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The Government of Turkey, assisted by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations through its Technical Cooperation Programme, is engaged in project TCP/TUR/8853, Sturgeon and seatrout fisheries development.

Stocks of seatrout (Salmo trutta labrax) and of several species of sturgeons, inhabiting Turkish Black Sea coastal waters and the rivers entering them have become seriously depleted. Before embarking on a fisheries rehabilitation programme for these species, the Government of Turkey requested preliminary FAO assistance under Technical Cooperation Programme funding. This was provided as project TCP/TUR/8853, the objectives of which were to assess the current status of stocks of sturgeon and seatrout inhabiting Turkish Black Sea waters, to make recommendations on stock enhancement for these species (including hatchery planning and identification of suitable sites for hatchery building), and to train local staff in sturgeon and seatrout rearing techniques.

As part of the project operations, FAO assigned Mr David Edwards and Dr Sergei Doroshov as consultants with the following terms of reference:

Mr Edwards (February to May 1989 inclusive) -

As team leader, to:

As seatrout culture specialist, to -

Dr Doroshov (April 1989) -

As seatrout culture specialist, to -

This field document incorporates the findings of both consultants, and is intended as a full technical description of the project's activities, findings and recommendations.

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