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CECAF, 1985. Report of the second Ad hoc Working Group on pelagic stocks of the Sherbro Statistical Division (34.3.3). Freetown, Sierra Leone, 26–30 March 1985. FAO, Rome, CECAF/ECAF Ser., (in press)

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Chaytor, D.E.B., et al., 1982. A preliminary estimate of the biomass of coastal pelagic fishes in the waters of the Republic of Sierra Leone, February-March 1982. In Report of the Ad hoc Working Group on pelagic stocks of the Sherbro Statistical Division (34.3.3). Dakar, CECAF Project, CECAF/TECH/83/48:40–59

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FAO/UNDP, 1969. First synoptic survey by West African pelagic fish surveys 14–28 July 1969. Rep.Surv.Dev.Pelagic Fish Resour.FAO/ UNDP/Sierra Leone, (69/6):30 p.

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Garcia, S., (comp). 1982. Distribution, migration and spawning of the main fish resources in the northern CECAF area. CECAF/ECAF Ser., (82/25):9 p.

Garcia, S. and F. Lhomme, 1980. Pink shrimp resources (Penaeus duorarum notialis). FAO Fish.Tech.Pap., (186.1):121–45. Issued also in French

Garcia, S. and L. Le Reste, 1981. Life cycles, dynamics, exploitation and management of coastal penaeid shrimp stocks. FAO Fish.Tech.Pap., (203):215 p. Issued also in French

Herbland, A. and A. Le Bouteiller, 1982. The meanders of Equatorial currents: influence on biological process. Océanogr./Trop., 17(1):15–25

Ivanov, A. and S. Overko, 1983. Hydroacoustic survey of the shelf of the Republic of Sierra Leone, 22–30 December 1976. In Report of the Ad hoc Working Group on pelagic stocks of the Sherbro Statistical Division (34.3.3). Dakar, CECAF Project, CECAF/TECH/83/48:38–9

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Longhurst, A., 1963. The bionomics of the fisheries resources of the eastern tropical Atlantic. Fish.Publ.Colon.Off.,Lond., (20):66 p.

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Marchall, E., et al., 1980. Rapport sur une évaluation acoustique des ressources en poissons pélagiques dans la sous-région guinéenne: deuxième campagne du N/O “CAPRICORNE”, mars 1979. Rome, FAO, Fonds de Dépôt Norvégien, FAO/GCP/GUI/003(NOR), 80 p.

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Schmidt, W., 1971. Observations on deep scattering Sardinella aurita from the offshore waters of Mauritania. Rep.Surv.Dev.Pelagic Fish Resour.FAO/UNDP/Sierra Leone, (69/6):17 p.

Sénégal, Service de l'Océeanographie et des pêches maritimes, 1955. Réesultats des essais de pêche au thon à l'appât vivant effectuées par le clipper “YOLANDE BERTIN” pendant la péeriode du 15 février au 30 avril 1955. Dakar, République du Sénégal, Service de l'Océanographie et des Pêches Maritimes, 4 p.

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Stromme, T., 1983. Final report of the R/V/ DR FRIDTJOF NANSEN fish resource surveys off West Africa from Agadir to Ghana, May 1981 – March 1982. Bergen, Institute of Marine Research, 155 p.

Stromme, T., G. Saetersdal and H. Gjosaeter (eds), 1981. Preliminary report on surveys with the R/V DR FRIDTJOF NANSEN in West African waters 1981. Bergen, Institute of Marine Research, pag. var.

Troadec, J.P. and S. Garcia (eds), 1980. The fish resources of the Eastern Central Atlantic. Part one. The resources of the Gulf of Guinea from Angola to Mauritania. FAO Fish.Tech.Pap., (186.1):166p. Issued also in French

Tucker, M.E., 1973. The sediments of tropical African estuaries, Freetown, Peninsular, Sierra Leone. Geol.Mijnbouw, 52:203–15

Van der Knaap, M., 1985. Preliminary annotated inventory of the scientific expeditions and resources survey carried out in the CECAF area. Inventaire préliminaire annoté des expéditons scientifiques et campagnes de prospection effectuées dans la zone du COPACE, Dakar, CECAF Project/Projet COPACE. CECAF/TECH/85/64:145 p.

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Willmann, R. and B. Frielink, 1985. The shrimp fishery of Sierra Leone. A preliminary report prepared for the Fisheries Division, Ministry of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Government of Sierra Leone. Rome, FAO, April 1985, 29 p. (mimeo)

Lat. 8030'N, Long. 13014'N
Station elevation: 11.27 m

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