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Conference Index

A Note on the Conference Index:

The objective in presenting the reader with this index is to provide a knowledge of the conference, symposium and seminar proceedings in the field of urban forestry. Because of the tremendous increase in urbanization in the world, there has been a corresponding increase in the interest and thus the need for knowledge to be available in the field of urban forestry. This knowledge often first becomes available as published proceedings of conferences rather than published papers in periodicals or book form, which tend to become available later. Some of the listings in this index have a complete list of author names which appear in the author index, and some abstracts of conference proceedings have a list of titles and authors within the abstract.

Others have one or other or none at all. Some conference proceedings papers are entered as annotated references in this bibliography. Because so many sources have contributed to the present compilation, formats are not uniform, and this applies especially to Source information. This results in identical conferences being described in various ways in the Conference Index. Because the index is sorted by year of publication, it should be easy to group similar descriptions of the same conference. Given publication deadlines for this 1995 volume, it was not possible to eliminate all duplicates from this Index, or to eliminate those not strictly on the subject of urban forestry.


10th Commonwealth Forestry Conference. 14 pp.; 13 ref. 1974. Ottawa, Canada; Forestry Service.

555 - Towards an urban forestry concept.

1974 National Convention of American (USA) Foresters held in New York City Sept. 22–26. iv + 287 pp.; many ref. Washington, DC, USA.

547 - Forestry Issues in Urban America.


1974 National Convention, Forestry issues in Urban America (USA). Society of American (USA) Foresters. 1975., 161–282. Washington, D.C., USA.

548 - Meeting urban water needs through forest watershed management.

2nd FAO/IUFRO World Technical Consultation on Forest Diseases and Insects, New Delhi, India, 7–12 April 1975. No. FOR: FAO/IUFRO/DI/75/17.

550 - Pests and diseases of urban and amenity forests.


International symposium held at Versailles, 23–25 Sept. 1974. published in the Bulletin de la Societe Royale Forestiere de Belgique. 1976., 83:(1), 40–44.

559 - The forest environment of conurbations.

June 1976 Congress and Forum held in Oslo and Vancouver respectively. vi + 417 pp.; Many ref. Toronto, Canada; Centre for urban Forestry Studies: Andresen, J. W.(editor): Trees and Forests for Human Settlements. 1976., 1–121. Toronto, Canada; Centre for Urban Forestry Studies.

232 - Arboriculture in Pakistan.

262 - Vegetation design for human settlements in Nigeria.

552 - Measuring and using urbanizing forests. (section 1 of 3).

551 - Trees and forests for human settlements.

553 - Managing and protecting urbanizing forests (2nd session of 3).

554 - Exploring the benefits provided to urban man by trees and forests (Session 3 of 3). Also published in South African Forestry Journal. 1977., No. 100, 43–49; 16 ref.

549 - Tree planting in an urbanizing South Africa.

Symposium held 4–6 Nov. 1975 at the US National Arboretum, Washington D.C. USDA Forest Service General Technical Report, Northeastern Forest Experiment Station. 1976., No. NE 22, 256 pp.; 3 pl.

540 - Better trees for metropolitan landscapes.


Conference, held 25–29 Aug. 1975 in Syracuse, New York. General Technical Report, Northeastern Forest Experiment Station, USDA Forest Service. 1977., No. NE 25, 447 pp.

518 - Metropolitan physical environment.

Conference. 215 pp. Kuching, Sarawak; Forest Department.

536 - Proceedings of the Sixth Malaysian Forestry Conference, 11th–17th October 1976, at Dewan Pembangunan Tun Abdul Razak, Volume II - Information papers.


6th Malaysian Forestry Conference. 11–17 Oct 1976. Jabatan Perhutanan Negeri Sarawak, Kuching (Malaysia). Published 1978. v. 2p. 15–26. 6 tables; 15 ref. Summary (En)

271 - The impact of forestry department on the social and economic activities of urban centres in central and northern Sarawak.

7th World Forestry Congress, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 4–18 October 1972, Vol.III, Third Technical Commission: Conservation and Recreation, 1978 pp.3801–3820. 33 refs, Instituto Forestal Nacional.

219 - Urban forestry - apartheid or integration?

522 - Urban pressure on the forest: the example of Sao Paulo.

8th World Forestry Congress, Jakarta, 16–28 Oct. 1978. Forestry for quality of life. 1978., No. FQL/28 1, ii + 9 pp.; 16 ref.

009 - Urban forestry and its influences on human settlements.

292 - Recreation and the role of urban forest.

293 - Inventory systems and financial valuation of urban trees and forests.

294 - Outdoor recreation - wood production interfaces within the urban forest.

297 - A strategy for research on the development of guidelines for planning and design of the urban fringe.

524 - A policy for the creation of leisure areas. (Criterios para la ordenacion de la oferta de espacios de ocio.).

526 - Inventory systems and financial valuation of urban trees and forests.

527 - Protecting and maintaining urban trees.

528 - Windbreaks and shelterbelts for an improved urban environment.

529 - Trees and shrubs as ameliorations of the urban climate.

531 - The city of La Paz [Bolivia] should qualify for urban forestry. (La ciudad de La Paz debe ser calificada como ciudad forestal.).

Fiji Society, Vol. 14. Suva, Fiji, December 1984.

250 - Urban agriculture and home gardening in Fiji: A direct road to development and independence.

Seminar for Training in Environmental Science and Management (Asia). Bogor (Indonesia). 23 Oct - 2 Dec 1978. SEAMEO - Regional Center for Tropical Biology, Bogor (Indonesia); Institut Pertanian Bogor (Indonesia). Fusat Studi Pengelolaan Sumber Daya dan Lingkungan. 1978. v. 3(pt. 3) p. 55–68. Received Jun 1980.

352 - The importance of urban forest for air quality, future outlook of Jakarta [West Java, Indonesia].


1977 National Convention. Forests for People. A Challenge in World Affairs. Concurrent Technical Session B. Society of American (USA) Foresters, Alberquerque, New Mexico, October 2–6th. 1977., 53–73. Washington, DC, USA.

535 - The role of forests in meeting world energy problems.

Conference held Oct. 1–6, 1979. Paris, France. 283 pp.; English language edition also available. 23 papers. Association Francaise des Eaux et Forets. International Union of Societies of Foresters.

509 - Proceedings of the Third World Congress in the subject area of Education of the Public Regarding Forest Resources. No title given.

Meeting of the South African Regional Commission for the Conservation and Utilization of the Soil (SARCCUS): Seventh meeting of the Standing Committee for Forestry held in the Republic of Malawi from 23–27 April, 1979., 6 pp.

501 - Some aspects of fuelwood usage and consumption in African rural and urban areas in Zimbabwe.

National Urban Forestry Conference. Vols I and II. November 13–16 1978 at Washington DC. xv + 874 pp.; many ref., 80 pl. ESF Publication 80 003. New York, USA; State University of New York, College of Environmental Science and Forestry.

512 - National urban forestry conference. Vol I: Social Economic and Physical Benefits from Urban Forests. Vol II: Culture and Protection Activities, and Planning and Managing of, Urban Forests.

Simposio Internacional Sobre Las Ciencias Forestales y Su Contribucion al Desarollo de la America Tropical, CONICIT, Interciencia, SCITEC. San Jose, Costa Rica. pp.143–156.

010 - Urban and community forestry initiatives for tropical America.


11th Commonwealth Forestry Conference. Commonwealth Forestry Review. 1980., 59: 4, 467–468.

515 - Trees in rural and urban development. Technical committee 2 - Forest management. Subhead 6 [5].

1st International Arboricultural Conference held in Brighton, UK 17–20 Aug. 1980. Arboricultural Association UK. iv + 133 pp.; many ref., 11 pl. Berkhamsted, UK; AB Academic Publishers.

476 - Trees in the 21st century.

5th International Symposium of Tropical Ecology, Furtado, J.I.(Editor): Section 8. Tropical ecology and development. Held 16–21 April 1979, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Part 1; Part 2. 1980., 623–685. Kuala Lumpur, Malaya; International Society of Tropical Ecology.

497 - Urban-industrial ecosystems.

Symposium on Urban Forest Management within the Commonwealth of Nations. Andresen, J.W. and Plexman, C.A. (eds.). Agenda subhead 5: Trees in Rural and Urban Development. Eleventh Commonwealth Forestry Conference. Trinidad and Tobago 7–26 September. pp. 93–96.

037 - Urbanization and Flora in Grenada, Trinidad and Tobago.

120 - Urban forestry endeavours in Dominica.

200 - Urban forest management in Uganda.


Conference in Travaux et Documents de Geographie Tropicale, Domaine Universitaire de Bordeaux. 1981., No. 43, 493pp.; OAE. International meeting of the United Nations University (CEGET Bordeaux, 5–10 May 1980) Colloque international de l'Universite des Nations Unies (CEGET Bordeaux, 5–10 Mai 1980).)

489 - Energy in the rural communities of the Third World. (L'energie dans les communautes rurales des pays du tiers monde).

506 - The effect of urban communities on the deforestation of the Rwandan countryside. (Le role des centres urbains dans la deforestation de la campagne rwandaise.).

North Central Tree Improvement Conference (USA). (1981). (no. 2nd) p.15–17.

348 - The need for improved urban trees.

Symposium on Urban Forest Management within the 11th Commonwealth of Nations Forestry Conference. Held in Trinidad and Tobago. Published as an Information Report, Newfoundland Forest Research Centre. 1981., No. N X 202, vi + 158 pp.; many ref.

491 - Trees in rural and urban development. Agenda subhead 5.


16th Meeting of the Canadian Tree Improvement Association: part 2: iii + 54 pp.; 56 ref., 2 pl. Ottawa, Canada; Canadian Forestry Service.

498 - The contribution of forest genetics to the urban environment.

Conference held at Michigan State University (USA) Apr. 18–20, 1982. v + 253 pp.; many ref., many fig., 275 × 213 mm.

473 - Urban and suburban trees: pest problems, needs, prospects, and solutions.

National conference on Native species, Campos do Jordao, held 12–18 Sept. 1982 in Sao Paulo, Brazil (Malveasi, I.T.O.(editor), et al, in Silvicultura em Sao Paulo. 1982., 16A: 3, 1951–1956; 1971–1972.

468 - Recreation and landscape in Brazil.

Workshop on ecological basis for rational resource utilization in the humid tropics of South East Asia, 18–22 January 1982, Universiti Pertanian Malaysia [edited by Kamis, N.; Lee, S.; Lai, F.S.; Abd. Rahman Md. Derus; Sheikh Ali Abod]. 1982, 130–139; 9 ref. Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia; Universiti Pertanian Malaysia; Faculti Perhutanan.

433 - Home garden: its nature, origin and future development.


2nd National Urban Forestry Conference held in Oct. 1982 at Cinncinati, Ohio, USA. 385 pp. Washington, DC, USA; American Forestry Association.

475 - Urban forestry for livable cities: making it happen.

ASEAN Forestry Congress. Manila (Philippines). 10–15 Oct 1983. Manila (Philippines). 1983. 14 leaves.

281 - Forests for outdoor recreation in Malaysia.

Symposium on Cartography of the Environment in the Tropical Regions held in Lubumbashi, Zaire, on Oct. 1983.. Geo Eco Trop. 1983, 7:(1/4),67–81; 20 ref., 2 col. pl. ns

449 - Environmental study of Lubumbashi from 1973 to 1981 using satellite imagery: urban expansion and deforestation. (Etude de l'environnement de Lubumbashi de 1973 a 1981 a l'aide de la teledetection par satellite: croissance urbaine et deboisement.).

Urban Agriculture Seminar, IDRC, Singapore July 1983.

104 - Development of urban agriculture in India: Public policy options.


36th Annual California Weed Conference. 1984., 86–89; 6 ref. Sacramento, California, USA.

470 - Urban fuelbreak management plan. An integrated pest management approach.

CAB's 1st Scientific Conference, Advancing Agricultural Production in Africa, held at Arusha, Tanzania, 12–18 February 1984 [edited by Hawksworth, D.L.]. 1984., 376–381; 2 ref. Farnham Royal, Slough, UK; Commonwealth Agricultural Bureaux.

484 - Timber and fuel needs in African nations and how they can be met.

Conference ‘Bioenergy 84’, held 15–21 June 1984, in Goteborg, Sweden. Volume V. Bioenergy in Developing Countries [edited by Egneus, H.; Ellegard, A.; O'Keefe, P.; Kristofferson, L.]. 1984., 161–176. Barking, UK; Elsevier Applied Science Publishers.

467 - The economics of bioenergy in developing countries.

Founding Conference. Lindsay, K.M. (ed.) of the Richard St. Barbe Baker Foundation, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, June 4–5.

011 - Urban green.

International Federation of Landscape Architects (IFLA), Third Eastern Regional Council, March 6–10, Hong Kong. in IFLA Yearbook 1985/86, pp.107–111.

065 - Urban agriculture - an approach to the landscape development of marginal settlements.

Multiple-Use [multipurpose] Forestry in Scandinavian countries. Symposium held in Rovaniemi and Saarislka, Finalnd Sept. 13–17, 1982. Communicationes Instituti Forestalis Fenniae. 1984., No. 120, 64–72; ref., 2 fig., 2 tab., LRTA/OP.

471 - Comparison of different methods in the inventory of urban forest recreation.

Workshop on Energiebedarf fur die Nahrungsmittelerzeugung in Entwickungslandern, Universitat des Landes Hessen, Witzenhausen, 2–4 July, 1984, 33p + app.

139 - Energy for Rural Households and Urban Poor: A case from Sierra Leone,


1985 SAF National Convention, Fort Collins, CO, July 28–31.

019 - Urban foresters and tree improvement.

1st International Workshop on Tropical Homegarden, Bandung, Indonesia, Dec. 2–9 1984

217 - A Discussion Paper on the Management of Homegardens.

193 - Home gardens for South America: Constructive analysis for policy formulation.

251 - Mixed home gardening in the Pacific Islands: present status and future prospects.

267 - On estimating the net social and economic value of urban homegardens.

5th Conference of the Metropolitan Tree Improvement Alliance (METRIA), ‘Selecting and preparing sites for urban trees’. Edited by Kuhns, L.J.; Patterson, J.C. University Park, PA, May 1985. US Forest Service, NE Area. pp.72–84.

013 - Research on tree planting practices in the Netherlands.

9th World Forestry Congress, Mexico.

198 - Protection of the Environment in Urban Settlements. Effects of Trees on the Microclimate Urban Forests.

Forest Land Applications Symposium, University of Washington, 25–28 June 1985. x + 582pp.; many ref. Seattle, Washington, USA; University of Washington Press.

443 - The forest alternative for treatment and utilization of municipal and industrial wastes.

International Symposium on Economics of Ecosystem Management held in Halkidiki, Greece, 26–30 Sept. 1983 [edited by Hall, D.O.; Myers, N.; Margaris, N.S.]. 1985., 175–181; 19 ref. Tasks for Vegetation Science 14. OAEc. Dordrecht, Netherlands; Dr W. Junk Publishers.

462 - The contribution made by vegetation buffer zones to improved air quality in urban areas.

021 - Planning Guidelines for Urban Forest Management,

International Symposium on Urban Horticulture held in Bronx, N.Y., June 21–23 1983. Karnosky, D.F.; Karnosky, S.L. Editors. Improving the Quality of Urban Life with Plants. pp.28–34.

173 - The importance of urban roadside planting in the United Kingdom.

International workshop held 2–9 December 1985. Institute of Ecology, Padjadjaran University, Bandung, Indonesia. xv + 257 pp.;16 pp. of ref. Tokyo, Japan; United Nations University Press.

394 - Tropical home gardens.


7th International Symposium: Remote Sensing for Resources Development and Environmental Management. ISPRS [International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing] Commission VII, Enschede, Aug. 1986 [edited by Damen, M.C.J.; Smit, G.S.; Verstappen, H.T.]. 1986., Vol. 1, 403–408. Rotterdam, Netherlands; A.A. Balkema.

440 - A remote sensing aided inventory of fuelwood volumes in the Sahel region of West Africa: a case study of five urban zones in the Republic of Niger.

9th World Forestry Conference held in Mexico, published in Indian Forester. 1986., 112:(4),296–304.

450 - Urban tree planting - foresters' efforts in Bangalore.

Conference held 13–14 March 1986 in Geneva. Boissiera. 1987., 38,1–119; many ref.

416 - The Tree in the City. (L'Abre en Ville).

International Seminar, Barcelona, Spain, 21–24 April. 1986. 110pp.

185 - Use, handling and management of urban green areas.


1st Conference on Urban Forestry, March 1988. Forestry Commission (UK) Research Library, Alice Holt Lodge, Wrecclesham, Farnham, Surrey, GU10 4LH.

014 - A Seed in Time. First Conference.

International Conference on Prosopis. 2. Recife (Brazil). 25–29 Aug 1986. Habit, M.A. (ed.); Saavedra, J.C. (ed.). FAO, Rome (Italy). Plant Production and Protection Div.; Ministerio da Agricultura,

Brasilia (Brazil); International Prosopis Association, Recife (Brazil). The current state of knowledge on Prosopis juliflora. Papers. Rome (Italy). 1988. p. 169–173.

330 - Prosopis juliflora DC in Urban Forestry.

International Conference ‘Windbreak Technology’ Edited by Brandle, J.R., held in Lincoln, Nebraska, June 1986. New York, Elsevier. pp.281–298. Also reprinted in Agriculture, Ecosystem and

Environment, 22/23:281–298.

174 - Functions of buffer plantings in urban environments.

404 - Windbreaks and energy.

International Forestry Conference for the Australian Bicentenary. Held 25 Apr.-1 May 1988 at Albury, Wodonga, Australia, Vol 3 of 5. Forestry Development Institute. many ref., 1 fold out tab., 1 fold out map. 324 pp.

403 - Forestry Past and Present.

Seminar on Bioenergy and Land Use in Africa. Aas (Norway). 11–12 Jan 1988. Vedeld, P. (ed.). Agricultural University of Norway, Aas (Norway). Norwegian Centre for International Agricultural Development; IIED, London (UK); NORAD, Oslo (Norway). Bioenergy and land use in Africa. Aas (Norway). Norges Landbrukshoegskole. Noragric Occasional Papers Series C. Development and Environment (Norway). no. 2. NORAGRIC. 1988. p. 59–71.

310 - Fuelwood and fuelwood plantations in Africa.

311 - Overview of bioenergy and land use in Africa.

Symposium held at the 22nd International Congress in Davis California on 15 Aug. 1986 by the American Society for Horticultural Science; published in HortScience. 1988., 23:(3),I,533–552; many ref.

439 - Woody plants in the urban environment: selection and management.


3rd National workshop, Kabete, Nairobi. 16–19 Sept 1986 (ed Thomas et al.) Nairobi.

147 - Problems of sediment control and management in urban areas. Soil and water conservation in Kenya.

6th Conference of the Metropolitan Tree Improvement Alliance (METRIA), Mentor, Ohio, June 14–16, 1988. METRIA vol. 6, 27–34.

162 - Reproductive biology as a factor in genetic improvement of urban trees.

APIFM Seminar on Urban Forestry, 5–9 1989. Singapore.

059 - The practice and use of tree species in urban forestry in Brunei Darussalam.

Royal Society meeting on Forests, Weather and Climate, held 2–3 June 1988 [organized and edited by Jarvis, P.G.; Monteith, J.L.; Shuttleworth, W.J.; Unsworth, M.H.]. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological Sciences. 1989., 324: 1223, 335–349.

390 - The micrometeorology of the urban forest.

Seminar Consultation Meeting held at Los Banos, Laguna (Philippines). 5 Dec 1984. Philippine Council for Agriculture, Forestry and Natural Resources Research and Development, Home gardening program in the Philippines. PCARRD Book Series (Philippines). no. 69. 1988. p.62–67.

332 - Vegetable breeding and its role in home gardening.

Symposium on Anthropogenous effects on plant structure. XIV International Botanical Congress, Berlin, 24 July to 1 Aug. 1987. Aquilo. Ser. Botanica. 1989., v. 27,19–27; 36 ref.

414 - Analysis of the morphological characters of Tillandsia aeranthos (Loisel.) L.B. Smith and T. recurvata (L.) L. (Bromeliaceae) as bioindicators of the urban pollution in Porto Alegre city, Southern Brasil.


19th World Congress of International Union of Forestry Research Organizations (IUFRO). Aug. 1990. Montreal. Vol. 2, pp.236–247

130 - Selection of tree species for amenity plantings in tropical cities.

19th World Congress, IUFRO, Montreal.

001 - Urban forestry in Malaysia - Current and future.

208 - Nuevo analysis cientifico para los espacios verdes de las modernas ciudades.

4th Urban Forestry Conference, St. Louis, Missouri, Oct. 15–19, 1990.

003 - Cooling urban heat islands.

195 - Tree plantings that save energy.

197 - An International Urban Forestry Network.

044 - A Global Climate for Urban Forestry.

Annual Conference of the International Society of Arboriculture in Toronto, Ontario.

172 - Sustainable development in the urban forest.

Conference. Foret Mediterraneenne Vol 12, (3;4): 181–322; 324–611, 1990

572 - Proceedings of the Fourth conference of the Mediterranean Forest Association (‘Foresterranee 90’ - quatriemes rencontres de l'Association Foret Mediterraneenne).


10th World Forestry Congress, 17–26 Sept. 1991 in Paris, France. Volume 3. Published in Revue Forestiere Francaise. 1991, Hors Serie No. 3, 390 pp.

567 - A Heritage for the Future.

2nd Conference on Urban Forestry, June 1991. Alice Holt Library, Surrey, UK

015 - A Seed in Time. Second Conference.

Annual meeting of the National Institute of Forestry, Husbandry and Agricultural Investigation at Veracruz State, 4, Veracruz, Ver., Research and development results. INIFAP, Centro de Investigacion Regional Golfo Centro, Campo Experimental Cotaxtla, Ap. Postal 453, 91700 Veracruz, Ver. (Mexico). Publicacion Especial. Centro de Investigacion Regional Golfo Centro (Mexico). no. 8. INIFAP. Dec 1991. p. 106.

338 - Trees and shrubs with urban importance at Cordoba City, Veracruz State.[Mexico] (Los arboles y arbustos con importancia urbana en la ciudad de Cordoba, Veracruz.).

FAO World Forestry Conference, ‘A Heritage for the Future’, Paris (France), held 17–26 Sept. 1991.

075 - The wildland-urban interface: Future forest management near large cities.

321 - Trees and green areas in urban environments [social, cultural and landscape functions of trees and forests]. (L' arbre et les espaces verts en milieu urbain [fonction sociale, culturelle et paysagere de l' arbre et de la foret]. El arbol y las zonas verdes en el medio urbano [funciones social, cultural y paisajista del arbol y del bosquel]).

322 - Social, cultural and landscape functions of trees and forests. (Fonction sociale, culturelle et paysagere de l' arbre et de la foret. Funciones social, cultural y paisajista del arbol y del bosque.).

320 - Trees in urban environments: what is their future? [social, cultural and landscape functions of trees and forests]. (L' arbre en ville: quel avenir? [fonction sociale, culturelle et paysagere de l' arbre et de la foret]. El arbol en la ciudad: ?cual es su futuro? [funciones social, cultural y paisajista del arbol y del bosque]).

371 - Wood, a source of energy. Saving fuelwood through the use of improved stoves. The Sahel experience (Le bois, source d' energie. L' economie du bois de feu par l' utilisation des foyers ameliores. L' experience du Sahel [crise du bois de feu, filieres artisanales, approvisionnement des villes]. La madera, una fuente de energia. Ahorro de lena mediante la utilizacion de fogones mejorados. El ejemplo del Sahel [la crisis de la lena, aprovisionamiento de las ciudades].

International Conference on Acidic Deposition. Department of Chemistry, University of Malaya, 59100 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Throughfall and stemflow experiments. Held in Glasgow, UK, 16–21 September 1990 (edited by Cape, J.N.; Fowler, D.). Environmental Pollution 1992 Vol 75(2),209–213.

580 - Fluxes of ions in precipitation, throughfall and stemflow in an urban forest in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Seminar ‘Research for practical arboriculture’ held at the University of York, April 1990. Edited by Hodge, S.J. 1991. Forestry Commission (UK) Bulletin No. 97, pp.74–80.

255 - Benefits of amenity trees.


19th International Forestry Students Symposium, Wageningen, Netherlands, 30 September to 7 October 1991. Some 47 papers are included out of the 125 contributions made to the conference. Gland, Switzerland; IUCN The World Conservation Union 1992 pp. x + 233.

582 - Forests, a growing concern.

23rd Conference of the International Erosion Control Association ‘The Environment is Our Future’, held in Reno, Nevada, USA. Feb. 18–21 1992

223 - Watershed masterplanning: a key to erosion control in the urban environment.

5th National Urban Forest Conference, Los Angeles, California, November 1991, Rodbell, P (Editor), p 211–212.

004 - Trees and Tree Lovers of Egypt.

084 - Using ordinances to protect urban trees.

123 - Urban Forestry Awareness in Quito, Ecuador.

186 - Urban Forest Planning in Quito, Ecuador.

202 - Urban Forestry Development in Kenya.

209 - The greening of Guatemala City.

238 - Health benefits and costs of urban trees.

International Workshop on Planning for Sustainable Urban Development: Cities and Natural Resource Systems in Developing Countries, Department of City and Regional Planning, University of Wales College of Cardiff; DPU, University College, London; Institute of Local Government Studies, University of Birmingham; IIED, London.

124 - Urban Agriculture as Urban Food Supply and Environmental Protection Subsystems in China.


3rd Conference on Urban and Community Forestry. Forestry Commission (UK), held in Manchester, 31 Aug.–2 Sept. 1993.

105 - A seed in time. Third conference.


6th National (USA) Urban Forest Conference, ‘Growing Greener Communities’ 14–18 Sept. 1993, held in Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA. Edited by Kollin, C. American Forests, Washington DC, 282pp.

288 - Urban forestry management techniques in Ecuador: a low cost do-it-yourself approach.

587 - Urban forestry in developing countries: status and issues.

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