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The consultant team which consisted of inland fisheries specialist, Mr I.G. Dunn, and aquatic weed specialist, Mr G. Sainty, travelled to Egypt to undertake a study of the problem of aquatic weed control in relation to the fisheries on Lake Edku and the Barsik Fish Farm, both situated in the Nile Delta. Their visit to Egypt was from 28 August to 20 September 1985. The results of their visit are summarized in two Field Documents.

It was considered that the close interaction between the conditions of weed growth and the fish production and yield demanded that the consultants approached the study as a collaborative project. However, the results of their study are presented as two separate reports, one of which (Field Document l based on the work of I.G. Dunn) concentrates mainly on fisheries associated problems, the other dealing with the weed aspects (Field Document 2, based on the work of G. Sainty).

The terms of reference for the inland fisheries specialist were:

  1. review the capture fisheries of Lake Edku, with special attention to the interaction between fish, fisheries, aquatic plant species composition and lake plant cover;

  2. assess the limnology of the lake, especially aspects of the impact of the drains water input, sea water input and sewage input on the water quality, fish and aquatic plants;

  3. assess the impact of annual herbicide spraying of water hyacinth on fish and water quality;

  4. consider the current socio-economic value of the fishery;

  5. analyse various ways for enhancement of fisheries by weed control, enlargement of fishing areas by weed removal, intensification of fishing by introduction of new fish species (e.g., grass carp) and stocking, introducing aquaculture elements into lakes (e.g., cage culture) and some others.


The broad objectives of the TCP assistance were to assist in controlling aquatic weeds on the Barsik Fish Farm on Lake Edku, to assess the present situation on Lake Edku where weed growth limits the capture fisheries, and to assess the feasibility of economic utilization of aquatic plants. Other objectives of this project were the provision of equipment for mechanical removal of weeds from ponds and of herbicides for weed control on pond embankments. Two Egyptian scientists/managers were sent on a study tour to become acquainted with updated technologies and management approaches in controlling aquatic weeds and in fish culture in waterbodies impacted by aquatic weeds.

The two consultancies were to clarify the present situation of weed infestation in the Barsik Fish Farm and Lake Edku, to assess management possibilities and to put forward ideas for enhancement of fisheries and for weed control.

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