A comprehensive listing of training institutes and programs in remote sensing is currently unavailable. The following is a selection of the numerous and growing list of educational and research establishments which offer training in remote sensing at all levels. Much of the information contained in this Appendix was obtained from: “The remote sensing sourcebook: a guide to remote sensing products, services, facilities, publications and other materials” by D.J. Carter (1986).

Division of Land Resources Management
Deniliquin, New South Wales, Australia
BRAZILInstituto de Pesquisas Espaciais
C.P. 515
Sao Jose dos Campos, Brazil
CANADACanadian Remote Sensing Training Institute
c/o Canada Centre for Remote Sensing
2464 Sheffield Road
Ottawa, Canada K1A 0Y7
COLUMBIACentro Interamericano de Fotointerpretacion
Bogotà, Columbia
COSTA RICAInstitut Interamericano de Ciencias Agricolas
San Jose, Costa Rica
ETHIOPIAAfrican Remote Sensing Council
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
EUROPENATO Advanced Studies Institute
NATO Scientific Affairs Division
B-1110 Bruxelles, Belgium
 Joint Research Centre (JRC) of the Commission of the European Community
21020 Ispra (Varese), Italy
FRANCECentre National d'Études Spatiales (CNES)
18 Avenue Édouard Belin
31055 Toulouse Cedex, France
GERMANYFachhochschule for Technik
Stuttgart, West Germany
INDIAIndian Institute of Remote Sensing
(National Remote Sensing Agency)
Department of Space
Government of India
4, Kalidas Road, PB 135
Dehra Dun 248001, India
ITALYUnited Nations
Food and Agriculture Organization
Remote Sensing Centre
Via delle Terme di Caracalla
00100 Roma, Italy
JAPANRemote Sensing Technology Centre of Japan
7–15–17 Roppongi
Tokyo 106, Japan
KENYARegional Remote Sensing Facility
P.O. Box 18332
Nairobi, Kenya
NEW ZEALANDNew Zealand Ministry of Works and Development
Aokautere Science Center
Palmerston North, New Zealand
NETHERLANDSInternational Institute for Aerospace Survey and
Earth Sciences (ITC)
Student Affairs Office
P.O. Box 6
7500 AA Enschede, Netherlands
NIGERIARegional Centre for Training in Aerial Surveys
Ile-Ife, Nigeria
SWITZERLANDUniversity of Zurich
Department of Geography
P.O. Box CH-8033
Zurich, Switzerland
THAILANDAsian Institute of Technology
P.O. Box 2754
Bangkok, Thailand


Students interested in training in the U.K. should consult the “Report on Full-time Training Facilities in the United Kingdom in Land Survey, Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing, Cartography and Map Reproduction (including printing), Cadastre, Land Resource and Management Studies, and Hydrographic Surveying, which are available to overseas students”, Directorate of Overseas Surveys (Revised edition, June 1983). Copies are available from British Council Offices in most countries.

  University of Aston
Remote Sensing Unit
Department of Civil Engineering
Gosta Green
Birmingham, England B4 7ET
  University of London
University College
Department of Geography
26 Bedford Way
London, England WC1H 0AP
  University of Nottingham
Department of Geography
(Remote Sensing Unit)
Nottingham, England NG7 2RD
  Silsoe College
Cranfield Institute of Technology
Silsoe, Bedford, England MK45 4DT
  Land Resources Development Centre
Overseas Development Administration
Tolworth Tower
Surbiton, Surrey, England KT6 7DY
  University of Dundee
Carnegie Laboratory of Physics
Dundee, Scotland DD1 4HN
  University of Glasgow
Department of Geography
Glasgow, Scotland G12 8QQ


Students interested in advanced training in the U.S.A. should consult the paper by L.D. Nealy in Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, 1977, 43(3): 259-84. More up-to-date listings are available from the American Society of Photogrammetry and the Association of American Geographers. Forthcoming training courses in the U.S.A. are listed in the LANDSAT data users notes which can be obtained from: LANDSAT Customer Services, Mundt Federal Building, Sioux Falls, South Dakota 57198, U.S.A.

 Northern Arizona University
Flagstaff, Arizona, U.S.A.
 University of California
Department of Earth and Space Sciences
Los Angeles, California 90024, U.S.A.
 Yale University
School of Forestry and Environmental Studies
New Haven, Connecticut 06511, U.S.A.
 George Washington University
School of Engineering and Applied Science
Washington, District of Columbia 20052
 Laboratory for Applications of Remote Sensing
Purdue University
1220 Potter Drive
W. Lafayette, Indiana 47906, U.S.A.
 University of Massachusetts
Remote Sensing Centre
Amherst, Massachusetts 01003, U.S.A.
 University of Michigan
Remote Sensing Laboratory
School of Natural Resources
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109, U.S.A.
 Michigan State University
Remote Sensing Project
East Lansing, Michigan 48824, U.S.A.
 Remote Sensing Unit
Division of Natural Resources and Energy (DNRE)
New York, New York, U.S.A.
 University of North Dakota
Institute for Remote Sensing
Grand Forks, North Dakota 58202, U.S.A.
 Oregon State University
Environmental Remote Sensing Application Laboratory
Cornvallis, Oregon 97331, U.S.A.
 Remote Sensing Institute
South Dakota State University
P.O. Box 507
Brookings, South Dakota 57007, U.S.A.
 U.S. Geological Survey
EROS Data Center
Sioux Falls, South Dakota 57198, U.S.A.
 Office of International Geology
U.S. Geological Survey, 1917
National Center
Reston, Virginia 22092, U.S.A.
Council on International Cooperation in the Study and Utilization of Outer Space
117901 North Moscow
V-71 Leninsky Prospect 14
Moscow, U.S.S.R.