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APPENDIX IV - Programming infrastructure - The water system

- type of supply

· salt water

(quantity, use)

· fresh water

· surface water

· ground water

- intake structure

· location (general or specific)

· type (multiples or single)

· depth

· screening

- distribution system

· pipes (materials to be used and/or avoided)

· open channels

· gravity flow

· pressurized by pumping

· method and location of supply and draining

· production units

- pre-treatment

· aeration

· filtration

· settling

· tempering (heating or cooling)

· irradiation

- re-use treatment

· bio-filtration

· zeolites

- security

· redundancy

· alarms

· emergency generators

- future expansion

· pumps

· water distribution

- wastewater treatment

· settling

· screening

· chlorination

· location of discharge relative to intake

- operating requirements

· quantity for filling ponds

· number and volume of units to be filled

· simultaneously

· number and volume of units to be drained

· simultaneously

- non-production water

· potable


· research

· transportation

· special water treatment

· cleaning

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