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List of tables

1. Soil loss results showing the large number of variations that can occur from replications
2. Calculation of streamflow from current meter readings
3. Values of Manning's roughness coefficient
4. Flow rates over a 90° V-notch weir
5. Flow rates over a rectangular weir with end contractions
6. Construction dimensions for some Parshal flumes
7. Discharge through Parshall flume
8. Free-flow discharge trough 1.5 ft H flume in l/s
9. Flow rates in Washington flumes
10. Maddock's classification for estimation of the bedload
11. Gathering time for small catchments
12. Rainfall probability conversion factors for various return periods
13. Values of runoff coefficient C
14. Values of Cook's watershed characteristics
15. Estimating runoff by Cook's method
16. Values of S for water yield formula
17. Estimation of runoff curve numbers
18. Hydrologic soil groupings

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