 7170 Costa Rica). Ronéoté. 6 pp.

Scholz, F. 1984 Genetische Verarmung unserer Wälder durch Luftverunreinigung. 6. Hamburger Forst-und Holztagung 1984. Forest-und Holzwirtschaftliches Symposium 8 und 9 Mai 1984. Plenarvorträge. Mitteilungan der Bundesforschungsanstalt für Forst-und Holzwirtschaft Nr. 146. Kommissionsverlag, Buchhandlung Maxwiedebusch, Hamburg (Rép. Féd. d'Allemagne).

Suhaondi, H. 1984 Genotype and phenotype correlations among some quantitative characters of Pinus merkusii Jungh. et de Vriese. Forest Department Report No. 447. (Departemen Kehutanan, Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hutan, Bogor, Indonesia) (Summary in English).

Van Haverbeke, D.F. 1984 Genetic variation in blue spruce (Picea pungens): a test of populations in Nebraska, USA. USDA/Forest Service. Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Expt. Station. Research Paper RM-253. (Lincoln, Nebraska 68503, USA).

Varela, M.C. 1984 A qualidade da semente en silvicultura. Instituto Nacional de Investigação Agraria (INIA), Portugal. Mimeo. (Estaçã de Experimentaçã Florestal, Avenida Joã Crisótemo 32, 5°-Esj., P-1000 Lisboa, Portugal).

Wotowiec, P. and Martínez H., H.A. 1984 Estudios silviculturales con especies para producción de leña en la zona semiárida de Guatemala. Informe Preliminar. Proyecto Leña y Fuentes de Energìa Alternativas. (INFOR-CATIE/ ROCAP) Centro Agronómico Tropical de Investigación y Enseñanza (Turrialba, Costa Rica) (43 pp.).

(iv) Articles choisis de revues et périodiques

Akachulen, A.E. 1984 The possibility of tree selection and breeding for genetic improvement of wood properties of Gmelina arborea. Forest Science 30(2): 275–283.

Anderson, R.L., Belcher, E. and Miller, T. 1984 Occurrence of seed fungi inside slash pine seeds produced in seed orchards in the United States. Seed Sci. and Technol. 12: 795–799.

Anon. 1984 Amélioration des espèces forestières: l'extraordinaire génèse des peuplements étus. Informations Bois No.54 (Octobre 1984): 16–19 (85, Rue Lafayette, F-75009 Paris, France).

Bajaj, Y.P.S. 1984 The regeneration of plants from frozen pollen embryos and zygotic embryos of wheat and rice. Theor. Appl. Genet. 67: 525–528.

Berjak, P., Dini, M. and Pammenter, N.W. 1984 Possible mechanisms underlying the differing dehydration responses in recalcitrant and orthodox seeds: desiccation - associated subcellular changes in propagules of Avicennia marina. Seed Science and Technology 12 (2): 365–384.

Bonner, F.T. 1984 Tolerance limits in measurement of tree seed moisture. Seed Sci. and Technol. 12: 789–794.

Bowen, M.R. and Eusebio, T.V. 1982 Seed handling practices: Four fast-growing hardwoods for humid tropical plantations in the eighties. Malaysian Forester 45(4): 534–547.

Calamasi, R., Falvsi, M. and Tocci, A. 1984 Effets de la température de germination et de la stratification sur la germination des semences de Pinus halepensis Mill. Silvae Genetica 33 (4–5): 133–140.

Chang, T.T. 1983 Guidelines for the cold storage of orthodox crop seeds in the humid tropics. IBPGR Regional Committee for Southeast Asia Newsletter 7 (2/3): 23–26. (c/o FAO IRAPIA, Maliwan Mansion, Phra Afit Road, Bangkok, Thailand).

Chen Gengtao 1985 China estabilishes more nature reserves. Biological conservation 31 (1): 1–5.

Cobb, S.W., Astriab, T.D. and Schoenike, R.E. 1984 Early cone collection and postharvest treatment comparisons in a South Carolina Loblolly Pine seed orchard. Tree Planter's Notes 35(3): 12–14.

Cooper, A. 1984 Application of multivariate methods to the conservation management of hazel scrubs in Northeast Ireland. Biological Conservation 30(4): 341–352.

Cotterill, P.P. 1984 A plan for breeding radiata pine. Silvae Genetic 33(2–3): 84–90.

Dean, C.A., Cotterill, P.P. and Cameron, J.N. 1983 Genetic parameters and gains expected from multiple trait selection of radiata pine in Eastern Victoria. Australian For. Res. 13(3–4): 271–278.

Ditlevsen, B. 1984 Skovfrø til U-lande fra Humlebaek. Skoven (9): 246–250.

Dominguez A., F.A. 1983 Una nueva localidad para Pseudotsuga macrolepis Flous. Ciencia Forestal 8(45): 3–6.

Donald, D.G.M. and Lundquist, J.E. 1984 Treatment of Eucalyptus seed to maximise germination. Seed Sci. and Technol. 12: 817–828.

Doran, J.C. and Boland, D.J. 1984 Effects of temperature on germination of Eucalyptus microtheca. Australian Forest Research 14(1): 49–56.

Edwards, C.A. and Mumford, P.M. 1984 Storage of Citrus aurantium seeds imbibed in chemicals. Plant Genetic Resources Newsletter No.54: 13–22. FAO, Rome.

Edwards, D.G.W. 1984 The role of seeds and seed research in combating the exploitation of the world's forest resources. Seed Sci. and Technol. 12: 757–765.

El-Kassaby, Y.A., Fashler, A.M.K. and Sziklai, O. 1984 Reproductive phenology and its impact on genetically improved seed production in a Douglas Fir seed orchard. Silvae Genetica 33(4–5): 120–125.

Falkenhagen, E.R. 1985 Isozyme studies in provenance research of forest trees. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 69: 335–347.

Foster, B.B. and Belcher, E.W. 1983 Cost savings from improved seed germination rates. Tree Planter's Notes 34(2): 31–32.

Friedman, S.T. and Adams, W.T. 1985 Estimation of gene flow in two seed orchards of loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.). Theoretical and Applied Genetics 69(5/6): 609–615.

González R., A. y Pérez S., M. 1983 Comportamiento de progénies de polinización libre y controlada de un huerto semillero de Pinus caribaea var. caribaea. Revista Forestal Baracoa (Centro de Investigación Forestal, La Habana, Cuba).

Green, G.C. 1984 Priorities for land use: a South American example. Commonwealth Forestry Review 63(3): 185–192.

Gunatilleke, C.V.S. & Gunatilleke, I.A.U.N. 1985 Phytosociology of Sinharaja - A Contribution to rain forest conservation in Sri Lanka. Biological Conservation 31(1): 21–40.

Gupta, S.K., Pathak, P.S. and Devroy, R. 1983 Seeding growth of Leucaena leucocephala (Lam.) de Wit, II. Effect of seed size. Ind.J.For. 6(3): 202–204.

Haines, R.J. and Gould, R.J. 1983 Separation of the seed of Araucaria cunninghamii Ait. ex. D.Don (Hoop Pine) by flotation. Aust.For.Res.13 (3–4): 299–304.

Halkett, J.C. 1983 The conservation of natural forest in New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Forestry 28(2): 263–274.

Ho, R.H. 1984 Seed cone receptivity and seed production potential in white spruce. Forest Ecology and Management 9(3): 161–171.

Hudson, J.M. 1984 A note on Cordia alliodora in Vanuatu. Comm.For.Rev.63(3): 181–183.

Hughes, C.E. and Styles, B.T. 1984 Exploration and seed collection of multiplepurpose dry zone trees in Central America. The International Tree Crops Journal 3: 1–31.

Karschon, R. and Grunwald, C. 1984 Geographical variation in Eucalyptus microtheca F. Muell. Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Forstwesen (Beiheft). No.72: 20–31.

Kleinschmidt, J. 1983 Möglichkeiten der Züchterung Resistenter Waldbäume für die Immissionsbelasteten Flächen (Possibilities for breeding resistant forest trees for polluted areas). Forst und Holzwirt 38(8): 196–199.

Leadem, C.L. and Edwards, D.G.W. 1984 A multiple-compartment tree seed tumbler-drier. Tree Planter's Notes 35(3): 23–25.

Larsen, A.L. 1985 Exhaust hoods for the seed laboratory. ISTA News No. 79 (March 1985) : 10–13. (Internat. Seed Testing Association, P.O. Box 412, Reckenholz, CH-8046 Zürich, Switzerland).

Ledgard, W.J. and Cath, P.W. 1983 Seed of New Zealand Nothofagus species: studies of seed weight, viability, shape and the effect of varying stratification periods. New Zealand Journal of Forestry 28(2): 150–162.

Lubrano, L. 1984 Risultati preliminari sulla micropropagazione di Eucalyptus x trabutii. Cellulosa e Carta (5/6) 59–60. (Centro di Sperimentazione Agricola e Forestale, Rome).

Matheson, A.C. and Raymond, C.A. 1984 The impact of genotype and environment interactions on Australian Pinus radiata breeding programs. Australian Forest Research 14(1): 11–25.

Meudel, Z. 1984 Provenance as a factor in susceptibility of Pinus halepensis to Matsococcus josephi (Homoptera: Margarodidae). Forest Ecology and Management 9: 259–266.

Miller, L.K. 1983 Controlled pollination techniques for Fraser Fir. Tree Planter's Notes 34(3): 28–30.

Murata, M., Roos, E.E. and Tsuchiya, T. 1981 Genetic changes induced by artificial seed ageing in barley. I. Germinability and frequency of aberrant anaphases at first mitosis. Can.J.Genet. Cytol.23: 267–280.

Murata, M., Tsuchiya, T. and Roos, E.E. 1982 Chromosome damage induced by artificial seed ageing in barley. II. Types of chromosomal aberrations at first mitosis. Bot.Gaz. 143:111–116.

Namkoong, G. 1984 A control concept of gene conservation. Silvae Genetica 33 (4–5): 160–163

Noland, T.L. and Murphy, J.B. 1984 Changes in isocitrate lyase activity and ATP content during stratification and germination of sugar pine seeds. Seed Sci. and Technol. 12: 777–787.

Pederick, L.A. and Eldridge, K.G. 1983 Characteristics of future radiata pine achievable by breeding. Australian Forestry 46(4): 287–293.

Phillips, M.T.T. 1984 Small-scale seed collections can cause problems. Forestry and British Timber 13(7): 26–27.

Plucknett, D.L., Smith, N.J.H., Williams, J.T. and Murthi Anishetty, N. 1983 Crop Germplasm Conservation and Developing Countries. Science 220:163–169.

Poggiani, F., Rezende, G.C. and Filho, W.S. 1983 Efeitos do fogo na brotaçao e crescimento de Eucalyptus grandis após o corte raso et alteraçoes nas propriedades do solo. IPEF, Piracicaba 24: 33–42 (IPEF, Univ. Sao Paulo, C.P. 9,13400 Piracicaba Brazil).

Roberts, J.H., and Couble, M.T. 1984 Genetic structure in loblolly pine stands: allozyme variation in parents and progency. Forest Science 30(2): 319–329.

Rodrigues de Paiva, J., de Souza Gonçalves, P. and Gasparotto, L. 1984 Variaçao genética entre procedéncias de seringueira (Hevea spp.). Pesquisa Agropecuária Brasileira 20(1): 97–107.

Sandström, E. 1981 Mera skog ur bättre frö (Summary: More timber from better seed). Sveriges Skogsvårdsförbunds Tidskrift Nr.3: 35–40.

Schmidtling, R.C. 1984 Planting south of origin increases flowering in shortleaf (Pinus echinata Mill.) and virginia pines (Pinus virginiana Mill.) Silvae Genetica 33 (4–5): 140–145.

Simak, M. 1984 A method for removal of filled-dead seeds from a sample of Pinus contorta. Seed Sci. and Technol. 12: 767–775.

Stead, J.W. and Styles, B.T. 1984 Studies of Central American Pines: a revision of the “Pseudostrobus” group (Pinaceae). Bot.J.Linn.Soc. 89: 249–275.

Thornton, I.W.B. 1984 Krakatan: the development and repair of a tropical ecosystem. Ambio 13(4): 217–225.

Tompsett, P.B. 1984 The effect of moisture content and temperature on the seed storage life of Araucaria columnaris. Seed Sci. and Technol. 12: 801–816.

Wang, T.T., Yang, J.C. and Chen, Z.Z. 1984 Identification of hybridity of Casuarinas grown in Taiwan. Silvae Genetica 33 (4–5): 128–133.

Yeh, F.C., Bruce, A., Cheliak, W.M. and Chipmen, D.C. 1983 Mating system of Eucalyptus citriodora in a seed production area. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 13(6): 1051–1055.

Zani Filho, J. and Kageyama, P.Y. 1984 A produçao de sementes melhoradas de espécies florestais, con ênfase en Eucalyptus. IPEF, Piracicaba 27: 49–52. (IPEF, Univ. Sao Paulo, C.P. 9,13.400 Piracicaba, Brésil).

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