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Table A: -Limits of territorial seas, fishing zones and exclusive economic zones-

*Suriname 12 mi (1978) - 200 mi (1978)

Table B: -Licence fees, bilateral agreement or joint venture requirements and nationality criteria-

STATE Licence fees, royalties and others local currency Requirements concerning bilateral framework agreements or joint venture participation Nationality criteria for fishing vessels
Fees to be determined by the Minister after consultation with the Council.
(Decree of 31 December 1989 regulating the area of Sea Fisheries, art. 19)
-Fees = S. Fls. 10 000 per vessel per annum.
Reciprocal fishing agreement with Guyana of April 1979
Agreement with Venezuela of 1986
Venezuelan fishermen may buy 35% of their catch (longline and shrimp fishing) - payment in US bonds = US$1 250/vessel (for longliners) and US$ 5500 per vessel (for shrimp trawlers).
Licence may only be issued to owner or operator of a foreign fishing vessel if international agreement governing fishing in the zone is in force with the country where vessel is registered.
(Decree of 31 December 1980 regulating the area of Sea Fisheries, art. 2(1 ))
Agreement with Venezuela of 1986, valid through July 1988
Establishment of joint ventures to be encouraged. (Art. 7)
-Suriname fishing vessel defined as a fishing vessel which (a) is owned at least 50% by Suriname nationals or at least 25% by Surinamese nationals and at least 50% by residents of Suriname; (b) regularly moors or will moor in Suriname; (c) has an owner established in Suriname and registered as such on the Register of the Chamber of Commerce and Factories.

Table C: -Coastal State requirements for foreign fishing-

STATE Foreign fishing vessel licence conditions
(other than reporting requirements) including observers, bonds, etc.
Logbook, and reporting requirements foreign fishing
-Licence conditions may include restrictions on species and methods of fishing. (Art. 14)
-Identification marks. (Art. 9)
(Regulations under the law extending Suriname jurisdiction 7 May 1978)
-Foreign fishing vessels are classified as "foreign fishing vessels permitted to enter Suriname" (FFVPES) or as "alien fishing vessels" (AFV). (Arts. 4 and 5)
-A FFVPES is defined as a vessel mooring or intending to moor regularly in Surinam, whose operator has an office in Suriname, is registered with Chamber of Commerce and Factories, and ensures catch is largely processed in Suriname. (Art. 4)
-FFVPES must be registered on Central Fishery Register Part C, maintained by Harbour Master. (Art. 6)
-Owner or operator or FFVPES to inform Harbour Master of anything that is likely to result in modification of register entry. (Art. 12)
-Minister to announce in January of each year the maximum number of licences to be issued to Surinamese vessels and to FFVPES and AFVs, as well as general conditions of licences, including allowable means and methods of fishing, mesh sizes, seasons, zones, minimum fish size, maximum catch, reporting requirements, and any applicable special conditions. (Art. 17)
-Licences valid for maximum of I year and non-transferable; copy of licence to be carried on board. (Art. 22)
-Alien Fishing Vessels present in zone must fly flag of registry. (Art. 11)
Controls over transit by unlicensed fishing vessels:
-If AFV or other alien vessel from which fishing is possible, is present in fishery zone without a licence, person in charge of that vessel is guilty of an offence, unless it can be proved that vessel was in direct transit or that vessel was there for some other purpose related to navigation or to communication, recognized by international law. (Art. 28)
(Decree of 31 December 1980 regulating Sea Fishery)
Agreement between Suriname and Guyana of April 1979
-18 Guyanese trawlers allowed to catch 375 m.t. of shrimp; 2 Guyanese trawlers to harvest 500 m.t. of finfish.
-Fishing for shrimp authorized seawards the 19 fathoms isobath and for finfish seawards the 12 fathoms isobath.
-Chemical, toxic, explosive, or other harmful substances prohibited.
-Special provisions applying to artisanal fishermen, whose vessels (55 vessels under 1 m.t. and 30 vessels under 6 m.t.) may harvest 1 250 m.t. of finfish.
-Guyana authorities to provide information, including name, documents and photographs of vessels, name of operators, port of registry, maximum speed, capacity in tons, navigational equipment, facilities for preserving catch, types of fish processing equipment, etc.
-Vessels to display identification numbers according to detailed provisions about size, position, etc.
-Minimum mesh size specified.
Agreement between Suriname and Venezuela, 1986, valid through July 1988
-Licence only available for vessels which are owned by Venezuelan citizens.
-For longliners:
- licence includes name of vessel, name of owner or charterer, horsepower of vessel and other technical characteristics of vessel and gear;
- maximum of 100 licences issued by Suriname;
- 25 meters maximum length;
- maximum HP 400 and maximum vessel capacity of 40 tons;
- no fishing permitted between isobath 30 meters and the coast;
- maximum crew of 10 fishermen, including master.
-For shrimp trawlers:
- same licence conditions as above, plus name of local agent in Suriname;
- maximum of 16 licences issued by Suriname;
- 30 meters maximum length;
- maximum HP 450 and maximum vessel capacity of 40 tons;
- no fishing allowed between isobath 45 meters and the coast.
-Other conditions for all vessels:
- licence to be kept on board;
- no use of explosives, poisons, or other noxious substances;
- local landing of entire catch in Surinamese ports;
- no transhipment;
- mesh size specifications. (Annex 5)
-Venezuelan vessels to be marked as required by Surinamese authorities.
Agreement between Suriname and Guyana, April 1979
-Vessels required to report upon entering and leaving the economic zone.
-Daily report of position.
-Fishing log to be maintained.
-Information to be compiled for each trip and to be submitted to Guyanese authorities at end of every 3 month period.
Agreement between Suriname and Venezuela, 1986, valid through July 1988
-Vessels required to report when entering and leaving the EEZ.
-Daily report of position.
-Fishing log to be completed and submitted within 72 hours of entry into port.

Table D: -Compliance control and reporting conditions-

- For key to alphabetical code see page preceding this table.
- Numbers represent periodicity of reports(in days / hours) or deadlines For submission of reports; W = weekly; D = daily; M = monthly; R = on request .
% = Reports must be made every 3 days for vessels from Norway, Sweden and Faroes when fishing for herring, weekly when fishing for other species .
O = Logbook to be filled out(radio report to be made) after every fishing operation .
* = Country is a part to the South Pacific FFA arrangement which stipulates that licences will not be issued to foreign fishing vessels unless those vessels are listed in good standing on the FFA - maintained regional register of fishing vessels .


A . Vessel to bear specified identification markings
B . Licence / permit to be carried on board
C . Vessel to board observers as required
D . Vessel to submit fishing plan
E . Vessel to put in for port inspections on entry / departure from zone
F . Vessel to carry specified position fixing equipment / transponders
G . Vessel owners to appoint local legal agents
H . Flag state to appoint national representative
I . Vessel to post performance bond / guarantee / deposit
J . Vessel to carry interpreters
K . Vessel to Seek prior authorization for transhipments
L . Vessel to stow gear while in area where not authorized to fish
M . Requirements concerning local landing / processing of catch
N . Requirements concerning protection of local fisheries / gear
O . Requirements concerning employment / training of coastal state nationals in crew


P . Reporting on or prior to entry into the zone
Q . Reporting on or prior to departure from the zone
R . Reporting on commencement or cessation of fishing operations
S . Reporting on or prior to entry into coastal state ports
T . Timely reporting on position
U . Timely reporting on catch and effort
V . Maintenance of fishing logs .
W . Submission of logbooks / catch reports : - on request / as required / at specified intervals
X . Submission of logbooks / catch reports : - on entry into port
Y . Submission of logbooks / catch reports : - on / after completion of voyage / end of permit
Z . Controls over transitting of zone by unlicensed foreign fishing vessels

SURINAME X X         X   X       X X   X X     XD   X   X X X

Table E: -Penalties for unauthorized foreign fishing-

SURINAME Up to Guilders 500 000 Up to 6 years Vessel: Court has power to confiscate "objects used to commit offence".
Gear and catch: Court may order.


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