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4.8 DDT (021) (R)


DDT was first evaluated in 1966 and has been reviewed several times since. The 1993 and 1994 Meetings proposed ERLs for carrots, eggs, meat and milks and confirmed the existing ERL for cereal grains. The 1995 CCPR was informed that additional data on residues in meat were available from Australia, New Zealand and the USA and decided to keep the proposal for meat (1 mg/kg in the fat) at Step 3 pending the evaluation of these data by the 1996 JMPR. The 28th Session of the CCPR (1996) advanced all ERLs except that for meat to Step 8. The existing temporary CXL for meat (from mammals other than marine mammals) is 5 mg/kg (fat).

The Meeting received data on residues in meat from national residue surveys in Australia, Germany, New Zealand, Norway, Thailand, the UK and the USA.

In all, 162,102 samples of meat fat were analyzed in Australia, Germany, Norway, Thailand, the UK and the USA, and residues above 1 mg/kg were found in 85 samples (0.05%). Residues found in New Zealand were of another data population: 1.6% of the 4682 samples analyzed (lambs, adult sheep, adult bovines, suckling calves, pigs, deer and goats) were higher than the proposed ERL of 1 mg/kg, 0.53% were higher than 2 mg/kg and 0.04% higher than 5 mg/kg.

On the basis of the data on residues received from the government of New Zealand, the Meeting concluded that the temporary CXL of 5 mg/kg for meat (fat) should be confirmed.

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