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ATLANTNIRO. 1981, Report on the results of investigations of biological resources in the economic zone of the Republic of Liberia in January–February 1981. (First Soviet-Liberian Expedition). Kaliningrad, ATLANTNIRO, Ministry of Fisheries, USSR, 103 p.

ATLANTNIRO. 1982 Report on the results of the joint USSR-Sierra Leone investigations in 1981. Kaliningrad, ATLANTNIRO (mimeo)

ATLANTNIRO. 1983 Report on the joint USSR-Sierra Leone fishery investigations in the waters of the Republic of Sierra Leone in 1982. Kaliningrad, ATLANTNIRO (mimeo)

Bane, G.W. 1960 Report of the West African Fisheries Survey conducted jointly by the Government of Ghana and Star-Kist Foods, Inc. of Terminal Island, California, USA. Terminal Island, California Star-Kist Foods, Inc., Special report, August 1960

Boely, T. 1979 Biologie des deux espèces de sardinelles (Sardinella aurita Valenciennes 1847 et Sardinella maderensis Lowe 1841) des côtes sénégalaises. Thèse Doctorat d'Etat, Université de Paris VI

Burgess, T.P. 1984 etal. Liberia. Study of Mesurado fishing for fisheries development project (Liberia). November 1983 – February 1984. New York, Burgess Management Associates, 102 p.

Chrzan, F. 1961 Characteristics of the stocks composition of fish in West African shallow waters as observed in 1961. ICES Atlantic Commission, 10 p. (mimeo)

Dixon, T.E.P. and C.A. Mingle. 1981Country report on the state of the fishery and the statistical system of Liberia, 59–75, Annex 9 in CECAF, Report of the first working session of the working party on Fishery Statistics. Dakar, Senegal, 13–14 October 1980. FAO Fish.Rep., (245):141

Everett, G.V. 1976 Some data on the shrimping operations of companies based in Monrovia. MS, CECAF Project. Dakar, 7 p.

FAO. 1977 Rapport du groupe de travail ad hoc sur l'exploitation de la crevette (Penaeus duorarum notialis) du secteur Mauritanie-Libéria. COPACE/PACE Sér., (77/5): 85 p.

FAO.1979 Report of the ad hoc working group on coastal demersal fish stocks from Mauritania to Liberia. Rome, FAO, CECAF/ECAF Ser., (78/8): 98 p.

FAO. 1979 Report of the ad hoc working group on coastal pelagic fish in West Africa from Mauritania to Liberia (26°N to 5°N). Rome, FAO,CECAF/ECAF Ser. (78/10): 161 p.

FAO. 1980 Report of the second ad hoc working group on coastal demersal stocks from southern Mauritania to Liberia. Rome, FAO, CECAF/ECAF Ser., (80/223)11 p.

FAO. 1983 Report of the ad hoc working group on pelagic stocks of the Sherbro Statistical Division (34.3.3). Dakar, CECAF Project, CECAF/TECH/83/48, 162 p.

FAO. 1984 Report on the R/V DR. FRIDTJOF NANSEN fish resources surveys of West Africa: Morocco to Ghana and Cape Verde, May 1981–March 1982. CECAF/ECAF Ser., (84/29): 190 p.

FAO. 1985 Report of the second as hoc working group on pelagic stocks of the Sherbro Statistical Division (34.3.3.). Dakar, FAO, CECAF/TECH/85/65, 85 p.

Garcia, S. 1977 Biologie et dynamique des populations de crevettes roses (Penaeus duorarum notialis Perez-Farante 1967) en Côte d'Ivoire. Trav.Doc. ORSTOM, Paris,(79): 271

Garcia, S. 1984 The problems of unstable resources management. Rome, FAO, CECAF/ECAF Ser., (84/28): 39 p.

Garcia, S.and F. Lhomme.1980 Pink shrimp resources (Penaeus duoraurm notialis). FAO Fish. Tech. Pap., (186/1): 121-45

Garcia, S. 1981 and L.Le Reste. Life cycles, dynamics, exploitation and management of coastal peaneid shrimp stocks. FAO Fish. Tech. Pap., (203): 215 p. Issued also in French and Spanish

Gulland, J.A. 1971 The fish resources of the ocean. West Byfleet, Surrey, Fishing News (Books) Ltd. for FAO, 225 p. Rev.ed. of FAO.Fish.Tech.Pap.. (97):425 p. (1970)

Herbland, A. and A. 1982 Le Bouteiller. The meanders of Equatorial currents: influence on biological process. Ocèanogr. Trop., 17(1): 15–25

Lagoin, Y. and G. Salmon. 1967 Etude technique et économique. Campagne de la distribution du poisson de mer dans les pays de l'ouest African. Liberia. Sec.Etat.aux Off.Etrangers, Chargé de la Coopération. République Française

Lawson, R. and M.A. Robinson. 1983 The needs and possibilities for the management of canoe fisheries in the CECAF Region. Dakar, CECAF Project, CECAF/TECH/83/47

Longhurst, A. 1958 An ecological survey of the West African marine benthos. Fish.Publ.Colon.Off. Lond., (11): 101

Longhurst A. 1960 A summary of the food of West African demersal fish. Bull.Inst. Fondam. Afr. Noire, (22) : 276–82

Longhurst, A.1963 The bionomics of the fisheries resources of the eastern tropical Atlantic. Lond.,(20): 66p.

Longhurst, A.1965 Bionomics of the Sciaenidae of tropical West Africa. J.Cons.CIEM,29(1):23–114

Longhurst, A. 1983 Benthic-pelagic coupling and export of organic carbon from a tropical Atlantic continental ShelfSierra Leone. Estuar.Coast.Shelf.Sci.,17:261–85

Okera, W. 1976, Observation on some population parameters of exploited stocks of Senilia(=Arca) senilisin Sierra Leone. Mar.Biol.,38:217–29

Pease, N.L. 1972 The marine fisheries of Liberia 1970–71. Foreign Fish.Leafl.US.,(72–8):5 p.

Raitt D.F.S. (ed). 1969 First synoptic survey by West African pelagic fish surveys, 14–28 July 1969. Rep.Reg. Fish.Surv.W.Afr. UNDP (SF)/FAO,(RFS 69/6):30 p.

Raitt, D.F.S (ed.) 1969a Progress report March 1969. Rep.Reg.Fish. W.Afr.UNDP(SF)/FAO, (RFS 69/4) :12 p.

Rancurel P. 1968 Topographie générale du plateau continental de la Côte d'Ivoire et du Libéria. Notice Explic.ORSTOM, 7 cartes

Salzen, E.A. 1958 Observation on the biology of the West African shad Ethmalosa fimbriata. Bull.Inst.Fondam.Afr.Noire (ASci.Nat.),20(4):1389–425

Shortton R. 1982 Operations and background data, pp,.36–77. InA bio–economic analysis of a CECAF/TECH/82/41/:77 p.

Shotton R. 1984 Preliminary assessment of the northwest African small pelagic fishery., Dakar CECAF/TECH/84/56: 118 p.

Smart J.K.and G. Sheves. 1979 Liberia fisheries development. Draft report on the Artisanal Fisheries Development Mission to Liberia. Rome, FAO, GCP/RAF/807/NOR, October–December 1979

Ssentongo, G.W. 1986 and M. Ansa-Emmim. Marine fishery resources of Sierra Leone: A review of exploited fish stocks. CECAF/ECAF Ser., (86/34): 76 p.

Ssentongo, G.W., E.T.1986 E.T.Ukpe and T.O. Ajayi. Marine fishery resources of Nigeria: a review of exploited fish stocks. CECAF/ECAF Ser., (86/40): 62 p.

Strømme, T. 1983 Final report of the R/V DR. FRIDTJOF NANSEN fish resource surveys off West Africa from Agadir to Ghana, May 1981– March 1982. Bergen, Institute of Marine Research, 155 p.

Strømme, T.,G.1981 Saetersdal and H. Gjøsaeter (eds.). Preliminary report on surveys with the R/V DR. FRIDTJOF NANSEN in West African waters 1981. Bergen, Institute of Marine Research, pag.var.

Strømme, T. 1982 Preliminary report on surveys with the R/V DR. FRIDTJOF NANSEN in West African waters 1981. Paper presented at the CECAF Working Party on Resource Evaluation, Sixth Session, Dakar, 2–6 February 1982. Bergen Institute of Marine Research

Troadec, J. -P. 1977 Semi-quantitative methods of assessment. FAO Fish.Circ., (701): 131–42. Issued also in French

Troadec, J. -P. and S. Garcia.1980 The fish resources of the Eastern Central Atlantic. Part 1. The resource of the Gulf of Guinea from Angola to Mauritania. FAO Fish.Tech.Pap., (186.1): 166 p. Issued also in French

Van der Knaap, M. 1985 Preliminary annotated inventory of the scientific expeditions and resources survey carried out in the CECAF area. Inventaire préliminare annoté des expéditions scientifiques et campagnes de prospection effectuées dans la zone du COPACE. Dakar, CECAF Project/Projet COPACE. CECAF/TECH/85/64 : 145 p.

Villegas, L. and S. Garcia. 1983 Demersal fish assemblages in Liberia, Ghana, Togo, Benin and Cameroon. Rome, FAO, 16 p. + 7 charts, CECAF/ECAF Series 83/26:16 p. plus 7 charts (En)

Williams, F. 1968 Report on the Guinean trawling survey. Publ.Organ.Afr. Unity Sci.Tech.Res.Comm., (99) vol.1:828 p.

Williams, F. 1969 Review of the principal results of the Guinean trawling survey. In Proceedings of the Symposium on the oceanography and fisheries resources of the Tropical Atlantic. Review papers and contributions. Paris, Unesco, pp. 139–48

Willmann, R. and B. Frielink. 1985 The shrimp fishery of Sierra Leone. A preliminary report prepared for the fisheries Division, Ministry of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Government of Sierra Leone. Rome, FAO, April 1985, 29 p. (mimeo)

Anon. 1978 Report on the experimental fishing activity carried out by the Romanian fishing trawler RAZELM and BISTRITA in the territorial waters of the Republic of Liberia. Deep-sea fishing Enterprise, Tulcea, Socialist Republic of Romania, 10 p. (mimeo)

Table 1

The distribution of artisanal fishing units along the coast of Liberia in 1980 (based on CECAF, 1983)
Coastal RegionEthnic GroupFish Landing SiteNumber Canoes/Seines
Grand Cape MountKruKru Town40 
  Other sites26 
 FantiFanti Town48 
 PopohPopoh Beach- 
MontserradoKruWest Point81 
  Point Four110 
  Other sites24 
 FantiWest Point35 
  Other sites10 
 PopohWest Point-5
  Point Four-5
Grand BassaKruBig Fanti Town72 
  Other sites50 
 FantiBig Fanti Town23 
  Other sites22 
SinoeKruFish Town35 
  Other sites105 
 FantiFish Town16 
  Other sites4 
  Hoffman Station17 
  Other sites14 
  Other sites6 

Table 2

Classification of fishing gears in Liberia (based on the Bureau of Fisheries, Ministry of Agriculture, Monrovia, Liberia)
Gear nameGear type
1.Trawl nets1.1 Drag netOtter trawl
 1.2 Shrimp netDouble rig shrimp net
2. Seine nets2.1 Beach SeineBeach Seine
 2.2 Boat SeineBoat Seine
3. Purse Seine3.1 Sieve netPurse Seine
4. Gillnets4.1 Drift netDrift gillnet
 4.2 Bonny netEncircling gillnet
 4.3 Cavalla netSurface gillnet
 4.4 Mid-water gillnetMid-water gillnet
 4.5 Bottom gillnetBottom gillnet
5. Cast net5.1Cast netCast net
6. Hook and Lines6.1 Hook and linePole and lines including Hand lines
 6.2 Long lineSet long line
 6.3 TrollingTrolling
7. Traps7.1 Crab set netCrab pots/traps
 7.2 Fish fenceFence
 7.3 Mat netFish weir
8. Others8.1 SpearHarpoon
 8.2Country netScoop net
 8.3 HandHand
 8.4 All othersAny gear other than those listed above

Table 3

Fishing Gear characteristics and the target species caught by the artisanal fisheries (based on records of the Fisheries Division, Monrovia and CECAF, 1983)
Fishing gearMesh size
Gear dimensions (fathoms)Target Species caughtArea fishedFishing season
Cast net25.4–50.81–5 Bonga, mullet, SardinellaMaximum of 1 mile from shoreall year
Floating gillnet Number I Number II152.4–228.6 76.2–101.665–70 30–602–3 2–3Sharks, Thunnidae, rays,Sciaenidae Mackerels, sharks, tunasApprox. 4 miles from shore 1–5 miles from shoreall year all year
Bottom gillnet76.2–101.630–602–3Sparidae, Polynemidae, Sciaenidae, crabsApprox. 100 fathoms from shoreall year
Purse seine38.1–44.520020Sardinella. spp.Inshoredry season
Beach seineCod-end wing100–4009–18Sardinella, SciaenidaeBeach areaall year
Hand linesHooks baited withSardinella  Sphyraena spp., Epinephelus, SparidaeApprox. 1–3 miles from shoreall year
Set hood and lineBaited with Sardinella25100–200 hooksSphyraena spp., Sparidae,EpinephelusApprox. 1–3 miles from shoreall year

Table 4

Reported historical trends in fishing effort of the Liberian artisanal fisheries
YearNumber of canoes1Number of fishermen
196753150 – 200 Fanti21 200 Fanti and Ketas
  1 500 Kru1 500 – 2 000 Krus2
197165 3 000 (Aubray 1971)
197348170 Fanti2 5003 5 900 (1 460 Fanti)
19768382842 6684 (1 876 full time)
1979252150 Fanti3
650 Kru/Popoh3
198118261 20044 5004
19822066 2 0606
19831 200780084 2008

1 Registered number of canoes as given by Dixon and Mingle (1981) from the1976/1976 Frame Survey unless otherwise specified
2 Lagoin and Salmon (1967)
3 Smart and Sheves (1979)
4 Dixon and Mingle (1981) from the 1975/1976 Frame Survey.
5 FAO (1980)
6 MA 1982 - this probably is the registered number of canoes. They give abreakdown as Montserrado 63; Cape Mount 60; Maryland 27; Sinoe 13
7 FAO (1983)
8 Lawson and Robertson (1983)

Table 5

Changes in size of the industrial fleet exploiting demersal fish in Liberian waters between 1960 and 1978
YearNumber of vesselsSource and comments
19607Lagoin and Salmon (1967)
19615Lagoin and Salmon (1967)
19627Lagoin and Salmon (1967)
19637Lagoin and Salmon (1967)
19647Lagoin and Salmon (1967)
  Bureau of Fisheries ROL
19656 local, 18 in total including Japanese and Polish factory boatsLagoin and Salmon (1967), the foreign boats fished from Angola to Mauritania.
19663 ex-Spanish, 3 ex-ItalianLagoin and Salmon (1967) note these boats were old, of small engine power, and 12–20 m in length
19704 ItalianBureau of Fisheries, Republic of Liberia
 3 localData Sheets
197118 Italian 70–100'Pease (1972)
 3 local, 7 ItalianBureau of Fisheries, Republic of Liberia
 4 German 75'Data Sheets
19723 local, 7 ItalianBureau of Fisheries, Republic of Liberia
  Data Sheets
19733 local" "
1974 " "
19752 local" "
19772 local" "
19782 ItalianAnon (1978)
 2 British 
 4 ItalianFAO (80/23) notes; these were mainly
 2 Angolan plus Soviet and Japanesesmall and medium sized; 33–140 t

Table 6

Vessel characteristics of the trawler fleet owned by the defunct Mesurado Fishing Company in 1979/80 based on records of the Bureau of Fisheries Monrovia and Mesurado
Name of VesselGross tonnage GRTNet tonnageLength (m)Width (m)Type of vessel
Mesurado 8986720.126.10stern trawler
9986720.126.10stern trawler
10986720.126.10stern trawler
11885921.335.79stern trawler
12987521.956.71stern trawler
15885920.036.05stern trawler
17885920.036.05stern trawler
19885920.036.05stern trawler
201127621.646.71stern trawler
211127621.646.71stern trawler
221127621.646.71stern trawler
241157722.866.71stern trawler

Table 7

Vessel characteristics of twin-boom shrimp trawlers owned by Continental Sea Foods (CSF) in 1979/80 based on records of the Bureau of Fisheries, Monrovia and CSF
Name of vesselGross tonnage GRTNet tonnageLength (m)Width (m)Type of vessel
CSF11366325.186.71twin-rigged trawler
CSF21366325.187.01twin-rigged trawler
CSF31366325.187.01twin-rigged trawler
CSF41366325.187.01twin-rigged trawler
CSF51366325.187.01twin-rigged trawler
CSF7987522.706.71twin-rigged trawler
CSF9987521.956.71twin-rigged trawler
CSF10987521.956.71twin-rigged trawler
CSF14987519.506.05twin-rigged trawler
CSF15987521.956.71twin-rigged trawler
CSF20987521.956.71twin-rigged trawler

Table 8

Characteristics of industrial vessels operating in Liberian waters in 1984 (based on records of the Fisheries Division, Monrovia)
Fishing company and vesselsVessel characteristics
- America 5100.54131.64
- America 980.9112.0
- America 668.0100.80
- Pan America 498.10129.2
- America 468.0100.80
- America 368.0100.80
- America 268.0100.80
- America 166.197.2
- F/V Tropesca II73.65199.63
- F/V Soldanella67.29139.77
- F/V Rosaria Madre84.86188.05
- F/V Giaguaro21.547.00
- Lina147448
- MESAFCOM 17588
- MESAFCOM 27588
- MESAFCOM 37588
- MESAFCOM 48096
- 1 Stern trawler-120.2
- Stern trawler89.07200.95

Table 9

Total annual catch and average species composition of the Liberian artisanal fishery in 1979 (based on records of the Bureau of Fisheries, Monrovia)
Fish species group1979
Galeoides decadactylus9.48(0.6)
Bonito, tuna and billfish152.25(10.2)
Sphyraena spp.69.19(4.6)
Rays and skates (Rajiformes)2.60(0.2)
Arius spp.32.78(2.2)
Soles (Cynoglossus)79.00(5.3)
Polydactylus quadrifilis0.79(0.1)
Trichiurus lepturus0.04(0.0)
Pseudotolithus spp.83.26(5.6)
0Epinephelus spp. + Lutjanidae8.67(0.6)
Pentanemus quinquarius3.54(0.2)
Various sharks62.94(4.2)
Jacks (Trachurus)40.76(2.7)
Mulet (Mugilidae)2.50(0.2)
Caranx spp.61.38(4.1)
Marine crabs0.10(0.0)
Lobsters (Palinuriade)1.11(0.1)
Other marine fish76.23(5.1)
Total1 496.84(100)

Table 10

Total catch of the industrial fishery of Liberia during the period 1971–1978
Fish species groupYear
Rays and skates1.3414.3536.1441.2110.9437.2249.3522.210.7
Sciaenidae181.42470.50415.15848.43620.15710.061 199.00804.6627.0
Sphyraena spp.1.934.8217.8213.663.6812.3711.6134.331.2
Drepane africana31.8252.9054.3645.3062.3879.7956.95950.0631.8
Epinephelus spp. + Lutjanidae----1.300.208.772.440.1
Galeoides decadactylus70.54341.86115.96112.04120.02283.22226.44252.298.5
Millidae (Surmullets)---54.351.3328.46-0.620.0
Various sharks4.2120.2212.2010.810.2812.4111.083.180.1
Trichiurus lepturus1.486.131.028.308.4036.7159.8620.950.7
Other marine fish26.98161.9425.06152.65242.25181.6224.8272.462.4
Total finfish471.961 300.35198.341 850.702 495.541 983.652 192.952 984.06 
Shrimp630.00800.001 300.001 429.001 351.001 454.001 166.001 689.0036.00
Grand total 1 101.962 100.352 498.343 279.703 846.543 473.653 258.954 673.06100.00

Table 11

Total annual catch and species composition of artisanal and industrial marine fisheries of Liberia (based on records of the Bureau of Fisheries, Monrovia and FAO, Rome)
Fish species groupTime in years
Ilisha africana4643559395
Solea vulgaris185164347281186
Merluccius merluccius3345-
Haemulidae (Pomadasyidae)     
Pseudotolithus8841 2391 5881 084507
Sciaenidae n.e.i.419376413444303
Dentex spp.8098201 1031 167653
Spondyliosoma cantharus343638-
Mullus spp.6862415065
Sphyraena spp.801723824677440
Galeoides decadactylus14926637817675
Trachurus spp.112462718
Carnax spp.523472175492430
Sardinella spp.1 5531 3991 3751 109687
Trichiurus lepturus2928174-
Scomber japonicus5550151159164
Sharks /rays / skates10796359268279
Marine fish n.e.i.1 7442 2302 4631 6281 509
Marine crabs n. e. i.46428739157
Palinurus (lobster)242261514
Crustacea (shrimp)-9719112
Total (all species)9 0049 55311 27710 6507 478

Table 12

Total landings of imported finfish by MESURADO Fishing Company (based on records of the Bureau of Fisheries, Monrovia)
YearImported finfish (t)
19709 933
197110 281
197212 287
197314 108
197411 785
197511 181
197613 701
19778 725
19786 548
19798 867
1980(for 8 months)4 307

Table 13

Shrimp catch (head-on) in metric tons reportedly made in Liberian waters
Source of Data
YearCOPACE (1977) Garcia and Lhomme (1980)Everett (1976)FAO (1981)Dixon and Mingle (1981)Other estimatesMean catch (t)
1969400-400- 400
1970750-750- 750
1971630-6306301 300965
1972800-800800 800
19731 3001 4481 3001 300 1 374
19741 4291 5501 4291 429 1 490
19751 2281 3011 3501 350 1 326
1976 1 4821 4451 445 1 464
1977  1 1662 193 1 166
1978  1 6891 166 1 689
1979  1 4901 409 1 490
1980    746746
1981    --
1982    298298
1983    474474

Table 14

Total catch, effort data and catch per unit effort of the Liberian finfish trawl fishery (1971–1979) based on records of the Bureau of Fisheries, Monrovia
Fishing effortCPUE
YearNo.Vessels-(Days finished)Total Catch (t)Ton/vessel/day
1971333 528472.134
1972313 3121 300.393
1973232 8801 200.417
1974203 1681 850.584
1975243 0242 500.827
1976263 4821 984.570
1977263 3002 193.665
1978303 8022 984.785
1979303 5002 134.610

Table 15

Total catch, effort data and catch per unit effort of the Liberian industrial shrimp fishery (1971–1979)based on records of the Bureau of Fisheries, Monrovia
Fishing effortCPUE
YearNo. Vessels-(days fished)Total catch (t)Tons / vessel/ day
1971313 528630.179
1972313 312800.242
1973232 8801 300.451
1974203 1681 429.451
1975243 0241 350.446
1976263 4821 445.415
1977263 3002 193.665
1978303 8021 166.307
1979303 5001 409.403

Table 16

Catch per unit effort (t/day) fished of finfish species for the Liberian Industrial Fisheries (based on records of the Bureau of Fisheries, Monrovia)
Days fished 2 5178613 3943 735
Murluccius spp.0.01<0.010.01<0.01
Dentex spp.0.150.480.130.18
Spondyliosoma cantharus0.01--<0.01
Pseudolithus spp.0.250.500.240.28
Sphyraena spp.0.04<0.01 <0.01
Pomadasys jubelini0.02<0.010.01<0.01
Galeoides decadactylus0.
Trachurus spp.-<0.01-0.07
Caranx spp.0.03-0.01<0.01
Sardinella spp.0.04--0.03
Sepia spp.0.02--<0.01
Scomber spp.0.01--0.01
Other fish species1.031.630.610.50
Average catch (t/day)2.392.861.181.06
Total annual catch (t)6 0162 4624 0053 598

Table 17

Monthly catch and CPUE data for the industrial fishery for the period 1980 - 1981, based on the records of the Bureau of Fisheries, Monrovia
1980 1981
Kg/day fished
Kg / day fished

Table 18

Scientific expeditions and resource surveys carried out in the waters of Liberia since 1952 Based on Van der Knaap (1985)
VesselAreaLatitudePeriod/YearSurvey nameReference
AwefuSierra Leone-Liberia0500N–0700NJuly 1969-Raitt(1969)
BelogorskLiberia0412N–0648NJan–Feb 1981-Dixon et al.(1981)
BirkutGuinea to Ghana sector-1961-Chrzan (1961)
BistritaLiberia-June 1978--
BistritaLiberia-Jan–March 1978-Anon.(1978)
Cape St.MarySenegal to Liberia sector-1952–1957-Longhurst (1963)
ColumbiaSierra Leone–Benin sector0800S–0600N1959–1960-Bane (1960)
Fridjof NansenGuinea to Ghana sector0420N–1000NJune 1981NansenStromme et al..(1982)
Gerard TrechLiberia-1964–1965--
La RafaleGuinea Bissau to Ghana0400N–1230NFeb–June 1964Guinean IIWilliams (1968; 1969)
La RafaleGuinea Bissau to Ghana0400N–1230NSept. –Dec. 1963Guinean IWillaims (1968; 1969)
RazelmLiberia-June 1978--
Thue JRMauritania to Ivory Coast0500N–2100NJan. 1969Cruise 4Schmidt (1971)
Thue JRSenegal to Ivory Coast0500N–1445NJuly–Aug. 1969Cruise 10BRaitt (1969)
Thue JRMauritania to Ivory coast0500N–2100NOct.–Nov.1965Cruise 12Raitt (1969)

Table 19

Results of Guinean trawling survey in Liberian waters (Northern sector) Catch rates in kg/hr by Depth Intervals (Survey I/Survey II)based on Williams (1968)
fish species groupsDepth (m)
Group I Fishes
Group II fishes0/10/00/00/09/346/437147/6673/12
Group III fishes50/619/331/112/524/139/112/+34/3

Table 20

Results of Guinean trawling survey in Liberian waters (Southern sector) Catch rates in kg/hr by Depth Intervals (Survey I/Survey II)Based on Williams (1968)
Fish species groupsDepth (m)
Group I Fishes
Group II Fishes-/-0/-5/-15/443/9539/64103/520/44
Group III Fishes-/-9/-16/-8/4+/7+/+9/414/23

Table 21

Vessel power rating used in the analysis given
Engine power
VesselEngine power(hp)
Mesu 67522.9335America 1335
178024.4365Pan America 4335
208024.4-380CSF 1a365
Newebe 2  36515 
7   Nagror 2 
Retni 1   8 
3   9 
Ruyban 2     

aContinental sea food (CSF) - some Bassi class trawlers may have been uprated to 385 hp.

Table 22

Estimated number of 365 hp vessels which have operated in Liberian waters during the period 1971 – 1981. based on Burgess Management Associates (1984)
YearEstimated mean catch
Estimated number of vessels 365 hpNo. of days fishedCPUE for 365 hp vessels t/vessel/yr
197196563 528161
197280093 31289
19731 37492 880153
19741 490123 168124
19751 326123 024111
19761 464123 482122
19771 166143 30093
19781 689143 802120
19791 490143 500106

Fig. 1a

Fig. 1a Bottom deposits on the continental shelf of northern Liberia and depth contours, based on Rancurel (1965) and Villeges and Garcia (1983)

Fig. 1b

Fig. 1b Bottom deposits on the continental shelf of Central Liberia and depth contours, based on Rancurel (1965) and Villeges and Garcia (1983)

Fig. 1c

Fig. 1c Bottom deposits on the continental shelf of southern Liberia and depth contours, based on Rancurel (1965) and Villeges and Garcia (1983)

Fig. 2

Fig. 2 The location of coastal rivers which influence the depositional and erosionak features as well as the hydrographic conditions along the coast of Liberia.

Fig. 3

Fig. 3 Isoptherms of yearly average maximum temperatures in Liberia, based on records of the Liberian Hydrological Service

Fig. 4

Fig. 4 Isotherms if yearly average minimum temperature in Liberia, based on records of the Liberian Hdrological Service

Fig. 5

Fig. 5 Diagrammatic representaion of basic features of the surface current system of the Central Atlantic Ocean

Fig. 6

Fig. 6 Diagramshowing the distribution of exploited stocks on the Liberian shelf and the location of present-day and possible future fisheries

Fig. 7a

Fig. 7a The distribution pattern of species assemblages on the continental shelf of Northern Liberia, based on Villegas and Garcia (1983)

Fig. 7b

Fig. 7b The distribution pattern of species assemblages on the continental shelf of Central Liberia, based on Villegas and Garcia (1983)

Fig. 7c

Fig. 7c The distribution pattern of species assemblages on the continental shelf of sothern Liberia, based on Villegas and Garcia (1983)

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