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Appendix 4

  1. Questionnaires

    Day number chart Culture systems

  2. Instructions for Enumerators

  3. List of terms used

GCP/INT/436/SWE: Survey of Fish Farmers.         (Draft 5.0 11/9/87) Part 3: Page 1


(From Part 1)Farm Unit No. 

Following to be obtained by the interviewer from the respondent:

 Pond 1Pond 2Pond 3Total
3.1Length (meters)    
3.2Width (meters)    
3.3Area (sq. meters)    
3.4Maximum designed depth (meters)    
3.5Can the pond be completely drained? (Y/N)    
3.6What is the source of water for the pond(s)? (Tick all that apply)
Seepage from water table    
3.7During which months is there not enough water to practice fish culture? (Write NONE or give months)

Complete the following for the CURRENT PRODUCTION PERIOD:

3.8Is there sufficient water in the pond to support the chosen fish culture system? (Y/N)    
3.9Is the pond stocked with fish?    
3.10If so, give:Weight in kg    
3.11 Date or Month    

If the answer to question 3.9 is YES, ask questions 3.12 to 3.20 on the current production period, then skip to question 3.25; if the answer to 3.9 is NO, skipp to question 3.21.

3.12What fish species are stocked? (Tick all that apply)
 Oreochromis andersonii    
Other or mixed tilapia spp.    
Catfish spp.    
Carp spp.    
 Ask the following questions of the respondent:
3.13Will continuous/intermediate fishing be practiced? (Y/N)    
3.14If so, is continuous/intermediate fishing for home consumption only? (Y/N)    
3.15Expected date of next major harvest?    
3.16Expected length of current production period in days:    
3.17How will major harvest be carried out? (Seining only; sein + drain; drain only)    
3.18How many kg fish do you expect from major harvest?    
3.19Expected total kg fish during current culture period? (Sum of major + inter. harvest)    
3.20What fish culture system is currently practised? (Tick all that apply)
 No feeding or fertilizing    
Organic fertilizing    
Association with pigs    
Association with poultry    

(Now skip to question 3.25)

If the answer to question 3.9 is NO, complete questions 3.21 to 3.22 for the FUTURE PRODUCTION PERIOD.

  Pond 1Pond 2Pond 3Total
3.21Must major repairs be made to your ponds before stocking?    
3.22If and when do you expect to stock your ponds with fish?    

If the answer to question 3.22 is NO or DON'T KNOW, answer question 3.23 and then go to question 3.25; if the answer to question 3.22 is YES, go to question 3.24.

3.23   If the respondent has no intention to stock the system in the near future, what are the reasons? (Tick all that apply)

Respondent does not know how to rehabilitate pond and/or culture fish [   ]

Respondent does not consider fish culture rewarding [   ]

Respondent would restock but pond rehabilitation is too expensive [   ]

No fingerling available [   ]

Other:                                                             [   ]

3.24How many months after you stock your ponds until the first major harvest?    

Complete the following for the PREVIOUS PRODUCTION PERIOD:
(If none, skip to question 3.35)

3.25Date of most recent major harvest:    
3.26Harvest result kg:    
3.27Date of stocking prior to most recent harvest:    
3.28Length of previous production period in days:    
3.29Continuous/intermediate fishing during period? (Y/N)    
3.30If so:method used:    
3.31 Kg produced:    
3.32Total kg fish produced:    

3.33What fish culture system was practiced? (Tick all that apply)
 No feeding or fertilizing    
Organic fertilizing    
Association with pigs    
Association with poultry    
3.34Was the culture system used the same as during the current period? (Y/N)    

In the following section, the interviewer will compare the production figures reported above with the standard for the reported technology and evaluate the reasons for any below standard production performance.

 Fond area in ARES (from 3.3)    
Length of previous production period in days (from 3.28)    
Total kg harvested previous production period (from 3.32)    
3.35Est. productivity kg/are during previous culture period    
3.36Est. productivity kg/are/year during previous culture period     
 Est. length of current prod. period in days (from 3.16)    
Expected kg harvest current production period (from 3.19)    
3.37Proj. productivity kg/are for current culture period:    
3.38Proj. productivity kg/are/year for current culture period:    
3.39Calculated normal productivity kg/are/yr for culture system:    
3.40Is either the estimated or projected productivity below the norm for the system: (Y/N)    

3.41     Who gave you the production figures you asked for and reported in this questionnaire?

Respondent only [   ]

Respondent had to refer to government staff for some figures [   ]

Respondent did not know figures, which were all given by gov t staff [   ]

If the answer to 3.40 is Yes, the interviewer will answer questions 3.42 to 3.46 based on observations of the fish farming practices of the respondent; otherwise skip to 3.47:

3.42Is the respondent familiar with the standard procedures (rates of feed and fertilizer application, predator control, pond maintenance, etc.) for the culture system practiced?Yes [   ]
No [   ]
3.43If the respondent is unfamiliar with the standard procedures, in your opinion does this unfamiliarity explain his low fish yields?Yes [   ]
No [   ]
3.44If the respondent is familiar with the standard procedures, does he actually apply the procedures in his culture system?Yes [   ]
No [   ]
3.45If the respondent does actually apply the standard procedures, are there any reasons which you can observe or which the respondent gives for not attaining normal productivity 
3.46If the respondent is familiar with the standard procedures can he get inputs from where he most wants and sell his fish as he would like?Yes [   ]
No [   ]

The interviewer will ask the following questions of the respondent and record the answers by ticking the appropriate boxes:

3.47 Are you building more fish ponds at this time?Yes [   ]
No [   ]
3.48Do you intend to build more fish ponds in the future?Yes [   ]
  No [   ]

If the answer to questions 3.47 or 3.48 is Yes, continue with the following questions; otherwise skip to question 3.54:

3.49Do you now have the land and water needed to expand?Yes [   ]
No [   ]

If the answer to 3.49 is NO, ask questions 3.50 and 3.51, otherwise skip to question 3.52:

3.50How do you intend to get access to land for your new ponds?Title deed [   ]
Long-term lease from government [   ]
Customary law [   ]
Lease from individual or company [   ]
Squatting [   ]
Other:                                                                         [   ]

3.51     How do you intend to get access to water for your new ponds?

Apply for water rights [   ]

Connect to existing source (including water table) [   ]

Other:                                                                         [   ]

3.52     What species of fish do you intend to culture in your new ponds? (Tick all that apply)

Tilapia [   ]

Catfish [   ]

Cart [   ]

Other:                                                                        [   ]

3.53     What culture systems do you intend to use in your new ponds? (Tick all that apply)

No fertilizer or feed [   ]

Organic and or inorganic fertilizer [   ]

Feed [   ]

Association with pigs [   ]

Association with poultry [   ]

Other:                                                                         [   ]

3.54Do you know of one or more individuals or groups who have access to the land and water needed to start a fish culture unit?Yes [   ]
No [   ]

3.55     If the answer to question 3.54 is YES: Give the name, village (or other reference point), and potential water source:

NameVillageWater Source

3.56Do you know of one or more individuals or groups who used to practice fish culture but have now stopped?Yes [   ]
No [   ]

3.57     If the answer to question 3.56 is YES: Give the name and village (or other reference point):





  13261  92122153183214245275306336  1
  23362  93123154184215246276307337  2
  33463  94124155185216247277308338  3
  43564  95125156186217248278309339  4
  53665  96126157187218249279310340  5
  63766  97127158188219250280311341  6
  73867  98128159189220251281312342  7
  83968  99129160190221252282313343  8
  94069100130161191222253283314344  9
30 9012115118221224327430433536530
31 91 152 213244 305 36631

To calculate number of days in production, first find day number of date stocked and day number of date harvested.

For dates falling completely within a single year, subtract stocking day number from harvest day number; if the dates encompass the last day of February and the year is not a leap year, subtract one to get the number of days in production.

For dates falling over two years, subtract the stocking day number from 366 and add the harvest day number. If the dates in either year encompass the last day of February and the year that includes the last day of February is not a leap year, subtract one to get the number of days in production.


A.Fish farming in ponds.Normal Prod.
1.No fertilizing or feeding.10 kg/are/yr
2.Fertilizing only, but no associated animals.15 kg/are/yr
3.Fertilizing and feeding, but no associated animals.20 kg/are/yr
4.Fertilizing and feeding in association with pigs.30 kg/are/yr
5.Fertilizing and feeding in association with poultry.25 kg/are/yr

N.B. The productivity figures for systems (4) and (5) are for the production of fish only, not including the weight of animals produced.


1. Preparation: Before meeting the intended respondent be certain that you are familiar with the questions and the information to be entered on forms 1 and 3. Read also the “List of terms used”.

2. Intended respondent: You should interview the individual(s) who are most familiar with the current use of the fish-ponds; thus, you need not necessarily interview the owner of the fish-farm.

3. Farm Unit Number: You should assign the farm unit number following the instructions of the survey leader. It should consist of the three letters ZAM, a numerical code for the district, and a number specific to the farm at which you are studying the Current Situation and Outlook. Thus a farm unit number may look as follows: ZAM/06/15.

4. If no appropriate respondent is available obtain permission from those present to visit the pond and then complete questions: 3.1 to 3.6; 3.8; 3.29; 3.68 and 3.69.

5. On meeting the respondent introduce yourself and your fellow team members by name and organization. Then make certain that the respondent understands the purpose of the visit: the Department of Fisheries wants to know the current situation (production, problems) and outlook (future production and plans for expansion) of the rural fish-farmers. It is only with this information, assembled for a large number of farmers, that the Director of Fisheries can decide how best to use his limited resources. Thus, it must be clearly understood by the respondent that the interview is not automatically followed by assistance from the department; this may be so, but will depend on the overall needs in the region. The interview should under no circumstances be considered as an evaluation of individual farmers in order to select those who “deserve” assistance.

6. If the respondent is present but unwilling to be interviewed, attempt to obtain permission to inspect the pond and then complete the questions identified in 4 above. Try to have the respondent provide the following information (listed in order of priority): 3.9 (is pond stocked?); 3.30 (if not, when will it be stocked?); 3.33 (date of most recent complete harvest); 3.34 (what was the quantity obtained?); 3.40 – 3.45 (what is the culture system used?).

7. If the respondent is present and willing start the interview by visiting the ponds; then ask the questions in the sequence indicated on the questionnaire.

8. Question 1.5: On meeting the respondent note the time the interview started using the 24-hour system. Thus, if the interview starts at 8 minutes past 2 in the afternoon, you enter 14.08 h.

9. Questions 3.1 – 3.5: In this section the essential information is the surface of the ponds, as you will use this information to decide whether or not past, or expected, production is above the norm. The smaller the pond, the more important it is to take correct measurements. A pond measuring 6 × 6 m is only just over half the size of a pond (square) that measures 8 × 8 m. You should attempt to measure the designed water surface area. If you have practice in measuring metres in paces, this should be sufficient. Estimating by eye only is not enough.

10. Separation of data by ponds: The questionnaire is formulated in such a way that data can be entered for up to three individual ponds. If the farmer has more ponds, use a continuation sheet (loose sheet of paper inserted in the questionnaire). However, you might find that the farmer has difficulties in breaking down the information on stocking and harvests by ponds. In that case you note the figures in the column “Total”. For subsequent calculations of productivity (kg/surface area/culture period) you use the totals.

11. Question 3.21: It might be useful simply to ask “How much fish was brought out of the pond”, and thereby let the respondent determine the unit of measurement. He will probably use the unit with which he is most familiar. That increases the probability of obtaining a correct estimate, as long as you can convert the unit used into kilogrammes. You might have to ask to see the container used.

12. Question 3.54: You should now use your knowledge of aquaculture practices to determine if the respondent (or those who actually manage the ponds) knows how to tend the fish ponds. Are the right quantities of feed, and/or fertilizer provided? Are the fish being harvested with a frequency and in such a manner that overall production will be optimal? Are the ponds well maintained? Do they know how to protect this fish against predators? On the basis of the replies you should use your judgement to record whether or not the respondent is familiar with the culture system he uses.

13. Termination: When the last question has been answered by the respondent, you record the time the interview finished, again using the 24-hour system. You then answer any queries the fish-farmer may ask concerning his fish-farming activity. You must take the time you need to fully answer all his queries. This is important in order to maintain a good relationship with the fish-farmer.

14. Completion of Reporting: Once you have parted from the fish-farmer, you should complete remaining entries in Form 1, make a sketch on the reserve showing the location of the farm, and make certain that all pages in the questionnaire are identified by the farm unit number.


Barter:exchange of goods or service against other goods or service.
Borrowed resources:cash, equipment, materials or labour provided with the explicit understanding that the equivalent be returned at a later date.
Cash:includes payments by cheque.
Complete harvest:attempt to remove all fish from pond.
Culture unit:one or more ponds (cages, raceways, etc.) being controlled by one owner, or a group of owners acting in consort, and employed in a similar manner.
Cash crop:any crop sold for cash.
Certified bill or invoice:a piece of paper on which it is started that an individual or firm has paid a certain sum for specified goods or service.
Control:the individual who has control over a resource has the right to decide about its use in his own productive activities. The right derives from ownership, lease or customary rights.
Drainable:the pond is such that all water can be let out by gravity flow.
Economic unit:a set of resources (land, water, animals, houses, vehicles, etc.) and individuals for whom one individual (or several, but then through a representative) decide the economic activities.
Gift:something the ownership of which is transferred from one individual to another without any stated, explicit understanding of the receiver transferring ownership of something else to the giver.
Input:any of the material, animals, equipment, labour needed to grow fish.
Interest:interest is normally payment received for loan (of cash) made outside the economic unit; normally measured in one-hundreds of the original loan and determined for a certain period.
Invest:use of resources in a manner such that the possibilities for consumption at a later date increase, in this case the investment is frequently in the form of one or more fish ponds.
Lease:to obtain temporary rights to the use of goods (or service) against payment.
Normal production:the kg/are which the average practising fish-farmer in the area achieves.
Pension:payment received in return for work performed earlier and for which salary has already been paid.
Production period:the period (in days, weeks, or months) usually needed from the date the fish is introduced into the pond to the date it has reached marketable size.
Purchase:obtaining ownership of goods, or services, usually against payment in cash, but also against the promise to pay (or to render other goods or service in exchange).
Rent:normally payments received for temporary transfer of use of rights (see lease).
Respondent:in the census part of the survey the respondent should be the person most familiar with the actual management and production of the ponds. In the main survey the respondent should be the person who takes the decision inside the economic unit of which the ponds are a part.
Salary:normally cash payment received in return for work performed.
Status:an individual's place, in the eyes of those around him, in the economic and political hierarchy.
Trade:exchange of goods or services, either through the medium of money, or through barter.

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