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Logging and Utilisation of Poplar Wood

Number Title

FO:CIP:N/96/1 Cellulose content and the main characteristics of wood fibre of the Populus euramericana (DODE) Guinier Robusta, RO 16, I-214 and Sacrau-79 obtained in Danube valley and Danube delta, Romania - V.Benea.,V.S.Muntean.

FO:CIP:N/96/2 Producción de tabillas para la fabricación de lápices a partir de rollizos de álamo - A.D.Calderón.

FO:CIP:N/96/3 The comprehensive utilisation of fast growing poplar in wood based

panels industry - Y. Hua., D.Zhou., Z.Hong., X.Lu.

FO:CIP:N/96/4 A value added utilisation of poplar in Hungary - Z.S.Kovács., E.Lang., V.Szabadhegyi.

FO:CIP:N/96/5 Wood quality of white willow - A. Leclerq.

FO:CIP:N/96/6 Studies on determination of properties and workability of poplar resulted from natural growing stands and from plantations - C.Nutescu., M.Stan., G.Budáu.

FO:CIP:N/96/7 Particularities of poplar timber drying - research on the effect of air parameters - the best drying conditions - O. Zeleniuc., Ene Neagu.

FO:CIP:N/96/8 Comportamiento de la madera de distintos clones del género Populus L. sometida al tratamiento de vacío-presión con sales hidrosolubles - M.Otano., G.D.Kiel., R.M.Marlats., M.L. Luna.

FO:CIP:N/96/9 Wood properties of Hungarian poplar clones - I.Peszlen., S. Molnar.

FO:CIP:N/96/10 Wood based panels production and poplars utilisation in Hungary - S.Tóth.

FO:CIP:N/96/11 Distribution and quantification of tension wood in poplar shoots - B.Jourez., A. Leclercq.

FO:CIP:N/96/12 Economic return of cultivation of genetically superior poplar clone in Punjab - D.S.Sidhu.

FO:CIP:N/96/13 Salix nigra Marsh.: Modelo estatico para la comparation economica de densidades de plantacion en el delta Bonaerense - G.Denegri., R.M.Marlats.

Poplar Diseases

FO:CIP:D/96/1 Poplar disease situation in South Africa - N.Anselmi.

FO:CIP:D/96/2 Diseases on poplar in central Europe - G. Bohŕr.

FO:CIP:D/96/3 An overview of the diseases of poplars including newly introduced ones in Northern India - M.D. Mehrotra., P.C. Pandey.

FO:CIP:D/96/4 Comportement des cultivars peupliers commercialisables dans L'Union Europeenne vis a vis de quelques parasites majeurs - J.Pinon.,

A. Valadon.

FO:CIP:D/96/5 The reaction of two poplar root rot agents to high salt levels -

N. Anselmi.

FO:CIP:D/96/6 AFLPTM molecular markers for resistance to Melampsora larici populina in poplar - M.T.Cervera., M.Steenackers., V.Strome., J.Gusmáo., A.van den Broeck., M.van Montague., W.Boerjan.

FO:CIP:D/96/7 Absence of pathotypes of Marssonina brunnea in Greece -

S. Diamandis., C. Perlerou.

FO:CIP:D/96/8 The influence of some ecological factors on the incidence of Rosellinu necatrix Prill - A.Giorcelli., G.Nicolotti., L.Vietto.,G.P.Cellerino.

FO:CIP:D/96/9 Susceptibility of 25 poplar clones to Marssonina brunnea (Ell. et Ev) P.Magn. stem pustules - A.Valadon, V.Breton.

FO:CIP:D/96/10 Poplar resistance to poplar ulcer disease in Henan province - Y.S.Xiang., R.Goulan., Z.Teming., Y.Wang., S. Ruixiang.

Poplar Insect Pests

FO:CIP:I/96/1 Entomological research in North American Populus and Salix : an overview - E.R.Hart., R.R.James., T.E.Nebeker., D.J.Robison., K.F.Raffa., M.A.Wagner.

FO:CIP:I/96/2 Resistance behaviour to Phleomyzus passerini of some recently selected Italian poplar clones - G.Allegro., F.Picco., B.Bianco.

FO:CIP:I/96/3 Quantitative survey of poplar resistance to Chrysomelid - S.Augustin.

FO:CIP:I/96/4 Tiphia popilliavora protection - A.Hou., F.Hou.,Y.Shun., X.Yang.

FO:CIP:I/96/5 Study on the biological character of Tiphia popilliavora - A. Hou., L.Wang., Y.Zhang.

FO:CIP:I/96/6 Nectariferous and polleniferous plant species special for Tiphia popilliavora - A.Hou., G.Zhoa., F.Wang.

FO:CIP:I/96/7 Lisothrips crassipes Jabl. poplar pest in Northeastern Croatia - B.Hrasovec., O.Lovas.

FO:CIP:I/96/8 Volatile attractivity of ash leaf maple (Acer negundo L.) to Anoplophora glabripennis Motsch - Y.Luo., J.Huang., J.Wang.

FO:CIP:I/96/9 Evaluation of infestations by the poplar clearwing moth Paranthene tabaniformis Rott. - L.G.Moraal

FO:CIP:I/96/10 Status of insect pests of poplars in Hungary - J.Tóth

Poplar Breeding

FO:CIP:BR/96/1 Status of Populus euphratica and proposals for its conservation - J.Ball., L.Russo., L.Thomson.

FO:CIP:BR/96/2 Caracteristiques phenotypiques des ressources genetiques peupliers autochtones (Populus alba L., Populus x canescens Sm., Populus nigra L., Populus tremula L.) - M.Filat., V.Benea.

FO:CIP:BR/96/3 Communities of Populus nigra and Salix alba along watercourses - importance, dangers, preservation strategies using the Eder floodlands in Germany as an example - H.Holzberg., H.Weisgerber.

FO:CIP:BR/96/4 DNA polymorphism and genetic differentiation of Populus cathayana - K.Li., M.Huang., H.Li., Q.Zhouge., H.Pan., Z.Yang., M.Wang., F.Huang.

FO:CIP:BR/96/5 Study on origin of Populus tomentosa Carr. - K.Y. Li., M.R.Huang H.X.Pan., Q.Zhuge., H.G.Li., M.X.Wang.

FO:CIP:BR/96/6 The genetic variability and phytogenetic relationship of Populus ussuriensis Kom. and its relatives - X.Su, Q.Zhang., W.Zhang., Z.Bian., L.Zsuffa., D.Lin.

FO:CIP:BR/96/7 Population structure of Salix viminalis L. in the west part of its range - J.Thorsen.

FO:CIP:BR/96/8 Micropropagacion de Populus sp. en mendoza - J.A.Bustamante.

FO:CIP:BR/96/9 Application of anther culture method for poplar improvement in Hungary - L.E.Heszky., J.Kiss., J.Gergácz., K. Mázik -Tökei.

FO:CIP:BR/96/10 Protoplast regeneration from different explants sources of Populus sp. - L.Ionita.

FO:CIP:BR/96/11 Biodegradable plastic production from poplars by biotechnology - Noh Eun Woon., Lee Jae Soon., Lee Jae Hwa., Han Mu Seok., Noh Eui Rae.

FO:CIP:BR/96/12 Marcadores RAPD para la identification de especies de Populus - N.Sanchez., J.M.Grau., A.Bueno.

FO:CIP:BR/96/13 Use of RAPD to estimate hybridisation in Salix alba and Salix fragilis - L.Triest., Greef., Bond., D.van den Bossche., M. d'Haeseleer.

FO:CIP:BR/96/14 Predisposition to decline of some poplar clones in relation to drought resistance - N.Anselmi., G.P.Cellerino., G.Nicolotti., P.Puccinelli

FO:CIP:BR/96/15 Etudes _cophysiologique dans les cultures des osiers et des peupliers - I. Catrina.

FO:CIP:BR/96/16 Mejoramiento de sauces para el delta argentino - resultados preliminaires de nuevas progenies - T. Cerrillo.

FO:CIP:BR/96/17 Precautions in exchange of Populus germplasm - J.P.Chandra.

FO:CIP:BR/96/18 Study on plant regeneration from Populus deltoides Bartr explant transformed with Bacillus thuringiensis toxin gene - Y.Chen., L.Li., Y.Han., Y.Tian.

FO:CIP:BR/96/19 Genotype specific differences in drought tolerance of poplars in relation to absicic acid - S.Chen., S.Wang., A.Altmann., A.Hüttermann.

FO:CIP:BR/96/20 Effect of NaCl on three poplar genotypes: I. growth responses - L.E. Fung., S.Wang., A.Altmann., A.Hüttermann.

FO:CIP:BR/96/21 Effect of NaCl on three poplar genotypes : II. Uptake of Cl_. Na+.and Ca2+ ions - L.E.Fung., H.Ma., S.Wang., A.Altmann.,A.H_ttermann.

FO:CIP:BR/96/22 Salicin - a new objective in willow breeding - K.Gebhardt., H.Weisgerber.

FO:CIP:BR/96/23 The relationship between first order branch characteristics and growth, stem forms for Populus deltoides x Populus euramericana F1 clones - L.Hougen., H.Minren., W.Mingxiu.

FO:CIP:BR/96/24 Photosynthesis of Populus euphratica in saline soil - H.Ma., L.Fung., S.Wang., A. Altmann, A. Hüttermann.

FO:CIP:BR/96/25 Efecto de la temperatura yel contenido de humedad en la germinacion de semillas de sauce - H.Maroder., M.E.Urrutia., G.Facciuto., T.Cerrillo.

FO:CIP:BR/96/26 Populetum Mediterranum : informe de actividad - G. Mughini los Angeles Gras.

FO:CIP:BR/96/27 Breeding and conservation of genetic resources of black poplar (Poplulus nigra L.) in Turkey - F.Toplu.

FO:CIP:BR/96/28 Results of poplar breeding in Hungary - B.Tóth

FO:CIP:BR/96/29 Does response lag indicate drought tolerance in poplar clones ? - H.Xinsheng., W.ShiJi.

FO:CIP:BR/96/30 Studies on growth of double cross clones of Populus tomentosa Carr. - M.Yang., B.Pei., F.Zhang., Z.Zhu.

FO:CIP:BR/96/31 Cold tolerance variance of Populus cathayana Rehd. clones from different populations - Z.Yang., S.Wang., Y.Han.

FO:CIP:BR/96/32 Research advance in insect resistant breeding - H.Yifan.

FO:CIP:BR/96/33 A comparative study on growth and photosynthetic activity of different kinds of poplar seedlings - W.Yin.

FO:CIP:BR/96/34 A study on the relation between the seasonal changes of peroxidases activity and growth of poplar terminal buds - W.Yin.

FO:CIP:BR/96/35 A comparative study of growth of leaf, stem and root of different kinds of poplar seedlings - W.Yin.

FO:CIP:BR/96/36 Sapflow rate, stomal resistance and photosynthetic rate of two poplar clones grown under elevated CO2 levels - W.Yin., R.Ceulemans., I.Impens., S.Wang., X.Chen., X. Jiang.

FO:CIP:BR/96/37 Establishment of saline tolerant cell lines of Populus x xiaozhuanica cv. `Popularis-39'and the induction of somaclonal variant plant - Q.Zhang., W.Zhang.

FO:CIP:BR/96/38 Genetic variation within Populus ilicifolia Roleau. - P.Oballa., D.Meroka., B.Wambui., S.Wakori.

FO:CIP:BR/96/39 The study of genotype x environment interaction on poplar clones - I.Bach.

FO:CIP:BR/96/40 Comparison of the growing characteristics of some poplar clones on a large scale growing trial on the flood area of the river Tisza - G.Bagaméry., Z.S.Oláh., I.Bach.

FO:CIP:BR/96/41 Biometrical performances of the Populus x euramericana (Dode) Guinier, Populus deltoides Bartr and Populus trichocarpa Torr & Gray clones obtained in the main tributary valleys of the Danube river - V.Benea., M.Filat., L.Contescu.

FO:CIP:BR/96/42 Des clones de peuplier performants en sols Hors vallee - P. Bonduelle.

FO:CIP:BR/96/43 Estudio sobre comportamiento de clones de Populus sp. en la localidad de Villa Atuel, Mendoza - A.D.Calderon., R.I. Arreghini.

FO:CIP:BR/96/44 Ensayos de comparación de clones de chopo en la ribera del Río Carrión, provincia Palencia - H.M.G.Corbi., G.C.Bachiller., F.G.Antonanzas., J.L.Montoto.

FO:CIP:BR/96/45 Requerimiento de riego y producción de madera del Populus x euramericana cv. I-214 - N.Riu., R.I.Arreghini., N.Ciancaglini.

Biomass Production Systems for the Salicaceae

FO:CIP:BS/96/1 Studies on poplar cultivating techniques in short rotation period for papermaking timber - W.Jiuling., Z.Xin., X. Zuebing.

FO:CIP:BS/96/2 Studies on the biomass increase and distribution law for high quality poplar clones - S.Li., Y.Zhang., S.An.

FO:CIP:BS/96/3 Poplars as biological energy sources - B. Marosvölgyi., L.Halupa., I.Westergom.

FO:CIP:BS/96/4 Modelling biomass production of hybrid poplar - L.B. Szendrödy.

FO:CIP:BS/96/5 Selection of aborescent willow clones suitable for biomass production in Croatia - N.Komlenovi_, A. Krstini_., D.Kajba.

FO:CIP:BS/96/6 Poplar growing as an alternative form of land use - L.Erdös.

FO:CIP:BS/96/7 Poplar cultivation under agroforestry - B.C.Joshi.

FO:CIP:BS/96/8 Study on characteristics of water consumption of agroforestry - P.Meng., J.Zhang., Z.Song.

FO:CIP:BS/96/9 Using bioeconomic modelling for the design and evaluation of characteristic agroforestry systems - T.H.Thomas., R.W.Willis.

FO:CIP:BS/96/10 Poplars for farmers - an economist's view - T.Thomas., R.Willis., J.Winterbourne

FO:CIP:BS/96/11 Ensayos de cultivares de alamos con potencial agro-silvopastoril en la zona arida y semiarida central de la Republica Argentina - L.M.F. Vergara Avalos.

FO:CIP:BS/96/12 Influencia de las tecnicas de cultivo en el crecimiento y producción de choperas en la cuenca del duero plantadas a raiz profunda - F.G. Antonanzas., J.M.G.Corbi., J.L.M.Quinteiro.

FO:CIP:BS/96/13 On the growing features of Hungarian poplar varieties and their timber yield - E.Gabnai., B.Tóth.

FO:CIP:BS/96/14 Relationship between forest and groundwater - Z.Jaró ., J. Sitkey.


FO:CIP:MISC/96/1 Experiences on poplar growing in N E Hungary - G.Kovács.

FO:CIP:MISC/96/2 Salicáceas en la recuperación de la navegabilidad del Río Bio Bio -E.J.Matthei.

FO:CIP:MISC/96/3 Approaching poplar's functions in the improvement of environment in China's three north shelterbelt system - S.Wang.

FO:CIP:MISC/96/4 Willows in the Republic of Argentina - R.Arreghini., T.Cerrillo.

FO:CIP:MISC/96/5 Environmental aspects of the Sambro-Meuse poplar culture - P.Mertens.

FO:CIP:MISC/96/6 Establecimiento de Salicaceas en distintos mallines de la provincia de Santa Cruz - P.Peri.

FO:CIP:MISC/96/7 The specific of the principal forest station of the space existence of poplars - C.Rosu., F.Danescu., A.Surdu.

FO:CIP:MISC/96/8 Poplars and willows for soil erosion control in New Zealand - A.G. Wilkinson.

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