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Table E: Penalties for unauthorized foreign fishing


ALBANIA From Leks 25 000 000 up to Leks 40 000 000 (adm. procedure) NO Vessel, gear and catch: confiscated (adm. procedure)
ALGERIA DA 300 000 up to DA 2 000 000; double for second offence NO Vessel: Court may order on second offence.
Gear and catch: Court shall order.
ANGOLA To be defined by regulation NO Gear and catch: Court shall order
ANTIGUA & BARBUDA For prohibited gear: $ 5 000 payable by each master owner and charterer. For breach of licence conditions: up to $ 500 000 (on summary conviction) 6 months for prohibited gear (instead of fines) Vessel and gear: Court may order on conviction.
Catch: Court shall order.
ARGENTINA US$ 10 000 up to US$ 1 000 000 NO Vessel: Court may order (for serious and deliberate violations of the laws taking into account repeated offences number of vessels methods of fishing size of catch and conduct of captain at time of detention of vessel).
Gear: Court may order.
Catch: Court shall order.
AUSTRALIA Up to A$ 250 000 on conviction NO Vessel, gear and catch: Court may order.
BAHAMAS US$ 50 000 on summary conviction, doubled on second offence One year, double for second offence Vessel, gear and catch: Court may order.
BAHRAIN Dinars 300 Up to 2 years Vessel, gear and catch: Court may order.
BANGLADESH Taka 100 000 Not exceeding 3 years Vessel, gear and catch: Court shall order.
BARBADOS Up to B$ 500 000 on summary conviction NO Vessel, gear and catch: Court may order.
BELGIUM Up to 60 times the rates of BF 1 500 up to BF 40 000 NO Gear and catch: Court may order.
BELIZE From $ 100 up to $ 500; prohibited activities: $ 10 000 payable by Master and any person involved, on summary conviction; $ 50 000 on indictment. Up to 6 months Vessel, gear and catch: Court may order on first offence; Court shall order on second offence.
BENIN CFAF 200 000 up to FCFA 4 000 000 10 days to 6 months Vessel, gear and catch: Court shall order on second offence.
BRAZIL Criminal offence punishable under criminal legislation in force. NO Vessel, gear and catch: Court may order.
BULGARIA For unlicensed fishing: Lv.20 up to Lv.200; for prohibited gears or season: Lv.50 to Lv.300; unauthorized species and zone: Lv.100 to Lv.400. From Lv.50 to 500 on second offence NO Vessel, gear and catch: seized and confiscated (administrative procedure)
CAMBODIA From Riels 500 up to Riels 150 000 NO Vessel, catch or gear: Court may order confiscation of the proof.
CAMEROON From FCFA 50 000 000 to 100 000 000 on first offence; doubled on second offence. NO Vessel, catch and gear: Court may order.
CANADA Up to $ 750 000 NO Vessel, gear and catch: Court may order.
CAPE VERDE ISLANDS From Es. 500 000 to Es. 3 000 000 per boat. NO Vessel and gear: Court may order, Court shall order on second offence.
Catch: Court shall order.
CHILE From Gold Pesos 100 up to 150 at the value fixed daily by the Central Bank of Chile at time of payment for each gross registered ton. In case of second or subsequent offences the fine will be doubled. NO Gear and catch: Court shall order.
CHINA Unspecified amount Up to 2 years Gear: confiscated under serious circumstances.
Catch and income confiscated.
COLOMBIA Coastal fisheries: up to 50 000 days; high sea fisheries: up to 100 000 days. NO Vessel, gear and catch: confiscated.
COMOROS FCFA 10 000 000 to 80 000 000; double for second offence within 5 years. NO Vessel, gear and catch: Court shall order.
CONGO From FCFA 50 million to 250 million; double for second offence within 3 years NO Gear and catch confiscated.
COSTA RICA Criminal sanction for piracy under Penal Code (art. 256) plus fine of Central-American Pesos 100 per n.r.t. NO Vessel and gear: Court shall order on second offence.
Catch forfeited.
CUBA From Cuotas 1 000 000 up to 10 000 000 NO Vessel, gear and catch: Court may order.
CYPRUS Up to CP 100 (Cyprus Pounds 150; US$ 340) Up to 3 months Vessel and gear: Court may order. Catch: Court shall order.
DENMARK Unspecified fine. NO Vessel, gear and catch: Court may order.
DJIBOUTI Fines fixed by decree. NO  
DOMINICA Up to $ 500 000 5 years in default of payment of fine. Vessel, gear and catch: Court may order, Minister may direct disposal of vessel.
DOMINICAN REPUBLIC 6 - 100 pesos (US$0.44 - 7.41). From 6 days to 3 months (second offence) Vessel, gear and catch: Court may order, Court shall order on second offence.
ECUADOR Two times the cost of permit; fine doubled on second offence NO Catch forfeited.
EGYPT From Pounds 5 000 up to 10 000 NO Vessel, gear and catch: Court may order.
EL SALVADOR From Colons 10 000 up to 200 000; fines doubled for second offence. For Illegal fishing of tuna or other pelagic migratory species: Colons 100 - 250 per n.r.t. (Colons 250 per n.r.t. on second offence) NO Vessel, gear and catch: Directorate General may order. catch: forfeited on second offence, for illegal fishing for tuna or other pelagic migratory species.
EQUATORIAL GUINEA Specified in applicable fisheries agreements    
ESTONIA Unspecified in legislation NO Catch and gear: confiscated
EUROPEAN COMMUNITY See entries under member states    
FIJI F$ 100 000 NO Vessel, gear and catch: Court may order.
FINLAND As court may order Up to 2 years Vessels gear and catch: Court shall order
FRANCE From FF 50 000 to 500 000, double for second offence. NO Catch: Court may order.
GABON Unauthorized vessels: from FCFA 50 000 up to2 000 000. Fishing In prohibited zone: from FCFA 2 000 000 to 50 000 000 (cumulative with emprisonment or not). Unauthorized vessels: from 3 to 6 months. Fishing In prohibited zone: from 6 months to 2 years. (cumulative with fines or not) Catch: seized and sold.
Vessel and gear: Court may order confiscation.
GAMBIA Up to Dalasis 2 000 000; for second offence up to twice the amount of fine prescribed for first offence. Up to 8 years (up to 5 years for second offence) Vessel: Court may order, Court shall order on second offence.
Gear and catch: Court shall order.
GERMANY Up to DM 150 000 NO Vessel: Court may order.
Gear and catch: forfeiture possible.
GHANA From US $ 150 000 to US $ 500 000 NO Vessel, gear and catch: Court may order.
GREECE   Up to 6 months  
GRENADA Up to $ 500.000.00, on summary conviction NO Vessel and gear: Court may order. Catch: Court shall order.
GUATEMALA Quetral 1 to 10 per day for master, officers and crew; Q 100 to Q 5000, payable before release of vessel NO Catch: Court shall order.
GUINEA From Guinean Francs 800 000 000 up to GF 1 000 000 000 and doubled on second offence NO Vessel: Confiscated on second offence.
Gear and catch: Court may order on first offence; Court shall order on second offence.
GUINEA BISSAU Up to 3 times the amount of annual licence fees doubled on second offence NO Gear and catch: Court may order.
GUYANA G$ 200 000, on summary conviction NO Vessel and gear: Court may order. Catch: forfeited on conviction.
HAITI Up to R. 225 000 000 for offences in EEZ . NO Vessel, gear and catch: Court may order.
HONDURAS From Lempiras 10 000 NO Gear and catch: Court shall order.
ICELAND From Kr. 10 000 to Kr. 1000 000 NO Catch: Minister may order.
INDIA Up to 1 000 000 Rs, offences in EEZ; Up to 1 500 000 Rs, offences in territorial sea; Other penalties from 50 000 Rs to Rs1 000 000, foreseen by law for contravention of licence permit or gear stowage rules NO (for offences in EEZ) Vessel, gear and catch: Confiscation is mandatory on conviction.
INDONESIA Up to Rp. 225 000 000 (for illegal fishing) Up to Rp. 25 000 000 (legal fishing) NO Vessel, gear and catch: Court may order for illegal fishing in fishing zone
IRAQ Up to ID 200 Up to 9 months Vessel and gear: Court may order on second offence.
Catch: Court shall order.
IRELAND Up to 100 000 pounds NO Vessel: Court may order.
Gear and catch: Court shall order.
ITALY Up to Lit 1 000 000 (for fishing registration) without Up to 2 years Gear and catch: Court shall order.
IVORY COAST From CFAF 100 000 to 50 000 000 From 1 to 3 years Vessel, gear and catch: Court may order.
JAMAICA Up to J$ 50 000, on summary conviction; Up to J$ 250 000, on indictment; Up to J$ 500 000, for second or subsequent offence NO Vessel and gear: Court may order.
JAPAN Y 10 000 000 NO Vessel, gear and catch: Court may order.
JORDAN D 10 - 50    
KENYA From Shillings 50 000 up to 500 000 From 6 months up to 2 years (in addition or instead of fines) Vessel, gear and catch: Court may order.
KIRIBATI Up to A$ 250 000 NO Vessel, gear and catch: Court may order.
REPUBLIC OF KOREA Up to Won 20 000 000 (in territorial sea) Up to 5 years Vessel, gear and catch: Court may order.
KUWAIT Dinars 50 - 500 NO Vessel, gear and catch: Court may order.
LATVIA Administrative penalties applicable reparation for injury to natural resources plus NO Vessel, gear and catch: Confiscated.
LIBERIA $ 5 000 to $ 50 000 NO Catch: Court shall order.
LITHUANIA Reimbursement for damages to fish resources set by rates for each species NO Vessel, gear and catch: confiscated(admin. proced.)
LIBYA Pounds 100 6 months Gear and catch: Court shall order.
MADAGASCAR From 80 000 to 400 000 of Special Drawing Rights (parity SDR/currency on the day of payment) NO Vessel, gear and catch: confiscated.
MALAYSIA Up to Ringgit 1 000 000 each for both owner and master, Ringgit 100 000 for each crew member NO Vessel, gear and catch: Court may order.
MALDIVES ISLANDS From R 100 000 up to 1 000 000 or other sum not exceeding vessel cost NO Gear and gains from catch: confiscated.
MALTA Pounds 4 000 3 months on second offence Vessel, gear and catch: Court shall order.
MAURITANIA Unspecified 6 to 12 months for the Master Vessel, gear and catch: Automatically confiscated on decision of Minister for Fisheries without appeal possible.
MAURITIUS 200 000 rupees(new legislation under consideration) Up to 5 years Vessel, gear and catch: Court may order.
MEXICO From 2 000 up to 20 000 times the minimum wage, doubled on second offence NO Vessel, gear and catch: seized (admin. priced.), eventual concurrence of penalties with fines.
MOROCCO Up to 50 GRT: DH150 000 to DH1 000 000; 51 to 100 GRT: DH1 100 000 to DH1 500 000; 101 to 200 GRT: DH1 600 000 to DH2 000 000; 201 to 500 GRT: DH2 250 000 to DH3 500 000; More than 500 GRT: DH4 000000 to DH8 000 000;
In addition administrative fine amounting to triple of licence fee payable.
1 month up to 1 year (double for second offence) or both fine and imprisonment, at Court's discretion. Gear and catch: Court may order on first offence.
Vessel, gear and catch: Court shall order on second offence.
MOZAMBIQUE From M 100 000 000 NO Gear and catch: forfeited on decision Secretary of State for Fisheries.
MYANMAR Unspecified Up to 10 years Vessel, gear and catch: Court may order.
NAMIBIA R 1 000 000 No imprisonment without option of a fine Vessel, gear and catch: Court shall order.
NAURU A$ 10 000 - A$ 100 000 (owner and master); $ 5 000 (crew member) 1 year (owner/master) 6 months (crew member) Vessel, gear and catch: Court shall order.
NETHERLANDS Sanctions according to criminal legislation in force    
NEW ZEALAND -Criminal penalty: up to NZ $ 100 000 from each master and owner (for crew NZ$ 5 000);
-Administrative penalty: not more than 1/3 of maximum criminal penalty
NO Vessel: forfeited on conviction. Gear and catch: Court shall order.
NEW ZEALAND Dependent Territories      
- Tokelau NZ$ 100 000 on summary conviction (each owner and master); for crew up to NZ$ 5 000 NO Vessel, gear and catch: Court may order.
NEW ZEALAND Associated States      
- Cook Islands Up to NZ$ 500 000 NO Vessel and gear: Court shall order
- Niue Up to NZ$ 450 000 (owner, charterer and master); up to $ 5 000 (crew members) NO Vessel, gear and catch: Court shall order.
NICARAGUA Up to US$ 15 000 NO Gear and catch: Court may order.
NIGERIA N. 5 000 per day (for operating motor fishing boat in Nigerian territorial waters) 1 year Vessel, gear and catch: Court may order.
NORWAY Unspecified NO Vessel, gear and catch: Court may order.
OMAN R. 60, double on second offence NO Vessel, gear and catch: Court may order on third offence.
PAKISTAN Up to Rupees 10 000 000 Up to 5 years Vessel, gear and catch: Court shall order.
PALAU -Criminal penalty: up to US$ 50 000
-Civil penalty: up to US$ 75 000 per violation
NO Vessel, gear and catch: Court may order.
PANAMA From B 10 000 to B 100 000 NO Vessel: forfeited on second offence. Catch: forfeited.
PAPUA NEW GUINEA From K. 2 000 up to K. 10 000 (upon conviction on indictment) Up to 1 year (in addition or instead of fines) Vessel: forfeited on conviction. Gear and catch: Court shall order.
PERU For unlicensed vessels: from 1/2 up to 5 000 UIT plus fines prescribed in relevant specific fisheries plans NO Catch: confiscated
PHILIPPINES From P 2 000 to P 100 000 From 6 months to 10 years or both fine and imprisonment at Court's discretion Vessel, gear and catch: summarily confiscated administratively without prejudice to any civil or criminal action that may be taken against owners and/or operators.
POLAND Zloty 25 000 to 1 000 000 Up to 2 years Vessel, gear and catch: Court may order.
PORTUGAL From PTE 1 000 000 up to PTE 5 000 000; fines doubled for offences in territorial sea and may be tripled in cases of negligence. NO Gear and catch: Court shall order.
QATAR Up to 5 000 Riyals Up to 1 year Vessel, gear and catch: Court may order on third offence.
ROMANIA From Lei 100 000 up to Lei 10 000 000 (payable in convertible currency) according to the nature and extent of contravention. NO Vessel, gear and catch: Court may order in particularly serious situations.
RUSSIAN FEDERATION Up to 10 000 rubles (administrative procedure)
Up to 100 000 rubles (judicial procedure)
NO Vessel, gear and catch: Court may order.
ST. CHRISTOPHER AND NEVIS Up to $ 300 000 NO Vessel gear: Court may order. Catch: Court shall order.
ST. LUCIA $ 5 000 NO Vessel and gear: Court may order. Catch: Court shall order.
ST. VINCENT AND GRENADINES $ 5 000 NO Vessel gear: Court may order. Catch: Court shall order.
SAO TOME AND PRINCIPE Db 500 - 1 000 (artisanal fishing);
Db 50 000 - 100 000 (semi-industrial fishing);
Db 50 000 - 100 000 pa GT (non-tuna pelagic fishing);
Db 70 000 - 150 000 pa GT (tuna fishing); All fines payable in convertible currency
NO Vessel: may be sold if fines not paid in 30 days.
Catch: seized and forfeited.
SAUDI ARABIA Riyals 10 000 Up to 6 months  
SENEGAL FCFA 50 000 000 up to 150 000 000; for fishing in contravention of terms of applicable access agreement: FCFA 20 000 000 up to 50000 000, fines are doubled in cases of repeat offenders or flight Up to 3 years Vessel and catch: Court may order.
SEYCHELLES Rs 10 000 Up to 2 years for breach of licence conditions Vessel gear: Court may order.
Gear: Court shall order.
SIERRA LEONE Up to US$ 300 000 on conviction for breach of regulations NO Vessel, gear and catch: Court may order.
SINGAPORE Up to $ 1 000 for unlicensed gears. Up to 1 year (from 3 months up to3 years for prohibited use of trawl net) Vessel, gear and catch: Court may order.
SOLOMON ISLANDS SI$ 250 000 NO Vessel, gear and catch: Court may order.
SOMALIA -From Sosh 10 000 to 50 000 for small boats with engines (HP 6 - 100);
-From Sosh 1 7000 000 to 4 000 000 or equivalent in foreign currency for boats with engines (101 HP and above);
-From Sosh 5 000 000 to 50 000 000 for very serious offences.
No, on first offence Vessel: Court may order on second offence.
Gear and catch: Court may order.
SOUTH AFRICA From R 250 000 up to R 1 000 000 Up to 7 years Vessel: Court may order on second offence.
Gear and catch: Court may order.
SPAIN From Pes. 1 000 000 up to 4 000 000 (not to exceed 35% of value of boat and gear) NO  
SRI LANKA Up to Rps.1500 000 NO Vessel, gear and catch: Court shall order.
SUDAN Up to LS 50 Up to 3 months Vessel, gear and catch: Court may order.
SURINAME Up to Guilders 500 000 Up to 6 years Vessel: Court has power to confiscate "objects used to commit offence".
Gear and catch: Court may order.
SWEDEN From SEK 100 to SEK 1000 pa H.P of vessel 6 months Vessel, gear and catch: Court shall order.
SYRIAN ARAB REPUBLIC Twice the amount of annual licence fee; double on second offence One month on second offence Catch: Court shall order.
TANZANIA From US$ 250 000 up to US$ 500 000 From 6 months up to 2 years Vessel, gear and catch: Court shall order on conviction.
THAILAND Up to 2 000 Baht 1 year Vessel, gear and catch: Court may order.
TOGO From CFAF 120 000 up to 1200 000, fine doubled on second offence On second offence from 15 days to 3 months Vessel: Seized if offence committed within 12 mile zone.
Gear and catch: Court shall order on second offence.
TONGA For unlicensed fishing: up to T$ 500 000 (from each the master owner and charterer) NO Vessel catch and gear: Seized.
TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO For unauthorized vessels:
$ 50 000 (for offences in EEZ)
$ 10 000 (for offences in territorial sea)
NO (for offences in EEZ) 6 months (for offences in territorial sea) Vessel, gear and catch: Court shall order.
TUNISIA For unauthorized vessels and prohibited fishing gears and methods: Dinars 1000 to100 000, fine doubled on second offence From 2 months up to 2 years (doubled on second offence) Vessel, gear and catch: seized by Administrative Authority, then Court may order confiscation.
TURKEY Fines to be determined by Court 2 to 4 years Vessel, gear and catch: seized.
TUVALU A$ 100 000 on conviction NO Vessel, gear and catch: Court may order.
UKRAINE From 500 to 1500 min. salaries (Admin. procedure); from 1500 to 7500 min. salaries (on second offence) NO Gear and catch: confiscated;
Court may order on second offence
UNITED ARAB EMIRATES Darhams 1 000, double on second offence NO Vessel, gear and catch: Court may order on third offence.
UNITED KINGDOM Up to Pounds 50 000 on summary conviction NO Gear and catch: Court may order.
UNITED KINGDOM Dependent Territories      
- Bermuda Up to US$ 50 000
Double on second offence
Up to 1 year
Double on second offence
Vessel: Court may order.
- British Virgin Islands Up to US$ 10 000 on summary conviction Up to 1 year Up to 1 year Vessel, gear and catch: Court may order.
- Cayman Islands Up to $ 500 for unlicensed taking of coral, algae, sponge, turtle egg, hermit crabs Up to 6 months Vessel and gear: Court may order.
- Pitcairn, Henderson, Ducle and Oeno Islands Up to NZ$ 100 000 NO Vessel, gear and catch: Court may order.
- Turks and Calcos US$ 50 000 1 year Vessel, gear and catch: Court shall order upon conviction.
- Montserrat EC$ 100 000 NO Vessel, gear and catch: Court may order.
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA -Criminal penalty: up to $ 100 000
-Civil penalty: up to $ 25 000
NO Vessel, gear and catch: Court may order.
U.S.A. Associated States      
- Federated States of Micronesia -Criminal penalty: up to US$ 800 000
-Civil penalty: US$ 5 000 000, or more in case of gross violation
NO Vessel, gear and catch: Court may order.
- Marshall Islands -Criminal penalty: up to US$ 750 000
-Civil penalty: up to US$ 1 000 000
NO Vessel, gear and catch: Court may order.
URUGUAY Fine calculated according to seriousness of infraction from 5% to 50% of value of vessel and cargo NO Gear and catch: Court may order on first offence.
Vessel, gear and catch: Court shall order on second offence.
VANUATU Up to 20 000 000 Vatu (each master, owner and charterer) NO Vessel and gear: Court may order. Catch: Court shall order.
VENEZUELA B 50 - 10 000 NO  
VET NAM Up to VN Dong 10 000 and criminal penalties for repeated offences or serious consequences NO  
WESTERN SAMOA Up to Tala 1 000 000 (for each owner and charterer) master NO Vessel, gear and catch: Court may order.
YEMEN Up to Rials 120 000   Up to 2 years Vessel, gear and catch: Court may order.
YUGOSLAVIA (Serbia and Montenegro) NO INFORMATION    
ZAIRE 20 000 Z. Up to one month Vessel, gear and catch: Court may order.


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