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International Dairy Federation (IDF) meetings in 1993

International Seminar on Indigenous Antimicrobial Agents of Milk - Recent Developments, 31 August-1 September 1993, Uppsala, Sweden.

Interest in the mechanisms, in vivo function, assay and exploitation of the antimicrobial proteins of milk has increased significantly in the last decade and particularly over the last few years. Following the publication of several IDF monographs describing both the basic principles and biological significance of these milk proteins, the need to publicize and discuss recent developments has been recognized.

The aim of the seminar is to provide such a forum for scientists working with basic as well as applied aspects of antimicrobial agents of milk. Recent developments in basic science and industrial applications will be covered, using keynote addresses from speakers, contributed papers, posters and commercial displays.

For further information, contact Prof. L. Björck, Department of Food Science, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, PO Box 7051, S-750 07 Uppsala, Sweden.

Symposium on Protein Definition, 9 October 1993, Minneapolis, United States.

Objective. Because protein definition is a rather controversial issue, the objective of this symposium will be to provide scientific background information on the three following major items:

· the nature and variability of and factors affecting the N fractions in milk;
· references and routine methods for the measurement of N fractions;
· the nutritional value and significance of N fractions for humans and animals.

For further information, contact the IDF General Secretariat, 41 Square Vergote, 1040 Brussels, Belgium. Tel. 0032 2 7339888, Telex 046 63818 IDFFIL, Fax 0032 2 7330413.

Symposium on Antibiotics and Sulfonamides in Milk: Significance, Detection and Development of an Integrated Detection System, 8-10 December 1993, Copenhagen, Denmark.


· Evaluation of the legal situation concerning residues.
· Assessment of the technological significance of a detection system.
· Discussion of detection methods.
· Development of a practically oriented integrated detection system.

For further information, contact the Technical Committee, Danish National Committee of IDF, Danish Dairy Board, Frederiks Allé 22, DK-8000 Aarhus C, Denmark.

Fourth World Buffalo Congress

The International Buffalo Federation announces the venue of the Fourth World Buffalo Congress, 27-30 June 1994 in São Paulo, Brazil. Organized by the Americas Buffalo Breeders Federation and by the Brazilian Buffalo Breeders Association, the scientific programme will include plenary lectures, round tables and poster sessions.

Plenary sessions will cover topics such as the environmental adaptation of buffaloes, diseases, economics, genetics, the welfare of the buffalo and future buffalo production in the world. Posters are grouped according to the usual main topics (genetics and breeding, reproduction, nutrition, health, management...). There will be no oral presentation of the brief communications. A postgraduate competition will be organized during the congress, with prizes for the ten best communications.

A training course on the "Biotechnology of Reproduction in Buffaloes" will be organized in association with the congress and is to be held at the Centre for Biotechnology of Animal Reproduction in Castanhal County, Pará State.

For more information, contact the Brazilian Buffalo Breeders Association, Av. Francisco Matarazzo 455, Parque Agua Branca, 05001-300 São Paulo, Brazil, Fax 0055 11 2634905

First Asian Buffalo Association (ABA) Congress

To be held at the Khon Kaen University, Thailand, from 17 to 21 January 1994, this congress will have as its theme "Buffalo production and its impact on small farm development". It will be hosted by the Khon Kaen University, in collaboration with Kasetsart University and the Department of Livestock Development.

The Asian Buffalo Association (ABA) was founded on 23 November 1992 as a result of the unanimous recommendation reached at the Asian Buffalo Network Meeting that took place in Bangkok, Thailand, during the Sixth Animal Science Congress of the Asian-Australasian Association of Animal Production Societies. The Asian buffalo research and development institutions agreed to establish ABA. The overall objective of the association is to foster research and development on buffaloes in the Asian region. Further information on the association can be obtained from Dr Masao Sasaki, ABA Executive Secretary, c/o FAO Regional Office, Maliwan Mansion, Phra Atit Road, Bangkok 10200, Thailand. Fax 66 2 2800445.

Dr Suporn Limsirichaikul, Department of Animal Science, Faculty of Agriculture, Khon Kaen University, Khon Kaen 40002, Thailand, is the person to contact for more details on the congress.

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