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The Government of Greece, assisted by the United Nations Development Programme and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, is engaged in the project Development of Marine and Inland Aquaculture in Greece (FI:DP/GRE/85/002) whose objective is the preparation of a National Plan for Aquaculture Development, to increase the availability of farmed fish and reduce reliance on imported fish, fish products and fish feed.

As part of the project operations, FAO assigned Mr L. Berg and Mr G. Cittolin as consultants in August 1987 with the following terms of reference:

In collaboration with counterparts to study the requirements by a developing aquaculture industry for indigenous supplies of fingerlings. In particular, the consultant will:

  1. Carry out a pre-arranged programme of visits and meetings in conjunction with counterpart specialists;

  2. Review available information and prepare a synopsis of the present situation related to marine fish hatcheries in Greece;

  3. Prepare a synopsis of the systems for the production of juvenile fish, their technologies, and the species appropriate for growth, together with the identification of any constraints;

  4. Clarify the impact of fingerling cost and quality on production economics and the scope for improving them by hatchery investment in Greece;

  5. Describe the potential for development and identify the areas where it should be considered on a priority basis;

  6. Provide a limited technical assistance as required in response to particular situations encountered;

  7. Provide a two-day seminar on marine fish hatcheries with particular reference to Greece;

  8. Prepare a report on main findings and recommendations suitable for inclusion in the draft National Aquaculture Plan as an Appendix by the end of the assignment.

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