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Maintenance of a sound environment is a matter which concerns all mankind. To a greater or less extent all people have a role to play in ensuring that the resources of planet Earth are utilized in a manner that protects the interests of those as yet unborn.

There are some in the population whose work responsibilities make them particularly important in this process. Politicians, planners, developers, farmers all come to mind as being in the forefront of this process. Alongside these persons, and equally important in their own way, are bankers. It is to bankers, and especially to those responsible for rural investment lending, that this publication is directed.

Investment has a vital role to play in correct resource management. The banker is very frequently in a position to significantly influence the direction of such investment. Consequently he or she needs to be sensitive to the issues involved, and to have access to the specialized knowledge required in order to make sound lending decisions.

This AGS Bulletin aims at bringing environmental concerns to the attention of bankers. It also suggests ways in which banks could establish appropriate methodology in order to cope with the additional responsibilities involved.

Hartwing de Haen
Assistant Director-General
Agriculture Department

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