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The Greek Government, assisted by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations, is engaged in a programme for the Development of Marine and Inland Aquaculture in Greece (Project GRE/85/002).

As part of this programme, the consultant (aquaculture engineer) was assigned by FAO to Greece from 22 September to 1 November 1987 with the following terms of reference:

In collaboration with counterparts, study the requirement for facilities in Greece to supply the specialized engineering needs for a developing aquaculture industry.

In particular, the consultant will:

  1. Carry out a pre-arranged programme of visits and meetings in conjunction with counterpart specialists;

  2. Prepare a synopsis of the present situation related to the existing support industry to the aquaculture sector, including materials and supplies, equipment and utilities;

  3. Establish an inventory of areas suitable for various types of aquaculture development in the fresh water, brackish water and salt water environments; provide detailed descriptions and comments on the relative suitability of each site and identify any constraints, present or future;

  4. Propose strategies for the development of the support industry;

  5. Provide limited technical assistance as required in response to particular situations encountered;

  6. Provide a two-day seminar on aspects of aquaculture engineering relevant to Greece;

  7. Prepare a report on his main findings and recommendations suitable for inclusion as an Appendix to the draft National Aquaculture Development Plan by the end of his assignment in Greece.


The first one and a half weeks and last week were spent based at the National Centre for Marine Research (EKTE). The three-week block in the middle of the assignment was taken up with visits to prefecture fisheries offices, private farms, fishery cooperatives and potential farm sites in different parts of Greece. Time was also spent at the “1st International Exhibition of Fisheries, Aquaculture and Relevant Equipment” held in Thessaloniki. A detailed timetable is provided in Appendix A.

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