Appendix A Kenya case study coding schemes (A1)

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The large number of different elements entering a detailed AEZ country study requires a multiplicity of coding schemes to be devised to enter and address the various indicators in a way suitable for data processing. This Appendix contains the coding schemes relevant in the context of the Kenya Case Study including the following sub-sections (for additional coding information see FAO/IIASA (1991: Technical Annex 7):

A.1 Kenya District Codes
A.2 Crop Coding Scheme
A.3 Agricultural Commodities Coding Scheme
A.4 Aggregate Commodity Groups Coding Scheme
A.5 Thermal Zone Coding Scheme
A.6 Rainfall Pattern Coding Scheme
A.7 Length of Growing Periods
A.8 Cash Crop Area Coding Scheme
A.9 Forest Land Coding Scheme
A.10 Irrigation Coding Scheme
A.11 Park Land Coding Scheme
A.12 Tsetse Area Coding Scheme
A.13 Slope Class Coding Scheme
A.14 Soil Texture Coding Scheme
A.15 Coarse Material Coding Scheme
A.16 Soil Phase Coding Scheme
A.17 Soil Unit Coding Scheme
A.18 Livestock Zones Coding Scheme

A.1 Kenya District Codes

Code Nr District Province
01 01 Kiambu Central Province
02 02 Kirinyaga  
03 03 Muranga  
04 04 Nyandarua  
05 05 Nyeri  
01 06 Kilifi Coast Province
02 07 Kwale  
03 08 Lamu  
04 09 Mombasa  
05 10 Taita Taveta  
06 11 Tana River  
01 12 Embu Eastern Province
02 13 Isiolo  
03 14 Kitui  
04 15 Machakos  
05 16 Marsabit  
06 17 Meru  
01 18 Nairobi Nairobi Area
01 19 Garissa North-Eastern Province
02 20 Mandera  
03 21 Wajir  
01 22 South Nyanza Nyanza Province
02 23 Kisii  
03 24 Kisumu  
04 25 Siaya  
01 26 Baringo Rift Valley Province
02 27 Elgeyo Maraquet  
03 28 Kajiado  
04 29 Kericho  
05 30 Laikipia  
06 31 Nakuru  
07 32 Nandi  
08 33 Narok  
09 34 Samburu  
10 35 Trans-Nzoia  
11 36 Turkana  
12 37 Uasin Gishu  
13 38 West Pokot  
01 39 Bungoma Western Province
02 40 Busia  
03 41 Kakamega