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Acheson, J.M., 1975 Economic and ecological effects of territoriality in the Maine lobster industry. Hum.Ecol., 3(3):183–207

Arzel, P., Le système traditionnel d'aménagement de l'exploitation du goëmon dans le Bas-Léon, France (in preparation)

Asada, Y., 1973 Licence limitation regulations: the Japanese system. J.Fish.Res.Board Can., 30 (12) Pt.2:2085–95

Belvèze, 1980 H. et J. Bravo de Laguna, Les ressources halieutiques de l'Atlantique centre-est. Deuxième partie. Les ressources de la côte ouest-africaine entre 24°N et le détroit de Gibraltar. FAO Doc.Tech.Pêches, (186.2):64 p.

Beverton, R.J.M. and S.J. Holt, 1957 On the dynamics of exploited fish populations. Fish. Invest.Minist.Agric.Fish Food G.B.(2 Sea Fish), (19):533 p.

Caddy, J.F., 1981 Some factors relevant to the management of cephalopod resources off West Africa. Dakar, Senegal, CECAF Project, CECAF/TECH/Dakar, (81/37):46 p. Issued also in French

Caddy, J.F., 1982 Some considerations relevant to the definition of shared stocks and their allocation between adjacent economic zones. FAO Fish.Circ., (749):40 p.

Christy, F.T. Jr., 1973 Fishermen's quota: a tentative suggestion for domestic management. Occas.Pap.Law Sea Inst.Univ.R.I., (19):7 p.

Christy, 1979 Economic benefits and arrangements with foreign fishing countries in the northern sub-region of CECAF: a preliminary assessment. CECAF/ECAF Ser., (79/19):39 p. Issued also in French

Christy F.T. Jr., 1981 et al., Maldives: management of fisheries in the exclusive economic zone. A report prepared for the Ministry of Fisheries of the Government of Maldives. Rome, FAO, GCP/INT/334/NOR-GCP/RAS/087/NOR:99 p.

Cordell, J., 1981 Conservation methods for Brazil's indigenous fisheries (MS)

Cram, D., 1981 Hidden elements in the development and implementation of Marine Resource Conservation Policy. The case of the South West Africa/Namibia fisheries. In Resource management and environmental uncertainty, edited by H.M. Glentz and J.D. Thompson. New York, Wiley-Interscience, Advances in environmental science and technology

Crutchfield, J. and A. Zeilner, 1968 Economic aspects of the Pacific halibut fishery. Fish.Ind. Res., 1(1):173 p.

Cushing, D.H., 1961 On the failure of the Plymouth herring fishery. J.Mar.Biol.Assoc.U.K., (41):799–816

Cushing, 1971 The problems of stock and recruitment. In Fish population dynamics, edited by J.A. Gulland. London, J. Wiley and Sons Ltd. pp.116–33

Doubleday, W.C., 1976 Environmental fluctuations and fishery management. ICNAF Sel.Pap, (1): 141–50

Doucet, F.J., P.H. Pearse et J.P. Troadec, 1981 Mauritanie. Politique de développement et d'aménagement des pêches dans la zone économique exclusive. Rapport rédigé pour le Gouvernement de la République islamique de Mauritanie. Rome, FAO, FI:TCP/MAU/001:135 p.

FAO, 1976 ACMRR Working Party on Fishing Effort and Monitoring of Fish Stock Abundance. Rome, Italy, 16–20 December 1975. Monitoring of fish stock abundance: the use of catch and effort data. FAO Fish.Tech.Pap., (155):101 p.

FAO, 1978 Some scientific problems of multispecies fisheries. Report of the Expert Consultation on management of multispecies fisheries. Rome, Italy, 20–23 September 1977. FAO Fish.Tech.Pap., (181):42 p. Issued also in French

FAO, 1979 Resource management meetings. Report of the consultation on stock management in the CECAF statistical divisions Sahara and Cape Verde. Dakar, Senegal, 18–22 June 1979. Rome, FAO Norway-Funds-in-Trust, FAO/GCP/RAF/148(NOR):25 p. Issued also in French

FAO, 1980 Yearbook of fishery statistics. Annuaire statistique des pêches. Anuario estadístico de pesca, 1979. Catches and landings. Captures et quantités débarquées. Capturas y desembarques. Yearb.Fish.Stat./Annu.Stat.Pêches/Annu.Estad.Pesca, (48):384 p.

FAO, 1980a ACMRR Working Party on the Scientific Basis of Determining Management Measures. Report of the ACMRR Working Party on the scientific basis of determining management measures. Second session. Hong Kong, 10–15 December 1979. FAO Fish.Rep., (236):149 p. Issued also in French and Spanish

FAO, 1980b Fishery Committee for the Eastern Central Atlantic (CECAF), report of the sixth session of the Fishery Committee for the Eastern Central Atlantic (CECAF). Agadir, Morocco, 11–14 December 1979. FAO Fish.Rep., (229):67 p. Issued also in French

FAO, 1981 Review of the world fishery resources. FAO Fish.Circ., (710) Rev.2:52 p. Issued also in French, Spanish, Arabic and Chinese

FAO, 1981a Report of the fourteenth session of the Committee on Fisheries. Rome, 26–30 May 1981. FAO Fish.Rep., (256):33 p. Issued also in French

FAO, 1981b Energy and other costs in fisheries. Rome, FAO, COFI/81/Inf. 9:8 p. Issued also in French, Spanish and Arabic

FAO, 1981c Marine fisheries in the new era of national jurisdiction. In State of food and agriculture, 1980. FAO Agric.Ser., (12):83–181. Issued also in French, Spanish and Arabic

FAO, 1981d Fishery Committee for the Eastern Central Atlantic (CECAF), Development of fisheries in the exclusive economic zones of the CECAF region. Rome, FAO, CECAF/VII/81/12:14 p. Issued also in French

FAO, 1981e Atlas of the living resources of the seas. Atlas des ressources biologiques des mers. Atlas de los recursos vivos del mar. FAO Fish.Ser./Collect.FAO: Pêches/Colecc.FAO:Pesca, (15):pag.var.

FAO/Norway Cooperative Programme, 1981 Report of an expert consultation on monitoring, control and surveillance systems for fisheries management. Rome, Italy, 27–30 April 1981. Rome, FAO, GCP/INT/334/NOR:115 p.

GFCM, 1982 Measurement and control of the amount of fishing. Rome, FAO, GFCM/RET/82/3:10 p. Issued also in French

Garcia, S., 1976 Biologie et dynamique des populations de crevette rose (Penaeus duorarum notialis, Pérez-Farfante, 1967) en Côte-d'Ivoire. Trav.Doc.ORSTOM, Paris, (79):271 p.

Gertenbach, 1973 L.P.D., Licence limitation regulations: the South African system. J.Fish.Res. Board Can., 30(12)Pt.2:2077–84

Gordon, H.S., 1954 Economic theory of a common property resource: the fishery. J.Polit.Econ., 62:124–42

Griffin, 1982 W.L., W.E. Grant and R. Shotton, A bioeconomic analysis of a CECAF shrimp fishery: and operations and background data. Dakar, CECAF Project, CECAF/TECH/Dakar, (82/41):78 p. Issued also in French

Griffin, W.L., J.P. Warren and W.E. Grant, 1979 A bioeconomic model for fish stock management: the cephalopod fishery of northwest Africa. Dakar, CECAF Project, CECAF/TECH/ Dakar, (79/16):42 p. Issued also in French

Gulland, J.A., 1968 The concept of marginal yield from exploited stocks. J.Cons.CIEM, 32(2): 256–61

Gulland, 1974 The management of marine fisheries. Bristol, Scientechnica Publishers Ltd., 198 p.

Gulland, 1974a Guidelines for fishery management. Indian Ocean Programme. Rome, FAO, IOFC/DEV/24/36:82 p.

Gulland, 1977 Goals and objectives of fishery management. FAO Fish.Tech.Pap., (166):14 p. Issued also in French and Spanish

Gulland, 1980 Some problems of the management of shared stocks. FAO Fish.Tech.Pap., (206):22 p. Issued also in French

Gulland, J.A. and L.K. Boerema, 1973 Scientific advice on catch levels. Fish.Bull.NOAA/NMFS, 71(2):325–35

Herrington, W.C., 1971 Operation of the Japanese fishery management system. Occas.Pap.Law Sea Inst.Univ.R.I., (11):21 p.

ICNAF, 1973 Report of Special ICNAF Meeting of Experts on effort limitation. Woods Hole, Massachusetts, 26–30 March, 1973. In ICNAF Proceedings of the Special Commission Meeting, January 1973 and the Twenty-Third annual meeting June 1973. Dartmouth, ICNAF, pp. 75–120

Kasahara, H., 1964 Japanese fisheries and fisheries regulations. In California and the World Ocean. Los Angeles, California Museum of Science and Industry, pp. 57–61

Laurec, A., Combinaison d'une relation stock-recrutement avec un modèle décrivant la phase recrutée: des modèles structuraux aux modèles globaux. FAO Circ.Pêches, (701):111–30

Le Guen, J.C. et R. Chevalier, 1982 Réflexions générales sur la gestion des stocks - applications au chalutage. Brest, France, Centre océanologique de Bretagne, Document GS9 No. 01:112 p.

Longhurst, A.R., 1969 Synopsis of biological data on West African croakers (Pseudotolithus typus, P. senegalensis and P. elangatus). FAO Fish.Synops., (35)Rev.1:pag.var.

Meany, T.F., 1978 Restricted entry in Australian fisheries. In Limited entry as a fishery management tool, edited by R.B. Rettig and J.J.C. Ginter. Proceedings of a National Conference to consider limited entry as a tool in fishery management. Denver. July 17–19, 1978. Seattle, University of Washington Press, Washington Sea Grant Publication, pp:391–415

Newton, C.H.B., 1978 Experience with limited entry in British Columbia fisheries. In Limited entry as a fishery management tool, edited by R.B. Rettig and J.J.C. Ginter. Proceedings of a National Conference to consider limited entry as a tool in fishery management. Denver, July 17–19, 1978. Seattle, University of Washington Press, Washington Sea Grant Publication, pp:382–90

Newton, 1980 A herring management strategy for the Maritimes Region. A report for the Department of Fisheries and Oceans, Maritimes Region, Halifax, Nova Scotia, 51 p. (mimeo)

Panayotou, T., 1980 Economic conditions and prospects of small-scale fishermen in Thailand. Mar.Policy, 4(2):142–6

Panayotou, 1982 Management concepts for small scale fisheries: economic and social aspects. FAO Fish.Tech.Pap., (228):53 p. Issued also in French and Spanish

Pauly, D., 1979 Theory and management of tropical multispecies stocks: a review with emphasis on the Southeast Asian demersal fisheries. ICLARM Stud.Rev., (1):35 p.

Pearse, P.H. (ed.), 1979 Symposium on policies for economic rationalization of commercial fisheries. J.Fish.Res.Board Can., 36(7):711–866

Pearse, 1980 Regulation of fishing effort with special reference to Mediterranean trawl fisheries. FAO Fish.Tech.Pap., (197):82 p. Issued also in French

Pope, J.G., 1980 Assessment of multispecies resources. In Selected lectures from the CIDA/FAO/ CECAF Seminar on fishery resource evaluation. Casablanca, Morocco, 6–24 March 1978. Rome, FAO, Canada-Funds-in-Trust, FAO/TF/INT 180(c)CAN Suppl.:93–137. Issued also in French

Regier, H.A., 1973 Sequence of exploitation of stocks in multispecies fisheries in the Laurentian Great Lakes. J.Fish.Res.Board Can., 30(12)Part 2:1992–9

Rettig, R.B. and J.J.C. Ginter (eds), 1978 Limited entry as a fishery management tool. Proceedings of a National Conference to consider limited entry as a tool in fishery management. Denver, July 17–19, 1978. Seattle, University of Washington Press, Washington Sea Grant Publication:463 p.

Ricker, W.E., 1965 Handbook of computations for biological statistics of fish populations. Bull.Fish.Res.Board Can., (119):300 p.

Royce, W.F., 1965 Decision problems in fisheries. Proceedings of the 1965 Meeting of the Gulf and Caribbean Institute. Seattle, University of Washington, College of Fisheries, Contrib. 229:382–7

Saville, A. (ed.), 1980 The assessment and management of pelagic fish stocks. A symposium held in Aberdeen, 3–7 July 1978. Rapp.P.V.Réun.CIEM, (177):517 p.

Schaefer, M.B., 1954 Some aspects of the dynamics of populations important to the management of commercial marine fisheries. Bull.I-ATTC, 1(2):26–56

Schaefer, 1957 A study of the dynamics of the fishery for yellowfin tuna in the eastern tropical Pacific Ocean. Bull.I-ATTC, 2(6):247–85

Scott, A.D., 1955 The fishery: the objective of sole ownership. J.Polit.Econ., 63:116–24

Sissenwine, M.P., 1974 Variability in recruitment and equilibrium catch of the Southern New England yellowtail flounder fishery., 36:15–26

Smith, I.R., 1979 A research framework for traditional fisheries. ICLARM Stud.Rev., (2):40 p.

Troadec, J.P., 1971 Biologie et dynamique d'un sciaenidae ouest-africain, Pseudotolithus senegalensis. Doc.Sci.Cent.Pêch.Océanogr.Abidjan ORSTOM, 2(3):1–25

Troadec, 1980 The objectives of management. In Report of the CIDA/FAO/CECAF Workshop on Fishery Development Planning and Management, Lomé, Togo, 6–17 February 1978. Rome, FAO, FAO/TF/INT 180(b)(CAN):223–56

Troadec, Practices and prospects for fisheries development and management: the case of Northwest African fisheries (in preparation)

Troadec, J.P. and S. Garcia (eds), 1980 The fish resources of the Eastern Central Atlantic. Part one: The resources of the Gulf of Guinea from Angola to Mauritania. FAO Fish.Tech.Pap., (186.1):166 p. Issued also in French

Troadec, J.P., W.G. Clark and J.A. Gulland, 1980 A review of some pelagic fish stocks in other areas. Rapp.P.V.Réun.Cons.Int.Explor.Mer, 177:252–77

Walter, G.G., 1976 Non-equilibrium regulation of fisheries. Sel.Pap.ICNAF, 1:129–40

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