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Adetayo, J.A. 1982 The recent trends and future prospects of the Nigerian shrimp fishery. Tech.Pap. (4). Nig.Inst.Oceanogr.Mar.Res., 27 p.

Burukowski, R.N. and S.K. Bulanekev. 1971 Pink shrimp biology and fishing. Jerusalem, Israel Programme for Scientific Translations, 60 p.

Crosnier, A. 1964 Fonds de pêche le long des côtes de la République Fédérale du Cameroun. Cah.ORSTOM (Océanogr.), No. Spécial:132 p.

FOA. 1979a Report of the ad hoc Working Group on the assessment of shrimp stocks (Penaeus duorarum notialis) of Ivory Coast-Congo of the IC-C sector CECAF/ECAF Ser., (78/6):59 p.

FAO. 1979b Report of the special Working Group on the evaluation of demersal stocks of the Ivory Coast-Zaire sector. CECAF/ECAF Ser., (79/14):74 p.

FAO. 1986 Report of the CECAF ad hoc Working Group on the demersal and shrimp resources of the Central Gulf of Guinea Division (34.3.5). CECAF/ECAF Ser., (86/36):97 p.

Forest, J. 1979 Campagne de la CALYPSO dans le Golfe de Guinée et aux Iles Principe. Sao Tomé, Annebon (1956). Introduction Ann.Inst.Océanogr. Monaco, 37:3–35

Garcia, S. 1977 Biologie et dynamique des populations de crevettes roses(Penaeus duorarum notialis, Pérez-Farfante, 1967) en Côte-d'Ivoire. Trav.Doc.ORSTOM, Paris, (79):271 p.

Garcia, S. 1982 (comp.) Distribution, migration and spawning of the main fish resources in the northern CECAF area. CECAF/ECAF Ser., (82/25):9 p.

Garcia, S. and F. Lhomme. 1980 Pink shrimp resources (Penaeus duorarum notialis). FAO Fish.Tech.Pap., (186.1):121–45. Issued also in French

Garcia, S. and L. Le Reste. 1981 Life cycles, dynamics, exploitation and management of coastal penaeid shrimp stocks. FAO Fish.Tech.Pap., (203):215 p. Issued also in French

Herbland, A. and A. Le Bouteiller. 1982 The meanders of Equatorial currents: influence on biological process. Oceanogr.Trop., 17(1):15–25

Laure, J. 1969 La pêche industrielle au Cameroun. Yaoundé, ORSTOM, 126 p.

Laure, J. 1972 Vingt ans de pêche industrielle au Cameroun. Pêche Marit., (20):866

Le Guen, J.C. 1971 Dynamique des populations de Pseudotolithus (Fonticulus) elongatus (Bowd., 1825). Poissons Sciaenidae. Cah.ORSTOM (Océanogr.), 9(1):3–84

Longhurst, A. 1958 An ecological survey of the West African marine benthos. Fish.Publ. Colon.Off.Lond., (11):101 p.

Longhurst, A. 1959 Mesh selection factors in the trawl fishery of tropical West Africa. J.Cons.CIEM, 25(3):318–25

Longhurst, A. 1960 A summary survey of the food of West African demersal fish. Bull.Inst.Fondam.Afr.Noire (A Sci.Nat.), 22(1):276–82

Longhurst, A. 1963 The bionomics of fisheries resources of the eastern tropical Atlantic. Fish.Pub.Colon.Off.Lond., (20):65 p.

Longhurst, A. 1964 Bionomics of the Scianidae of tropical West Africa. J.Cons.CIEM, 29(1):93–114

Longhurst, A. 1965 The biology of West African Polynemid fishes. J.Cons.CIEM, 30 (1):58–74

Longhurst, A. 1965a A survey of the fish resources of the Eastern Gulf of Guinea. J.Cons.CIEM, 29(3):302–34

Longhurst, A. 1969 Synopsis of biological data on West African croakers (Pseudotolithus typus, P. senegalensis and P. elongatus). FAO Fish.Synops., (35) Rev. 1:40 p.

Longhurst, A. 1969a Species assemblages in tropical demersal fishes. In Proceedings of the Symposium on the oceanography and fisheries resources of the tropical Atlantic, organized through the joint efforts of Unesco, FAO and OAU, Abidjan, 20–28 Oct. 1966. Paris, Unesco, pp. 147–68

Ministry of Economic Affairs and Planning, 1981 Republic of Cameroon: The Fifth, 5-year economic, social and cultural development plan, 1981–86. Yaoundé, National Printing Press, 399 p.

Njock, J.C. 1979 La Pêche industrielle au Cameroun. Bilan et prospectives. Doc.Sci.Dir.Pêches Serv.Rech.Appl.Docum. Yaoundé, (1):41 p.

Njock, J.C. 1985 La Pêche démersale au Cameroun et ses tendances actuelles. Revue science et technique. Limbé, Station de Recherches Halieutiques, 30 p. (mimeo)

Njock. J.C. 1985a Répertoire des centres de débarquement de la pêche artisanale camerounaise. Revue science et technique. Limbé, Station de Recherches Halieutiques, 55 p. (mimeo)

Njock, J.C. 1985b La Pêche demersale camerounaise. III-Production, 9 p. (mimeo)

Robertson, I.J.B. 1977 Summary report: FIOLENT 1976 Eastern Central Atlantic coastal fishery resources survey. Southern sector. Dakar, CECAF Project, CECAF/TECH/77/2:115 p.

Salzen, E.A. 1958 Observations on the biology of the West African shad Ethmalosa fimbriata. Bull.Inst.Fondam.Afr.Noire (A Sci.Nat.), 20(4):1 389–425

SCET International. 1980 Etude régionale sur la pêche maritime dans le Golfe de Guinée. Annex No.1. La pêche maritime au Cameroun. Diagnostic et perspectives. Commissions des Communautés européennes, 96 p.

Ssentongo, G.W., T.O. Ajayi and E.T. Ukpe. 1983 Report on a resource appraisal of the artisanal and inshore fisheries of Nigeria (September 1980–March 1982). A report prepared for the Artisanal and Inshore Fisheries Project. Rome, FAO, FI/NIR/77/001/2, 43 p.

Ssentongo, G.W., E.T. Ukpe and T.O. Ajayi. 1986 Marine fishery resources of Nigeria. A review of exploited fish stocks. FAO, Rome, CECAF/ECAF Ser., (86/40):62 p.

Stromme, T.L. Foyn and G. Saetersdel. 1983 Survey of the offshore sub-surface community from Togo to Cameroon and of the shelf from Equatorial Guinea to the Congo. In Reports on surveys with the R/V DR FRIDTJOF NANSEN. Bergen, Norway, Institute of Marine Research.

Troadec, J.P. and S.Garcia (eds.). 1980 The fish resources of the Eastern Central Atlantic. Part I. The resources of the Gulf of Guinea from Angola to Mauritania. FAO Fish.Tech.Pap., (186.1):166 p.

Van der Knaap, M. 1985 Preliminary annotated inventory of the scientific expeditions and resources survey carried out in the CECAF area. Inventaire préliminaire annoté des expéditions scientifiques et campagnes de prospection effectuées dans la zone du COPACE. Dakar, CECAF Project/Project COPACE, CECAF/TECH, (85/64):45 p.

Villegas, L. and S.Garcia. 1983 Demersal assemblages in Liberia, Ghana, Togo, Benin and Cameroon. CECAF/ECAF Ser., (83/26):16 p.

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Williams, F. 1969 Review of the principal results of the Guinean Trawling Survey. In Proceedings of the Symposium on the oceanography and fisheries resources of the tropical Atlantic. Review papers and contributions. Paris, Unesco, pp. 39–46

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