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Some of the following papers or books are referred to in the text of this report; others are listed as useful publication. It is recommended that LKIM purchase copies of these documents for use at the project site (s).

Chow, K. 1984 Artificial diets for Sea Bass, Macrobrachium and Tiger Shrimp. Consultant's report to LKIM/FAO (MAL/79/018). Rome, FAO

Gohl, B. 1981 Tropical Feeds (Feed information summaries and nutritive values). FAO Animal Production and Health Series No. 12. (pp. 529). SST Trading Sdn Bhd, Bangunan Tekno No. 385, Jalan 5/59, P.O. Box 227, Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia

Jauncey, K. and B. Ross. 1982 A Guide to Tilapia Feeds and Feeding. (pp. 111) Institute of Aquaculture, University of Stirling, Scotland, UK

National Academy of Sciences. 1969 United States-Canadian Table of Feed Composition. N.A.S. Publication No. 1684. National Academy of Sciences, Washington, D.C., USA

New, M.B. 1976 A review of dietary studies with shrimps and prawns. Aquaculture, 9(2): 101-144 Elsevier Scientific Publishers, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

New, M.B. 1980 A bibliography of shrimp and prawn nutrition. Aquaculture, 21: 101-128. Elsevier Scientific Publishers, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

New, M.B. 1984 Aquaculture diets of postlarval marine fish of the superfamily Percoidae, with special reference to sea bass, sea breams, groupers and yellowtail: a review. Kuwait Bulletin of Marine Science, 1985, 7: 75-148. Mariculture and Fisheries Department, Kuwait Institute of Marine Science, P.O. Box 24885, Safat, Kuwait. Note: a copy of the galley-proof of this paper was left with LKIM personnel in Kuala Lumpur, for transfer to the project site(s)

New, M.B. and M. Pedini. 1986 Feeds and Feeding: a manual on the preparation of feed for pond and cage culture of shrimp and fish. FAO Fisheries Technical Paper (in preparation). Note: It is hoped that this publication will be printed in 1986. It will be in the same series as the one on Macrobrachium, which LKIM already have

Tan Cheng Eng, Tan Bian Hooi and Low Tung Wang. 1985 A case study on commercial cage culture of fin fish in Penang. FAO, TCP/MAL/4403, Technical Report 4, 52 p.

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