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ADCP, 1989. Planning for aquaculture development. Report of an Expert Consultation, Policoro (Italy) 26 July-2 August, 1988. Rome, FAO, ADCP/REP/89/33, 68 p

Coche, A.G., 1988. Aquaculture in marine waters. A list of selected reference books and monographs, 1957-1987. Rome, FAO, Fisheries Circular No. 723 Rev.3, 35 p

Coche, A.G., 1988. Aquaculture in fresh waters. A list of selected reference books and monographs, 1951-1987. Rome, FAO, Fisheries Circular No. 724 Rev.3, 37 p

Fagetti, E., D.W. Privett and J.R.C. Sears (comps), 1986. Aquatic sciences and fisheries thesaurus. Descriptors used in the Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Information System. Rome, FAO, 437 p

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