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Table A: Limits of territorial seas, fishing zones and exclusive economic zones


Albania 12 mi (1990) - -
*Algeria 12 mi (1963) 32-52 mi (1994)1  
**Angola 12 mi (1992) 200 mi (1980) 200 mi (1992)
**Antigua and Barbuda 12 mi (1982) 200 mi (1982) 200 mi (1982)
*Argentina 12 mi (1991) - 200 mi (1991)
**Australia 12 mi (1990) 200 mi (1979) 200 mi (1994)
Azerbaijan - - -
**Bahamas (The) 12 mi (1991) 200 mi (1979) -
**Bahrain 12 mi (1993) - -
* Bangladesh 12 mi (1974) - 200 mi (1974)
**Barbados 12 mi (1979) - 200 mi (1979)
*Belgium 12 mi (1987) Up to median line (1978)  
**Belize 12 mi (1992) - 200 mi (1992)
* Benin 200 mi (1976) - -
**Bosnia2 Herzegovina - - -
**Brazil 12 mi (1993) 200 mi (1993) -
*Brunei Darussalam 12 mi (1983) - 200 m or median line (1983)
*Bulgaria 12 mi (1951)   200 mi (1987)
*Cambodia 12 mi (1982) - 200 mi (1982)
**Cameroon 50 mi (1974) - -
* Canada 12 mi (1970) 200 mi (1977) -
**Cape Verde 12 mi (1992) - 200 mi (1992)
*Chile 12 mi (1986) - 200 mi (1986)
*China 12 mi (1992) - -
*Colombia 12 mi (1978) - 200 mi (1978)
**Comoros 12 mi (1982) - 200 mi (1982)
*Congo (People's Republic) 200 mi (1977) - -
**Costa Rica 12 mi (1975) - 200 mi (1975)
**Croatia3 - - -
**Cuba 12 mi (1977) - 200 mi (1977)
**Cyprus 12 mi (1964) - -
*Denmark 3 mi (1966) 200 mi (1977) -
**Djibouti (Rep.) 12 mi (1985) - 200 mi (1985)
**Dominica 12 mi (1981) 200 mi (1981) 200 mi (1981)
*Dominican Republic 6 mi (1967) - 200 mi (1977)
Ecuador 200 mi (1966) - -
**Egypt, Arab Republic 12 mi (1958) - 200 mi (1983)
*El Salvador 200 mi (1983) - -
* Equatorial Guinea 12 mi (1984) - 200 mi (1984)4
Eritrea - - -
Estonia 12 mi (1993) - EEZ to be fixed by agreements
*European Community Under member states - -
**Fiji 12 mi (1977) - 200 mi (1981)
*Finland 12 mi (1995) 0 m (1995) (except in the Sea of Aland, Gulf of Bothnia, and Gulf of Finland) -
*France 12 mi (1971) - 200 mi (1977) (Except Mediterranean)
French Dependent Territories 12 mi (1971) - 200 mi (1978)
*Gabon 12 mi (1992) - 200 mi (1984)
**Gambia 12 mi (1968) 200 mi (1991)5 -
Georgia - - -
**Germany6 12 mi (1994) 200 mi (1977) -
**Ghana 12 mi (1986) - 200 mi (1986)
**Greece 6 mi (1936)7 - 200 mi (1986)
**Grenada 12 mi (1978) - 200 mi (1978)
*Guatemala 12 mi (1976) - 200 mi (1976)
**Guinea 12 mi (1980) - 200 mi (1980)
**Guinea-Bissau 12 mi (1978) - 200 mi (1978)
**Guyana 12 mi (1977) 200 mi (1977) -
*Haiti 12 mi (1972) - 200 mi (1977)
**Honduras 12 mi (1982) - 200 mi (1980)
**Iceland 12 mi (1979) - 200 mi (1979)
**India 12 mi (1976) - 200 mi (1976)
**Indonesia 12 mi (1960) - 200 mi (1983)
* Iran 12 mi (1993) Outer limits of the superjacent waters of the continental shelf. Gulf of Oman zone extended to median line (1977) 200 mi (1993)
**Iraq 12 mi (1958) - -
*Ireland 12 mi (1988) 200 mi (1977) -
Israel 12 mi (1990) - -
**Italy 12 mi (1974) - -
**Ivory Coast 12 mi (1977) - 200 mi (1977)
**Jamaica 12 mi (1971) - 200 mi (1991)
*Japan 12 mi (1977) 200 mi (1977) -
Jordan 3 mi (1943) - -
Kazahkstan - - -
**Kenya 12 mi (1989) - 200 mi (1989)
Kiribati 12 mi (1983) - 200 mi (1983)
*Korea (Dem. People's Rep.) 12 mi (1959) - 200 mi (1977)
*Korea (Rep. of) 12 mi (1978) - -
**Kuwait 12 mi (1967) - -
Latvia 12 mi (1990) - 200 mi (1993)
**Lebanon 12 mi (1983) - -
*Liberia 200 mi (1976) - -
*Libya 12 mi (1959) - -
Lithuania 12 mi (1992) - -
*Madagascar 12 mi (1985) - 200 mi (1985)
*Malaysia 12 mi (1969) - 200 mi (1984)
*Maldives Islands 12 mi 1976 - Areas defined by geographical coordinates (1976)
**Malta 12 mi (1978) 25 mi (1978) -
*Mauritania 12 mi (1988) - 200 mi (1988)
**Mauritius 12 mi (1977) - 200 mi (1977)
**Mexico 12 mi (1969) - 200 mi (1986)
*Monaco 12 mi (1973) - Halfway to Corsica (1985)
*Morocco 12 mi (1973) - 200 mi (1981)
*Mozambique 12 mi (1976) - 200 mi (1976)
*Myanmar 12 mi (1977) - 200 mi (1977)
**Namibia 12 mi (1990) - 200 mi (1990)
*Nauru 12 mi (1971) 200 mi (1978) -
*Netherlands 12 mi (1985) 200 mi (1977)8 -
*New Zealand 12 mi (1977) - 200 mi (1977)
New Zealand Dep.Territories 12 mi (1977) - 200 mi (1977)
- Tokelau 12 mi (1977) - 200 mi (1977)
Associated States -      
**Cook Islands 12 mi (1977) - 200 mi (1977)
-* Niue 12 mi (1978) - 200 mi (1978)
*Nicaragua 200 mi (1979) -  
**Nigeria 30 mi (1971) - 200 mi (1978)
*Norway 4 mi (1812) - 200 mi (1977)
**Oman 12 mi (1981) - 200 mi (1981)
*Pakistan 12 mi (1976) - 200 mi (1976)
*Palau 3 mi (1978) 200 mi (1978)9 -
*Panama 200 mi (1967) - -
*Papua New Guinea 12 mi (1977) 200 mi (1978) -
Peru 200 mi (1993) - -
**Philippines Up to 285mi (1961)10 - 200 mi (1978)
*Poland 12 mi (1991) - Defined by international treaties (1991)
*Portugal 12 mi (1977) - 200 mi (1977)
*Qatar 12 mi (1992) - Up to median line with neighbouring States, or international agreement (1974)
*Romania 12 mi (1990) - 200 mi (1986)
*Russian Federation 12 mi (1927) - 200 mi (1984)
**St. Christopher& Nevis 12 mi (1984) - 200 mi (1984)
**St. Lucia 12 mi (1984) - 200 mi (1984)
**St. Vincent & 12 mi (1983) - 200 mi (1983)
the Grenadines      
**Sao Tome & 12 mi (1978) - 200 mi (1978)
*Saudi Arabia 12 mi (1958) - -
**Senegal 12 mi (1985) 200 mi (1987) 200 mi (1985)
**Seychelles 12 mi (1977) - 200 mi (1977)
**Sierra Leone 200 mi (1971) 200 mi (1990) -
**Singapore 3 mi (1878) Beyond the TS, as defined by treaties and practice (1966)  
**Slovenia11 - - -
*Solomon Islands 12 mi (1978) - 200 mi (1978)
**Somalia 200 mi (1972) - -
*South Africa 12 mi (1994) 200 mi (1994) 200 mi (1994)
* Spain 12 mi (1977) - 200 mi (1978) in the Atlantique only
**Sri Lanka 12 mi (1977) - 200 mi (1977)
**Sudan 12 mi (1970) - -
*Suriname 12 mi (1978) - 200 mi (1978)
*Sweden 12 mi (1979) - Agreed boundaries or midlines (1992)
Syrian Arab Republic 35 mi (1981) - -
**Tanzania 12 mi (1989) - 200 mi (1989)
*Thailand 12 mi (1966) - 200 mi (1981)
**Togo 30 mi (1977) - 200 mi (1977)
**Tonga12 12 mi (1972) - 200 mi (1978)13
**Trinidad and 12 mi (1986) - 200 mi (1986)
**Tunisia 12 mi (1973) 12 mi (from Algero Tunisian border to Ras Kapoudia parallel); 50 mi (between Ras Kapoudia parallel and Libyan border) -
Turkey 6 mi (1964) in Aegean only; 12 mi (1982) in Mediterranean and Black Sea - 200 mi (1986) in Black Sea
*Tuvalu 12 mi (1984) - 200 mi (1984)
*Ukraine 12 mi (1991) - 200 mi (1995)
*United Arab Emirates 12 mi (1993) - 200 mi (1993)
United Kingdom 12 mi (1987) 200 mi (1977) -
U.K. Dependent Territories      
- Ascension 12 mi (1990) 200 mi (1978) -
- Bermuda 12 mi (1988) 200 mi (1977) -
- British Virgin Islands 3 mi (1878) 200 mi (1977) -
- Cayman Islands 12 mi (1990) 200 mi (1983) -
- Falkland Islands 12 mi (1990)14 200 mi (1994) -
- Montserrat 3 mi (1878) 200 mi (1983) -
- Pitcairn, Henderson, Ducie & Oeno Islands 3 mi (1878) 200 mi (1980) 200 mi (1992)
- South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands 12 mi (1990) 200 mi (1993) -
- St. Helena & dependencies 12 mi (1990) 200 mi (1977) -
- Tristan da Cunha 12 mi (1990) 200 mi (1977) -
- Turks and Calcos 12 mi (1990) 200 mi (1978) -
- Others15 3 mi (1878) - -
United States of America 12 mi (1988) 200 mi (1977) 200 mi (1983)
U.S. Associated States      
-**Marshall16 Islands 12 mi (1984) - 200 mi (1984)
-**Micronesia"(Federated States of) 12 mi (1988) - 200 mi (1988)
- Northern Marianas 3 mi 200 mi (1978) 200 mi (1983)
**Uruguay 200 mi (1969) - -
*Vanuatu 12 mi (1982) - 200 mi (1982)
Venezuela 12 mi (1956) - 200 mi (1978)
**Viet Nam 12 mi (1977) - 200 mi (1977)
**Western Samoa 12 mi (1971) - 200 mi (1980)
**Yemen 12 mi (1967 Sanaa & 1978 Aden) - 200 mi (1978) (Aden)
**Zaire 12 mi (1974) - 200 mi (1992)

1Fishing zone is 32 mi. between western maritime boundary and Ras Ténés, and 52 mi. from Ras Ténés to eastern maritime boundary, Legislative Decree No. 94-13, 28 May 1994, setting General Rules for Fisheries, art. 6.
2Date of succession 12 January 1994.
3Date of succession 5 April 1995.
4200 mi. EEZ or equidistance line with neighbouring countries.
5Act No. 10 of 8/30/91 specifies notion of "Fisheries Waters".
6Date of accession 14 October 1994.
7Law of 1936 did not repeal Presidential Decree No. 6/18 of 1931, which claims 10 n.m. territorial sea.
8For Netherlands Anilles and Aruba, fishing zone agreed with other states in terms of Decree of 6 July 1993.
912 n m. of Exclusive Fishery Zone and 200 n.m. of Extended Fishery Zone.
10In accordance with treaties of 1898, 1900 and 1930. Straight baselines surrounding archipelago (1961).11Date of succession 16 June 1995.
12Date of accession 2 August 1995.
13Legislation enacted but not yet in force.
14Extension to 200 mi. of Falkland Islands outer conservation zone, by Proclamation No. 1 of 22 August 1994.
15Limits applying to all dependencies in the absence of subsequent claims.
16Date of accession 9 August 1991.
17Date of accession 29 April 1991.

*Country is signatory to the UN Law of the Sea Convention
** Country has ratified/acceded/succeded (to) the UN Law of the Sea Convention

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