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8.1   Mussel cultivation should be recognized as having the greatest immediate potential for the expansion of shellfish production in Greece. Individuals directly involved in this need to be made aware of commercial cultivation practice in other countries, especially Spanish rope culture and its mechanization.

8.2   French methods of oyster spat collection and on-growing of oysters and palourde need to be made known, especially to the cooperatives already involved in oyster exporting, namely those at Thessaloniki, Chalastra and Stilida.

8.3   Importation of Manila clam seed from European hatcheries must be permitted, with adequate safeguards, to allow a palourde/clam industry to develop.

8.4   Use of T.B.T. antifoulants, either on boats or fish cages, must be prohibited in shellfish growing areas.

8.5   Depuration of molluscs, preferably using ultraviolet light in recirculating systems, should be established as normal practice. The public should be made aware of the reliability of cultivated shellfish for consumption.

8.6   Re-watering of shellfish in uncontrolled conditions should be prohibited.

8.7   Export of polluted shellfish should not be permitted without prior depuration. Once out of the control of the local authority, there is no guarantee that they will be subject to depuration. The practice could badly damage the reputation and prospects of the nascent shellfish aquaculture industry.

8.8   Basic biological research, especially on water quality and primary productivity, and reproduction cycles of commercially valuable shellfish should continue at the National Centre for Marine Research.

8.9   Penaeid cultivation does not need further encouragement to develop at a faster rate than dictated by present commercial interests. The shortage of suitable growing sites, and the relatively slow growth and high costs when compared with tropical countries, will make penaeid cultivation a high risk venture in Greece. The state should not become involved in penaeid hatcheries beyond the basic research level.

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