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Many people generously gave of their time to provide information used in this document. Those responding to the survey and who provided project documents which formed the basis for several case studies included:

Dr. Rudolph Arce, Dr. Jose Luis Arredondo Figueroa, Santiago Aviles Queredo, Elvira Baluyut, Randy Brummett, Daniel Carnevia, Silvana Castillo, Medina Delmendo, Mario Estevez, Kari Grundvig, Felix Walter Gutierrez Alva, Marianne Holm, Antonio Lama, Aida Librero, Jimmy Martinez Ortiz, John Moehl, Susan van Niekerk, Mark Orlic, Richard Pretto Malca, Brian Steinwand, Karen Veverika, and Michael Zwack. Dr. Les Torrans and Karen Veverika spent several hours discussing aquaculture extension programmes in Africa with us.

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