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Asada, Y., 1973, Licence limitation regulations: The Japanese system. A paper presented to the FAO technical conference on fishery management and development, Vancouver, Canada, 12–23 February 1973. J.Fish.Res. Board Can., 30(12) Pt.2: 2085–95

Asada, Y., Y. Hirasawa and F. Nagasaki, 1983, Fishery management in Japan. FAO Fish.Tech.Pap., (238): 26 p.

Chikuni, S., 1985, The fish resources of the northwest Pacific. FAO Fish. Tech.Pap., (266): 190 p.

Csirke, J. and G.D. Sharp (eds.)., 1984, Reports of the Expert Consultation to examine changes in abundance and species composition of neritic fish resources. San José, Costa Rica, 18–29 April 1983. A preparatory meeting for the FAO World Conference on fisheries management and development. FAO Fish.Rep., (291) Vol.1: 102 p.

Fisheries Agency, Japan, 1976, “Seto Naikai ni okeru Gyogyo Shigen to Gyogyo no Tenbo” (A prospect of the fishery resources and fisheries in the Seto Inland Sea). Tokyo, Fisheries Agency, Research Department, 115p. (in Japanese, mimeo.)

Hanaoka, T. et al., (eds.), 1980, Recent knowledge on the red-tide and problems on its study. Bull.Jap.Fish.Resour.Conserv.Assoc.Suisan Kenkyu Sosho, 33: 274 p. (in Japanese)

Holthius, L.B., 1980, FAO species catalogue. Vol.1. Shrimps and prawns of the world. An annotated catalogue of species of interest to fisheries. FAO Fish.Synop., (125) Vol.1:261 p.

Kakuda, S., 1976, On the catch of Navodon modestus (Gunther) in the Seto Inland Sea. J.Fac.Anim.Husb.Hiroshima Univ., 15:219–31

Kakuda, S., 1980, Comparison in coefficient of fatness of filefish, N. modestus, between exuberant and relatively sparse populations. J.Fac.Appl.Biol.Sci.Hiroshima Univ., 19:191–7

Kanagawa Prefecture, 1981, Report of the study on the effective utilization and its evaluation. Production, marketing and consumption of filefish. Yokohama, Kanagawa Prefecture, 64 p. (in Japanese)

Kobata, T., 1981, Ecological studies on important fish in Sagami Bay. 1–2. On fisheries characteristics of Navodon modestus (Gunther) caught in the waters off Seisho District. Rep.Kanagawa Prefect.Fish. Exp.Stn., Japan, (3): 29–37

Lapedes, D.N. et al., (eds.), 1974, Dictionary of scientific and technical terms. (2nd ed.), New York, McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1771 p.

Ministry of Science and Technology, Japan, 1980, Investigation on the assessment of marine biological productivity. Bureau of Resource Investigation, Ministry of Science and Technology, Tokyo, 289 p. (in Japanese)

Nagasaki, F., 1973, Long-term and short-term fluctuations in the catches of coastal pelagic fisheries around Japan. A paper presented to the FAO technical conference on fishery management and development, Vancouver, Canada, 12–23 February 1973. J.Fish.Res.Board Can., 30(12) Pt.2:2361–7

Nagasaki, F., 1983, Fisheries on resources management. Bull.Jap.Fish. Resour.Conserv.Assoc.Gyosei sosho, 14:94 p. (in Japanese)

Nasu, K., 1975, Oceanographic environments and living resources in the world. Bull.Jap.Fish.Resour.Conserv.Assoc.Suisan Kenkyu Sosho, 27: 145 p. (in Japanese)

Odum, E.P., 1971, Fundamentals of ecology. (3rd ed.), Philadelphia, W.B. Saunders Co., 574 p.

Ruddle, K., 1987, Administration and conflict management in Japanese coastal fisheries. FAO Fish.Tech.Pap., (273):93 p.

Tatara, K., 1981, Relation between the primary production and the commercial fishery production in the fishing ground. Bull.Nansei.Reg. Fish.Res.Lab., (13):111–33

Tatara, K., 1981a, Productivity of the inshore fishing grounds. Changes of productivity in the Seto Inland Sea.Bull.Nansei.Reg.Fish.Res.Lab., (13):135–69

Yamanaka, I., S. Ito, K. Niwa, R. Tanabe, Y. Yabuta and S. Chikuni, 1988, The fisheries forecasting system in Japan for coastal pelagic fish. FAO Fish.Tech.Pap., (301):72 p.

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