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The Greek Ministry of Agriculture Proposals for a Nationwide Marine Site Survey

  1. Introduction

    The Ministry of Agriculture announced an open tender to qualified Greek ichthyologists in July 1987 for the carrying out of a study to determine suitable areas for aquaculture in ten different regions of the country. The following is a translation from the Greek and summarizes the principal aims, requirements and conditions of the study.

  2. Aims of the Study - Criteria for the Location of the Sites

    The surveyor responsible for each region shall advise on:

    1. Suitable sea areas for floating cage units for ongrowing.

    2. Land areas that are suitable for marine fish hatcheries and/or ongrowing units using tanks and/or ponds.

    3. Suitable sea areas for shellfish culture.

  3. Criteria for the Determination of Suitable Sea Areas for Floating Cages

    The surveyor must analyse the suitability of each site according to the following:

    1. The maximum projected production of units in relation to the cost of their installation.

    2. The water depth of potential sites should be between 8 and 30 metres.

    3. The seabed should ideally be sand or sand/gravel.

    4. The worst wave conditions in the area should not be bad enough to restrict the use of normal cages.

    5. A water current must be present throughout the whole water column, independent of the strength of the wind.

    6. The quality of the water must conform to the best standards laid down by the responsible Community and National bodies. The parameters should include temperature, salinity, pH, BOD, and turbidity.

    7. There should be easy access to the cages from the shore.

    8. The establishment of units should not pose a hindrance to shipping and tourist activities in the same area.

    9. The extent of any potential site surveyed should be greater than 10 000 m2.

    10. Assurance must be obtained from all essential parties, e.g., UEN, GEN (military office), EOT (tourist office), that development of a site can proceed unconstrained.

  4. Criteria for the Determination of Suitable Land Areas for Marine Hatcheries and/or Land-Based Ongrowing Systems

    The surveyor must analyse the suitability of each site according to the following:

    1. The maximum projected production of units in relation to the cost of their installation.

    2. The hydraulic and mechanical properties of the soil and the gradient of the land should be acceptable for the construction of ponds; this criterion is desirable but not essential.

    3. The land should be relatively level and be no more than 5 m above sea level.

    4. The extent of the area surveyed must be greater than 1.5 ha, be the property of the Greek Municipality, and be eligible for grants for aquaculture according to the present legislation.

    5. The seawater fronting any site must be of the appropriate quality and geomorphological conditions, and seashore profile must allow the installation of the pumping station.

    6. Basic services, e.g., electricity and fresh water, must be available.

    7. Potential hatchery sites should be located no more than 40 km from an urban centre. For a potential site on an island, that island must possess an airport.

    8. The quality of the water must conform to the best standards laid down by the responsible Community and National bodies. The parameters should include temperature, salinity, pH, BOD, and turbidity.

    9. Assurance must be obtained from all essential parties, e.g. the Ministry of Civil Affairs, EOT, UPEXODE, that development of a site can proceed unconstrained.

  5. Criteria for the Determination of Suitable Sea Areas for Shellfish Culture

    The surveyor must analyse the suitability of each site according to the following:

    1. Depth of water must be greater than 5 m.

    2. Stocks of shellfish of the same species as that to be cultured must be present in the proposed culture area.

    3. The microbial contamination of the water must be within Community and National standards.

  6. Density of Sites

    A provisional maximum of 25 sites per region are to be investigated. Should the surveyor of a region find that there are more than 25 potential sites, then he is able to apply for an extension of his terms of reference and further payment.

  7. The Ten Regions to be Investigated

    The marine shorelines of the following regions are to be investigated:

1Kerkyra, Thesprotia, Lefkada, Preveza, Arta and Aitolia-Akarnia
2Itea, Cephalonia, Zakynthos, Messinia, Achia
3Argolida, Corinth, Lakania, Fokida, Viotia, the Kithra Islands
4Attica (except the Kithra Islands), the islands of Andros, Tinos and Mikonos
5The Cyclades islands (except Andros, Tinos and Mikonos
6The Dodecanese islands (except Karpathos and Kasos), the islands of Thira and Anafi
7Islands of Samos, Chios, Lesvos; Evros region
8Evia, Fitida, Magnisia, Larisa
9Rhodes, Xanthi, Kavala, Chalkidiki, Thessaloniki, Pieria
10 Chania, Rethymnon, Herakleion, Lasithi, and the islands of Karpathos and Kasos

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