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Map. Principal rivers and lakes of Iran including border drainages. Dotted lines indicate seasonal lakes and rivers with intermittent flow. Major areas visited: 1. Astara lagoon. 2. Sad-e-Sangar fish farm. 3. Anzali lagoon. 4. Kelardasht coldwater fish farm. 5. Lapu lake. 6. Gorgan Bay. 7. Vochmgir reservoir. 8. Shadegan marsh.

Table 1

Inland water fisheries in Iran (1980 – 1985)
Common carp (Cyprinus carpio)1 0322 0001 000F5283100F
Roaches (Rutilus spp.)000  121347350F
Freshwater siluroids, etc. (Siluroidei)220  230  
Pike perch (Stizostedion lucioperca)000  121310F
Freshwater fishes, nei6610  101010F
Sturgeons, nei (Acipenseridae)1 4291 4961 450F1 2881 5571 650  
White fishes, nei7160100F206168170F
Salmonoides, nei (Salmonoidei)-   -   -     111F
Diadromous clupeoids (Clupeoidei)856618300F2410F
Mullets, nei (Mugilidae)1504001 500F2 7332 1352 200F
Total freshwater fish3 5464 5824 360  4 4274 3214 501  
Total marine fish39 98140 00043 636  51 86153 81655 850  
Grand Total43 52944 58047 996  56 28858 13960 351  

F = FAO estimate from available sources of information

T a b l e   2

Average yearly catches of three different groups of sturgeon obtained in Iranian waters in five-year intervals, from 1930/31 to 1961/62
Body weightkg%kg%kg%kg%kg%kg%kg%
(Huso huso)
57 8205.490 58310.5112 68518.5160 87430.2223 92931.3205 54028.2418 05933.0
Tass mahi*842 05078.9680 18679.0437 68271.8287 03153.9264 10536.9276 67038.0548 23843.2
(A. stellatus)
167 11015.790 61410.559 2919.784 57415.9227 34631.8246 43133.8301 21823.8
Total1 066 980100.0861 383100.0609 658100.0532 479100.0715 380100.0728 641100.01 267 515100.0

* In the category of Tass mahi are included three species of sturgeon, A. güldenstädti (chalbash), A. persicus (kara burun) and A. nudiventris (sheap) when large sized. When of small size sheap are included with sevruga.

Table 3

Average annual sturgeon landings from the USSR Caspian Sea Basin (in metric tonnes)
Catch15 9007 40011 18015 90022 60023 600

Table 4

Anzali lagoon fish yield 1933 – 1962 (FAO, 1964)
SpeciesYears of fishing
Common carp   441 tonnes201 kg
Pike perch3 483 tonnes  33 kg
Bream1 395 tonnes    0 kg
Kutum1 363 tonnes  85 kg
Total6 682 tonnes319 kg

Table 5

Atrak river water chemistry (A), and Atrak lakes (B)
A.Atrak River (values in mg/1)
Freshwater sectionSaline section
TDS (mg/l) 16.15  153.5
Electric conductivity (μmhos)2 362  23 500
pH 7.4  7.4

B.Atrak Lakes
LakesArea (ha)Typem a.s.l. or b.s.l.
I1 400Freshwater+ 10
II450Freshwater+  6
III400Freshwater+ 5
IV400Freshwater   0
V2 500Partly salty-  5

Table 6

Water quality of the Dez and Karun rivers and their reservoirs (values in mg/l where not otherwise stated)
 Dez ReservoirKarun ReservoirKarun at AhvazKarun at Shadegan
Ca39 – 6746 – 7051 – 92160
Na20 – 4425 – 7078 – 134116
K0.3 – 1.50.3 – 1.90.7 – 1.5-
Mg7.9 – 1810 – 2312 – 2597
Cl24 – 9626 – 11395 – 236308
SO432 – 8620 – 10070 – 156132
Electric conductivity μmhos400 – 600460 – 760700 – 1240(TDS 38 ppm)
pH7.2 – 8.38.0 – 8.67.7 – 8.3-
TSS210 – 364260 – 460--
Temperature °C9.6 – 35.0--10 – 25

Number of samples and years of collection:
Dez reservoir - 1971–75: 12;
Karun reservoir - 1975–76: 12;
Karun at Ahvaz - 1975–76: 12;
Karun at Shadegan - 1964–70: 12;

TDS = Total dissolved solids
TSS = Total suspended solids

Figure 1

Figure 1. Crayfish traps for the use in Anzali lagoon

Figure 2

Figure 2. Anzali lagoon - crayfish traps and fishermen

Figure 3

Figure 3. Sad-e-Sangar (Dr. Beheshti) fish farm. Trays for cultivation of oligochaetes - food for sturgeon fingerlings

Figure 4

Figure 4. Gorgan Bay - reed near the mouth of the Gorgan River

Figure 5

Figure 5. Stripping eggs from grass carp

Figure 6

Figure 6. Pul-Astaneh Training and Experimental Fish Farm: hatching jars and larval collection funnels in the hatchery

Figure 7

Figure 7. Jehad hatchery near Rasht

Figure 8

Figure 8. Jehad hatchery: weighing the brood stock

Figure 9

Figure 9. Sardab Rud at the Kelardasht (Bahoner) trout propagation farm in Elburz mountains. Caspian salmon fingerlings produced in this farm are released into the lower reach of this river.

Figure 10

Figure 10. Marvdasht trout hatchery: concrete fingerling raceways

Figure 11

Figure 11. Marvdasht trout hatchery: fiberglass fish feeding tanks with inlet sprinkler pipes.

Figure 12

Figure 12. The lower reach of the Karun River.

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