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The Government of Greece, assisted by the United Nations Development Programme and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, is engaged in the project Development of Marine and Inland Aquaculture in Greece (FI:DP/GRE/85/002) whose main objective is the preparation of a National Plan for Aquaculture Development, to increase the availability of farmed fish and reduce reliance on imported fish, fish products and fish feed.

As part of the project operations, FAO assigned Mr N.J. MacPherson as consultant from 17 September to 11 November 1987 with the following terms of reference:

In collaboration with counterparts, study legislation and institutional requirements for a progressive aquaculture industry in Greece. In particular, the consultant will:

  1. Carry out a pre-arranged programme of visits and meetings in conjunction with counterpart specialists;

  2. Review and analyse the existing aquaculture activities in the country in the three main environments of concern, including a census of all producers, production estimates, labour force, etc.;

  3. Review and analyse the national legislation which affect/constrain fish farming such as the acquisition of licences, fees, taxes, the land and water rights/ownership, the water pollution control, the insurance system and maritime laws;

  4. Review and analyse the government organization and structures as it may affect aquaculture, as well as the institutional participation such as universities, cooperatives, assistance agencies;

  5. Review and analyse the existing resources for education and training at all levels, including extension services, both nationally and regionally;

  6. Review and analyse the potential for aquaculture development and project future needs to support it, according to various strategies;

  7. Prepare a report on his main findings and recommendations suitable for inclusion as an Appendix to the draft National Aquaculture Development Plan by the end of his assignment in Greece.

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