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This report is the proceedings of a workshop on 'The Markets for Prime Mediterranean Species - Sea Bass, Sea Bream, Mullets and Eel - and Their Links with Investment' organized by ADCP/MEDRAP and held at Ente di Sviluppo Agricolo del Veneto (ESAV), Villanova di Motta di Livenza, 9-11 December, 1986.

The report was prepared by Mr. M.B. New, Senior Aquaculturist, Aquaculture Development and Coordination Programme (ADCP), FAO, and the other session chairmen, Mr. D. Insull, Senior Fishery Planning Officer, Fishery Development Planning Service (FIPP), FAO, Dr. E. Ruckes, Senior Fishery Industry Officer (Marketing), Fish Utilization and Marketing Service (FIIU), FAO and Mr. M. Spagnolo (Workshop Coordinator), Istituto Ricerche Economiche per la Pesca e l'Acquacoltura, Salerno.

Note: Currency conversions are average rates calculated from the World Value of the Pound, Financial Times, London, 9 December, 1986.

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