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About the author

Dr. Ronny ADHIKARYA has extensive professional working experience in the fields of education, training, communication, and extension, in support of agriculture/rural development and population. He has served for the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)/United Nations since 1981. Presently, he is a senior-level technical officer serving as Extension Education and Training Methodology Specialist at FAO's Agricultural Education and Extension Service in Rome, Italy.

He received his Ph.D. degree from Stanford University, California, USA, in 1981, with a specialization in communication and educational planning, a Master's degree (in development communication) from Cornell Univ. in 1972, and a B.A. (cum laude) in social and behavioural sciences from State University of New York in 1971. Prior to working for FAO, Dr. Adhikarya served in many developing countries as international consultant, for UNESCO, UNFPA, USAID, Ford Foundation, the East-West Center, and International Institute of Communication. He was a visiting professor at the Science University of Malaysia, a research staff at the East-West Center, Hawaii, USA and at Stanford University, Calif., USA, and also worked as an award-winning journalist in Indonesia. He has authored seven other books on non-formal education, extension and communication subjects, published in the USA, Germany, Italy, Singapore, and Malaysia, plus numerous chapters/articles in technical books and professional journals.

His present professional interests and activities are in the fields of strategic extension planning and management, multi-media learning methodology and materials development and testing, social marketing and behavioural change research, as well as information and computer technology applications for planning, training and learning within the context of environmentally-sound and sustainable agricultural development.

For more information on these publications, please write to:

Agricultural Education and Extension Service (ESHE)
Human Resources, Institutions, and
Agrarian Reform (ESH) Division
FAO of the United Nations.
Via delle Terme di Caracalla
Rome 00100 - ITALY
Phone: (39-6) 5225-4001
Fax (39-6) 5225-3152


This book describes a "strategic extension campaign" (SEC) methodology developed by FAO which has been introduced in Africa, the Near East, Asia and Latin America. This methodology emphasizes the importance of people's participation in strategic planning, systematic management and field implementation of agricultural extension and training programmes. Its extension strategies and messages are specifically developed and tailored based on the results of a participatory problem identification process on the causes or reasons of farmers' non-adoption, or inappropriate practice, of a given recommended agricultural technology or innovation.

The SEC technology transfer and application approach is needs-based, demand-driven, and has a problem-solving orientation. One of the strengths of this approach is in orienting and training relevant extension personnel to apply a systematic, rational and pragmatic approach to planning, implementing, managing, monitoring and evaluating regular or routine programmes of an agricultural extension service.

This book presents an illustrated case-study based on actual examples and experiences of planning, implementing, monitoring and evaluating the applications of SEC methodology in many developing countries. Results of empirical and evaluation studies of strategic extension campaign activities in several countries are provided, and lessons learned from the SEC experiences are also presented.

A case-study of FAO's experiences

ISBN 92-5-103570-9


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