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83 ALINORM 97/6; CAC/LIM 6 (ALINORM 97/6 - Add. 1)

177. The Commission noted the progress towards achieving the current medium-term objectives (1993-1998). It endorsed the general directions indicated in the Medium-Term Plan 1998-2002 and the proposals of the Secretariat to transmit the outline of the plan to Member Governments for comment, finalization by the Executive Committee at its 45th Session, and approval by the Commission at its 23rd Session in 1999.

178. In endorsing the general direction of the Medium-Term Plan, the Commission requested that consideration should be given to the development of standards or related texts in areas concerning foods derived from biotechnology or traits introduced into foods from biotechnology, where this was scientifically justified. It also requested that reference be made to the needs of developing countries in the acceptance and application of Codex Standards, the problems of small and medium-scale industries in meeting these standards, and the special conditions which might apply in developing countries which would have an impact on the elaboration of standards. The Commission also requested that the issues of transparency and the increased involvement of international non-governmental organizations, especially those representing consumers' interests should be reflected in the plan. The Commission stated that allowance should be made for the continuation of work on commodity-specific standards, as required.

179. The Commission agreed that consideration should be given to a re-examination of the Terms of Reference of the Committee on Methods of Analysis and Sampling to remove the restrictions which prevented it from acting as a fully horizontal committee.

180. It was noted that the detailed list of work items would be updated by including the decisions of the present session of the Commission.

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